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Major Storm "be Prepared"


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plan was to go to the cabin today and ride, then weather changed my plans. 3 hours this morning to shovel off my moms roof before the next storm, another 1 hour to prep my house for shovel later in the day, and a drive to the cabin to shovel that off. I did not bring my sled, thinking I needed to head back home after the cabin roof and deck. after checking the weather this morning saying 8-12 inches wet heavy snow starting sat morning. just checked the weather, now its starting later, afternoon, and less, only 6-10, I could have brought the sled and rode after all. my arms feel to sore to ride anyway.


its pretty sad when a snowmobilier has had enough with the snow already.?

Edited by knoppers
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Our predicted snow accumulations have been down graded quite a bit for the Little Falls area.  Spent the better part of the day moving snow and snow piles to make room for more and increase my odds for good run off when things melt.


Not complaining if we don’t get as much, that’s for sure.  But it has started to fall pretty good now.  4 hours later than predicted.

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6-7 inches in Little Falls.  Within the predicted amount but on the low end.  Still spent the better part of my day moving it off and away from our drive areas and from around the house.  Plus I blew a couple paths across the yard to the edge of the low ground hoping it’ll help with drainage.  Way too many 6’ tall piles around and I’m getting pretty concerned about the upcoming melt.  Starting to put the feelers out for a tracked skid steer to bucket it all back further from the drives.


***enough already****  ?

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