upnorth Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 Here is tip that may get you through that nasty time when you are ready to light up. For about the 1st 6 mos or so after I quit(used the patch too), I kept a list of all the reasons I wanted to quit in my pocket. I read that list a couple times a day. And if it ever sounded like a good idea to light up, I read that list again. Freakin nicotine is a hard addiction to break and an addiction it is. Hang in there man it does get easier as you go. And if you are struggling try the patch or something to ease your way into this, not the time to be the tough macho guy. There are two addictions with smoking, the nicotine and the mental addiction of just lighting up and having a cigarette in your hand. The patch or nicotine gum helps with one while you deal with the other. Sugar free gum or something of that nature helps too. I chewed gum like a madman for the 1st 4 years, but do whatever it takes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Almquist Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 "Freakin nicotine is a hard addiction to break and an addiction it is."Could not have put it any better myself Upnorth Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Uran Posted July 9, 2009 Author Share Posted July 9, 2009 Me neither, it's a son of a you know what. But I took the first fishing trip last night smoke free! Felt really weird and I had the urge, i even started to reach in my pocket a couple of times but realized I had no smokes on me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iambjm Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 I quit a three pack a day habit in 1989 after a doctor told me I would never make it to 50 if I didn't quit. I was sick all the time and have done damage to my lungs. I went cold turkey, and yes it was tough but you couldn't pay me enough money to light up again. I am 62 now and I truly believe that if I hadn't quit I wouldn't be here now. So as the old saying goes "don't give up before the miracle happens" A lot of my friends lost big money betting I would never do it. Never once cheated. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BRULEDRIFTER Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 Leech, I chow down on sunflower seeds and toothpicks. I found some really intense minty toothpicks online. They are made with Tee Tree oil, mints and cinnamon. They are very intense, you get a nice cool tingle in your gums. You get used to them after a while and now I love 'em! Google them and order some. It helps!Seeds help a lot too, especially fishing! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Uran Posted July 9, 2009 Author Share Posted July 9, 2009 I'm doing the altoids thing, and the orbits sugar free gum thing and it's helping. Those altoids are strong!!!!! I'll have to get me a bag of seeds too, that ought to help especially in the boat! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
straydog Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 I used commit lozenges and have been guit for about 4 years. Still think about it at leaste once a day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EBass Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 Way to go Leech and keep it up. Nice tip about the note in the pocket.15 years and cigs have me by the b@lls. I've tried quiting a few times, but um nope. I hate em, but love em. It's a twisted relationship and I know it's doing damage. I have chantrix, but I haven't opened the box. (I know - stupid) Saw on the news that chantrix increases suicide. Like my life isn't depressing enough, sheesh. So that was a deterrent. I gotta stop someday soon, but I know my mind set has to be ready and I'm not because I'm well, addicted/stupid/addicted/weak willed/addicted - quite the killer (literally) combo I tell ya. I juat have to,,,,,quit! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ozzie Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 they do say that there have been some cases where it causes deep depression but you just have to be aware of it so you can let them know and quit taking Chantix if this occured.....the whole thing though is to be aware that if you are getting depressed (more than usual) to quit taking it...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BRULEDRIFTER Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 I'm pretty sure those that off'd themselves on Chantix already had some major issues to begin with. I wouldn't let that deter you any longer. If you get even more depressed, quit taking it! I was the same though. I got my perscription and kept procrastinating until finally I started taking the pill. I kept smoking for almost 2 weeks into it to until I finally got the cajones to man up and not smoke. Once I did it, I realized.... Wow, that wasn't so bad, I think I'll try it again.....And again, not so bad. All ya need is a little bit of want and self control. But I too still really enjoyed smoking..... A LOT! I just knew I could no longer afford it and ever since the state started the new fire safe cigs that tasted like [PoorWordUsage], I couldn't handle it anymore.The pill works! Try it, what do ya got to lose!? If it don't work, oh well, at least ya tried it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kg2 Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 Good for you, leech! Hang in there.I started smoking in the 10th grade. (1983) I saw what smoking did to my father, but I was too weak to quit. I quit for almost a year in 1991, by switching habits over to chewing tobacco. (also a disgusting habit) I slipped back into smoking.I quit smoking every winter for the last 5 years, but I start up when I got the boat out. Smoking and fishing went together like cheese on a hamburger. I tried Wellbutrin, but it prevented me from sleeping.I tried quitting last fall. I made it about a week.I now have formerly nicotine stained fingers since Easter. I used nicotine gum for about a week. It gave me heartburn, but it did address the cravings. I am still smoke-free and couldn't be more proud of myself. People treat you differently when you have to excuse yourself for a smoke. God bless! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pickelfarmer Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 I'm doing the altoids thing, and the orbits sugar free gum thing and it's helping. Those altoids are strong!!!!! I'll have to get me a bag of seeds too, that ought to help especially in the boat! Good to see your still quit. I hate to say it but I have been chewing since I was 6 years old. I have quit twice. once for about 3 years and once for a year. I used the nic gum the second time and it worked for quiting. I think the thing you have to do is just NEVER and I mean NEVER have another smoke agian. I started chewing again both times by thinking I could have just one chew and it wouldn't hurt. WRONG!!! Hang in there and do what ever you have to do to stay quit but do not have another smoke. EVER,your done and thats that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Almquist Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 Me neither, it's a son of a you know what. But I took the first fishing trip last night smoke free! Felt really weird and I had the urge, i even started to reach in my pocket a couple of times but realized I had no smokes on me. When I was fishing I think that I smoked more then when I was drinking especially when I was pulling plugs at night but you will get over that with time and now you don't have to wash your hands every time you have had a smoke or at least that is what I always did. I always hated the thought that my bait would have that scent and that might be the reason the fish would not be biting. If the urge gets to bad get some Nicorette gum and just suck on it and only bite on it every couple of minutes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skee0025 Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 I have chantrix, but I haven't opened the box. (I know - stupid) Saw on the news that chantrix increases suicide. Like my life isn't depressing enough, sheesh. So that was a deterrent. I gotta stop someday soon, but I know my mind set has to be ready and I'm not because I'm well, addicted/stupid/addicted/weak willed/addicted - quite the killer (literally) combo I tell ya. I juat have to,,,,,quit! Open the box! I smoked a pack a day for 20 years. I used that stuff and was free and clear in less than a month. The first weeks a tuff one! I never experienced any side effects that some have claimed, no strange dreams, no thoughts of harming myself. If you want to quit than use it. look at it this way, if you take it and get twitchy, stop taking it. You can take it and maybe on a slim chance think of offing yourself, or dont try it and let cancer get you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryce Posted July 9, 2009 Share Posted July 9, 2009 25 years of copenhagen and the Chantix cured me. I enjoyed the vivid dreams. Still have the urge but only 4 months into it. Know I would be addicted again by even tempting one little chew. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Walleye Guy Posted July 10, 2009 Share Posted July 10, 2009 I am not a smoker so I cannot completely understand your situation. However I have two co-workers who were pack a day plus smokers who did the "breathe laser" therapy and both of them quit within a month.. Both declared it miraculous. The "Philly Dog" on KQ promotes the treatment. take that endorsement at face value. Its not an exactly a cheap treatment but seems to be successful for the people I know who have tried it.Good luck on your efforts. Its not an easy situation to overcome. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LwnmwnMan2 Posted July 10, 2009 Share Posted July 10, 2009 FWIW, my mother in law quit using Chantix a year ago last August, so almost 2 years.The following December (1 1/2 years ago) she had a heart attack.She said she should have never quit. We said that since she quit, it was just a minor one.Anyways, she's glad she quit now, as her hours have been cut by 1/3 at work and the cigs keep going up in price. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Uran Posted July 10, 2009 Author Share Posted July 10, 2009 I didn't want to be the guy who waits to quit until I had a heart attack or something like that! I keep thinking about that and it helps too. Everything I'm doing is connected to NOT SMOKING, it's weird how much not smoking consumes your life. But it'll be worth it once all this nonsense is over with. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glenn57 Posted July 10, 2009 Share Posted July 10, 2009 even though i quit twice this year already, helps when you get really sick, i am on the chantix and going to quit shortly. made up my mind both health and costs. so is my wife, ithink shes having a harder time. my issue with her is shes always got some excuse for not quitting but we will win.shantix works better IMO THan ziban that stuff made my wife not sleep for 4 days about 3 years ago. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wishing for walleyes Posted July 10, 2009 Share Posted July 10, 2009 I quit cold turkey last week of january this year.Girlfriend quit a week after i did.If i smell a lit cig my nose goes up in the air.They sure smell great yet.A negative to it is i can hardly stand givivg a co-worker a ride to work.I now can smell so good i realized he stinks kinda bad. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Uran Posted July 10, 2009 Author Share Posted July 10, 2009 I hear ya Glenn57 about the excuses. Heck everyone has them, I know I did while I was smoking, and I still hear them in my head. C'mon smoking isn't THAT bad.. But year right it was killing me. I still smell the "aroma" floating through the office now and then. Smells pretty good but I bet I smell better!!Good job wishin4walleyes, be proud of yourself for quitting, it takes a hell of a person to quit.. HA!! I can say that now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Grebe Posted July 12, 2009 Share Posted July 12, 2009 My advice for smokers trying to quit, keep telling yourself your gonna quit, keep thinking about how bad it is for ya, how much it costs, how nasty it smells and makes everything else smell, think of all the negatives, thats the first step. If you try and aren't successfull, give yourself a mental a$$ kickin for dropping the ball and then toe the line gain.What you are doing is conditioning your subconsciousness, because that is where the quitting is going to come from, the magic pill is inside a persons head. The gums, acupuncture, hypnosis, patches, etc. are all there as allies to the one thing that will get you through it, your brain.Make a game plan and attack the problem. When I quit smoking more then 30 years ago, I quit with a pack of Marlboros in my pocket....part of the mental chess match....if I wanted one, all I had to do was reach in and get one....made it easy for myself to show weakness instead of strength....nobody wants to show weakness. First time I went 2 days without a smoke, then I weakened, I lost a battle, but not the war....I mentally slapped myself around for being a minnow and went on. Second try lasted about 2 weeks, I wasn't quite as hard on myself as kind of a reward. Third try about 6 weeks and gave myself a few pats on the back that I wasn't a minnow after all, 4th try over 30 years! My mind grew stronger against it with every honest try. My wife smokes and has since we met. She just can't seem to wrap her mind around the quitting? She has tried all the stuff, but the real thing has to come from within and that hasn't happened. I believe some people are actually afraid to quit smoking? I keep after her about it, without much luck. Her sister died from lung cancer, probably caused by years of smoking. My sister is battling lung cancer right now. Both continue/d to smoke right into and even with the illness.It's a fight, but you can win if you attack, attack, attack, no defense, just offense, no excuses, if you get knocked down, get up, dust yourself off, grit your teeth, put up your dukes and wade back in! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Uran Posted July 13, 2009 Author Share Posted July 13, 2009 Well it's been over a week and I can honestly say the cravings have went WAYYYYY down. I think I might ahve actually shrugged that dirty dog off of my shoulders. Wheeeew. Anyone trying to quit take as much advice from as many people you can and be strong!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swamptiger Posted July 14, 2009 Share Posted July 14, 2009 I quit for seven years - from 1998 to 2005, and then started again. Don't really know why - I was in a bar one night having a few beers, and the person sitting next to me was smoking and it smelled really good so I bummed one, and then another... It's been a lifelong addiction for me (going on 40 years), and now it's getting to be a very expensive one, so I'm going to quit again (for good) one of these days, before my health goes. One thing I've learned is that you really have to want to quit, in order to be successful, so it's a good idea to make a list of reasons why you should, and keep it handy, like upnorth did. I used the Nicorette gum and kept cutting it into smaller and smaller pieces, and mixing it with sugarless gum until after about three weeks I had straight sugarless gum. And I chewed a lot of those little sugarless mini-mints. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
merkman Posted July 14, 2009 Share Posted July 14, 2009 Well it's been over a week and I can honestly say the cravings have went WAYYYYY down. I think I might ahve actually shrugged that dirty dog off of my shoulders. Wheeeew. Anyone trying to quit take as much advice from as many people you can and be strong!!!! If you aren't 100% sure you want to quit don't waste your time trying.You have to be darn strong and really want to quit.I smoked 2 packs a day and quit cold turkey.I kept a full unopened pack of cigs with me at all times.Whenever I craved one, I would grab the pack and tell myself that if I really wanted one I could open the pack and have one, but I don't want one. That really helped on the anxiety part for me. The first day was the worst.The first week was almost as hard as the first day.The second week was easier than the first week.Then I made a month. Then a year.And now 12 plus years later, I only crave them about twice a year.One other thing that helped me is when I thought I needed a smoke and someone else was smoking I would just wiff in one good lung full of second hand smoke and that would knock the craving out. I am not sure if that was cheating or not but it worked. lolIn the end you just have to be stronger than the cigarette.Think of the pain you went though over the last week and know if you quit you will have to face that again, either when you decide again or the Dr tells you to. Easier days are ahead just make the short term push to get though the pain now. It will get better. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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