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favorite deer gun

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i was just wondering what everybodies favorite deer hunting gun is. just to see who uses what. Also i was wondering how early do you get out to your stand in the morning before deer hunting opens

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I use a .243 Winchester that my Dad bought in the early 70's that he passed down to me.

It takes deer nicely, and I have no reason to upgrade or change. If its accurate, it will take deer down. Thats my thoughts.

As far as what time to get in the stand. We go out and set up 15 to 20 minutes before shooting time. We hunt private land, so there is no hurry to beat somebody to a spot fortuneately.

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I use a 30/30 lever action windchester model 90, added a side mount 3x9, work great for me. Would like a .270 wsm for longer shots though. Me I get out to my stand at least 45 to 1 hr before shooting. Our land is surrounded by public land. We get out before the yahoo's get out and drive the deer right to us. happy hunting and good luck this year.

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remington 700 adl 7mm. great deer gun. Ruger 300 mag. good gun great long range,but almost to much for short range deer hunting. Both topped with leupold vari III scopes

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My first four years of hunting i used a 30-30 and dropped a 4 and a 9 point. Then last year i bought a new 30-06 with a bushnell 3x9x40 and loved it. Got a 8 point so im not too sure what one is my favorite. My 30-30 because i shot my first deer with it or my 30-06 because i got my biggest deer with it. I also am in the stand at 6:30 or a little sooner every morning. if it were up to me i would be closer to 6:45 or so but i dont want anyone in my stand.

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Well, let's count, 7 guys in our normal group, 6 Remington 30-06's (3 auto, 2 pump, 1 bolt) and 1 300 WinMag. I used to use my dad's 30-40 Krag and liked it OK but he wanted to retire it from regular hunting.


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I have been using my Savage 270 for 15 years now. I have shot many deer with it and 3 of them over 300 yards. My dad was amazed at it's shooting ability that he had to retire his old 300 savage and buy one last year. My wife purchased a 270 and 243 two years ago. My next challenge is a hand gun deer kill. I have wanted to use a 357 for a couple of years now, and have it on my list for Santa.

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I have been using a Winchester mod 94 30-30 for the last 23 years. It was my grandfathers and I have had it dated to the mid to late 30's. I will pass it on to my son, I had to go for a new 30-30 with the extra safety for him to start with though.

Here's a pic of the first deer I shot with it. I was 13


Here's a pic of the last. Last year 35 tears old.


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My dad and I are gonna hunt in the same stand and have 3 different guns. a 7.62 rifle and a gun that shoots 257 roberts. then we have a 454 magnum that we borrowed to use if we get a deer to come close enough.

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I've been hunting with my .270 for about 6 years now and enjoy the caliber, having taken deer and antelope both with it. Although I don't like my gun because it is extrememly light and kicks like a mule if I'm sighting in. I plan to upgrade in quality but stick with the caliber when I am no longer a broke college student(who knows how long that will take)

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I shoot a .280 rem Browning A-bolt with a 3x9 Burris scope. I have been sooting it for 10 or more years now. I just love it. Works great up north and it is a perfect gun for the trips out west. I can't wait get back out to the Black Hills this year. That's where the big guns rule.

I try to get onto stand 1/2 hour to twenty minutes before legal shooting light. I'd like to get out there an hour before, but it never happens.

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Remington 870 12 gauge in shotgun zone

Remington 7400 30.06 in rifle zone

I get to my stand between 5:45 & 6:00, which gets me in 30-45 minutes before shooting light. I hunt private land, but near the junction of two other properties. It's important I be the first one there so I know when other hunters spook deer my way, plus I walk past several standers in my own party.

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The last couple of years I have used a Remington 742 carbine 30-06. It is an awesome gun. I usually get to the stand around 6:00 am. Just in time to let the woods settle down before first light.

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REM 1100. The history is more important than the gun. My dad used that gun and I looked at it all the time as a kid. I new I had "made it" when my dad came home and gave me my own rem 1100. WE both have the identical guns down to the hastings barrel. It is kind-o-sappy yes.

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I started out with an old sporterized Enfield 30.06. It performed very well for me for a long time. Graduated to a Mod. 70 .264 Win Mag. Loved the gun, but not the caliber. Bullet travel could be unpredictable after impact. Really hot, light load. Stayed with the model, but coupled the Mod 70 with the 30.06 and I'm not sure you can beat it for MN whitetails in a variety of hunting situations.

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I first started hunting with the old 30/30 but I hunt country where i have long shots. Now I use a 7mm mag and I love the knock down power and distance it allows me to shoot.I think most deer rifles are great but you really need to know your limitations with distace and also practice practice shooting and any gun that you choose will work great.

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Remington 1100-LT 20ga smoothbore front bead sight, its about as acurate as throwing a snowball at them but hey its managed to kill me 3 deer with 6 shots since i started to hunt when i was 12 so i guess i shouldnt complain.

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