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HSO Deer Photo's

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Great pics everyone. Shot this one at last light last night. Blood trail was minimal, we were down to pin drops a couple of times. We were persistant though. My wife was a big help in tracking and helping me drag it out of the woods.



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After 10 openers on public land, all successful but last year I opted for my own property I bought 4 yrs ago, and have hunted after opening weekend the past 3yrs with some success with does and small bucks being seen. having guys 50 yrds away on buckets coming in at 9 and hearing beers open all afternoon got to be too much for me to bear even though i loved the public land spot. I spend endless hours building trails and food plots on my 80 acres and this brute came out opening morning at 9. Made all the hard work more than worth it! He weighed in at 190lbs and i figure it scored about 135 gross. My best buck ever by a long shot.


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I went out to my stand 1/2 an hour before shooting hours this morning. I sat until 11:30 without seeing a single deer. I decided to go take a lunch break and stretch my legs. I was on the way back to my stand by 12:30. As I walked to the stand I was looking for fresh tracks. As i walked into my shooting lane I saw 3 sets of tracks. 2 were a doe and fawn. The third set was different. It dwarfed the other tracks and was traveling alone. They walked right in my footprints for about 25 yards before turning south into the woods. I felt sick. I couldnt believe after all the time I had spent in the stand he had walked by while I was on lunch! I should have made a sandwich!

I crawled up into my stand still thinking about the missed opertunity. I tried to get it out of my head but it was nagging at me. I texted my hunting partner and told him what happened. I was more determined than ever to not leave the stand again during shooting hours!

At about 2:00 I saw the first deer of the day. A doe stepped into an opening about 230 yards to my east. I slid the gun onto the window ledge of the stand and looked at her through the scope. She looked my direction then over her shoulder before trotting off. That was my cue. I slipped the safety off and waited. A few seconds after she left I saw a huge rack walk out on the same trail. There was no need for second looks. He was a shooter! I put the crosshairs on the shoulder and squeezed of a shot. He dropped like a rock. I saw him flop once and trained the scope on the area waiting for a follow up shot. It wasnt needed. He dropped in his tracks. This was the 37th deer I had seen from my stand this rifle season. He weighed in at 185 pounds and has 26 points. 18-21 are scoreable (over an inch). His right brow tine was broken off and the G2 on the left side is just over 13". Inside spread is somewhat narrow at just over 16". But spread is just air and he more than makes up for it in mass and character!


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now thats a rugged st. louis county buck, get ahold of jerry fausone in gilbert and have it officially measured. i always put a trail camera next to my stand to see what i have missed when i'm not in it and it's nerve racking to look at the pictures sometimes, this year the big ones only came by in the dark. congratulations, buck of a lifetime!

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Well, went up 2nd weekend to our area with high hopes. Didn't get to our camp until almost midnight Thursday night and was up at 5 to head out to the stand. All I saw Friday was a doe that woke me up, and a big flipping timberwolf. Saturday I sat until 10:30 and decided to still-hunt through the falling snow. Stepped into a blowdown area and smelled a deer, literally. I stopped and just waited for a couple minutes and the doe took off out of her bed, while swinging on her I saw antlers and this guy came out. Two shots with the Tikka and he was down, and 4 hours later he was back in camp. Biggest buck of my life so far!



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