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Packers vs Vikings


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With Green Bay getting healthy and the improvement in the run game with Grant, Green, and Harris sharing carries, the return of Jordy Nelson and Greg Jennings, I don't see how the Vikings can stop the pack from putting up 30+ points. I predict Peterson will get around 125 yards and won't break the record and the Pack win this one easy.

Green Bay 34

Vikings 20

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Since it is in the dome, I am gonna say 14-10 Vikes in the forst half with Peterson running for one huge touchdown (80+ yards) giving him 125 yards in the first half, second half all green and gold baby, finaly score 42-14, with peterson ending the game with 187 yards. Boo birds will commence after the third interception thrown by Ponder on the vikes opening drive in the third quarter

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With Green Bay getting healthy and the improvement in the run game with Grant, Green, and Harris sharing carries, the return of Jordy Nelson and Greg Jennings, I don't see how the Vikings can stop the pack from putting up 30+ points. I predict Peterson will get around 125 yards and won't break the record and the Pack win this one easy.

Green Bay 34

Vikings 20

Most agreed that the Viking had zero chance of beating Houston and they destroyed them.

I have my doubts that the Vikings will win but they are playing very well and since it is in the Dome, I think one could flip a coin on the winner. Maybe a 63 yard field goal by Walsh.

My bet, the team with the ball at the end will win on a last minute score.

Green bay is beatable for sure.

I believe I heard the Vegas line is 3 points.

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I'm not sure who will win but I don't see a blow out either way. Even in Green Bay when the vikings were going through a terrible stretch the game was still close. Now with the game at the dome and the vikings playing better football I think it will be another close game.

It will be interesting to see if they Packers start resting guys later in the game or if they go 100% the entire game.

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I predicted a long time ago the Vikes would split with both Chicago and Green Bay...I'm sticking with that.

Viking's are tough in the Dome and it's going to be rockin....I look for Everson Griffin to have a huge game.

Vikes 27 Pack 24

If Frazier and Co. can actually get this team to 10 wins and a play-off birth with Ponder...he should be unanimously chosen as coach of the year. Hands down.

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I didn't think we would beat Houston but I still think we will win this one. We will beat the Fudge by 10. Rogers gets knocked out of the game by the Hillbilly in the 3rd quarter.

Lets speculate that Adrian does not break the record but gets his 2,000 yards and we make the playoffs. Does he get league MVP or do they give it to Manning or Brady?

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AP should get it although I don't think he will.

Without AP I think the vikings are a 3-4 win team at best. That means he accounted for at least 6 wins on his own.

Without Manning last year Tebow of all people was able to take the Broncos to the playoffs so that to me down plays how important Manning was to that team. In fact if Manning didn't take them to the playoffs and improve over what Tebow did then I think it would have been a dissappointing season for the Broncos.

In NE I think its more the scheme and coaching staff that turns that team into winners every season, no one player is responsible for it. Brady has had a good year just like Manning but I can't really pin any particular number of wins on Brady alone. They just seem to win every year no matter who is playing. Even Cassel looked like an MVP with NE, now he looks like a third string DIII player.

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Packers should win but, even as a Packer fan, I'm not totally confident. The Packers and Vikings are both peaking at the right times but with that said, both still have weaknesses. GB is soft against the run and still not running the ball great themselves. MN still isn't passing well (better, but not well) and can still give up passing yards too easily.

AP's only chance of winning the MVP is to break Dickerson's record while the Vikings simultaneously beat the Packers for a playoff birth on the strength of AP's 208+ yards. Those factors are the only things that could vault AP over Manning.

That said, I still think that Luck is the most valuable player to his team. They went from one win to a good playoff team.

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Nofishfisherman, Every successful Q.B. plays within a system tailored to his skill set and surrounded by skilled players. Joe Montana was once asked if he was a system Q.B. and he replied, "Yeah, I have 4 system super bowl rings." A Q.B. is only as good as the players around him not necessarily the system as proven by Cassell. Agreed that Peterson will get the MVP only if the Vikes make the playoffs. The Green Bay, Vikes game, in my opinion, is a wash.It should be decided by 1 big play by either team. I, for the life of me would have not thought the Vikes would be in a position to win 10 games, much less be in playoff contention this year so who knows maybe the Vikes surprise me once again.

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That said, I still think that Luck is the most valuable player to his team. They went from one win to a good playoff team.

I can see an argument for Luck or even RG3 over Manning and Brady this year. Both Luck and RG3 brought bad teams into playoff contention, Manning and Brady brought good teams back to the playoffs. Anything less from the Broncos or Patriots would have been a bad year.

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Wow I was way off last week!!(38-20) I'm gonna keep my streak going and say GB 56-9.

Seriously, if the D shows up again Rodgers could be wearing his a** for a hat.

Hope Walsh gets a chance at a game winner. One of the best stories of the NFL season.

Can't hardly bet against AP. I think we're all hoping Ponder doesn't [PoorWordUsage] it away for him(and obviously the team)

MOM field will be rockin for sure!!

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I would not be surprised to see the Packers win by more than 4 TD's. Frazier and the Vikings just don't put together good game plans against the Packers and they are not really built to take away what GB does well.

Obviously, you didn't see the 1st game they played this year.

I would say the game plan was dead on...too bad Ponder was just dead.

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The last game the Packers were without Jennings and Driver and Jordy Nelson went out on the second series. That's a lot of the offense right there not to mention that Brian Bulaga was out and TJ Lang went out in the second quarter.

On defense they were missing CJ Wilson, Clay Matthews, Woodson, and Sam Shields. Everyone's back now except Woodson and Bulaga.

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What the heck, I'll get in the mix......glad I don't have to bet my grandpa's favorite shotgun on this one. I pick the Pack to win, no predictions on score. Queens have more to play for, in a sense - we need to treat this one like a playoff win or go home game. Pride is on the line as well.

Should be one heck of a game to watch!

Go Pack.

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