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Heck of a week for this young man!


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The week before this past my buddy Jake called me and asked if I minded if he brought his wife's "little cousin" out to my mo-in-law's place to bowhunt. I said "sure, go for it". Jake brought 15 year old Brodey out on that Thurs evening. They had a perfect night, weather-wise, and saw a few deer. With 45 minutes of light left Brody thought he heard something and looked down and behind his stand. There stood a 10 point buck, directly downwind of him. Brodey got turned, drawn, and made a fine shot on this buck. It bounded off and he lost sight of it not too far from his stand. After a short tracking job not long later Jake and Brody were standing over Brodey's buck. It's Brodey's second deer ever and by far his biggest (his first was a small forky, which he also shot at my mo-in-law's place). Here's a pic of Brodey with his buck.


I've spent enough time around Brodey to know he's a good kid. He's always been pleasant, happy, and appreciative- all traits that are easy to enjoy being around. Besides these things, Brodey is also one lucky guy! Brodey was drawn this year for one of ND's bighorn sheep tags. I think (but am not certain) that ND sells one tag and puts four out for lottery. As I understand it, the odds of drawing this tag are somewhere in the 1 in many, many thousands range. At the tender young age of 15 Brodey drew this tag. I'm told one of the first things Brodey said after finding out he drew was that he wanted to do the hunt with his bow. Awesome!

Brodey and a bunch of friends and family went out to Western ND last week and prepared for the hunt, which started last Fri. On Saturday morning Brody put a sneak on a very nice ram. He slowed down to a snail's pace as he closed in on the location he'd seen the band of bighorns and just before he got to where he thought they should be, he looked to his right to see the biggest ram of the bunch standing broadside at 15 yards away. Brodey drew, anchored, and shot as the ram turned. He hit it just beind the shouler- the arrow took out the onside lung, the liver, and angled back towards the back ham. The ram ran 30 yards and piled up.

I assume Brodey is the youngest person to fill this tag in ND (I don't know that for sure, but it's a safe assumption) and he's only the second person in the state to shoot a bighorn with a bow. Way to go Brodey!!!


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Note: Jake called me to inform me that "Brody" is actually spelled "Brodey", that Brodey is his wife's cousin, not nephew, and that he's 15, not 16. So... aside from missing those few little details I got the rest right! LOL laugh

I edited the original post accordingly...

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I was hoping you'd post this, Scoot. John called me on the Saturday of the hunt and could hardly talk he was so excited. He's very deserving of the deer and the ram. He's a great kid and gets a lot of grief at the club but he's worked his butt off this summer and it paid off. Congrats Brody!

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Awesome job Brody!!!

He'll be able to ride this "high" feeling till next hunting season!

A sheep (Dall) w/ my bow is at the top of my bucket list. Hope I get the chance some day!


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