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Wife's First Buck!

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One of my goals this year was to get my wife a shot at a buck. She shot a doe a few years back, but stand time has been really limited the past two years with two little ones at home. We sat 9/25 for our first sit together and had a nice doe come in, but that was it.


The stars aligned 10/3 and we were back on stand together at one of my favorite spots. It was warm, but the corn had just gone out and a huge cold front was approaching. I had that feeling. A long day with the kids and a little sun in the face had me taking a pic!


As the sun got lower and the air cooled, I could hear a deer approaching. We slowly poisitioned as a buck popped out 40 yds yds away. I looked over and saw her eyes light up - she was pumped! Here he is approaching our stand.


He took about 10 more steps and had his head down. A perfect time to draw!


Shot sequence at 6:45pm...





A clean miss - she shot right underneath him! The buck ran 20 yds and stopped to look back. He had no idea what happened. I let out a few soft grunts and she nocked another arrow. I've seen stranger things happen! He stood there for 15 minutes and finally slowly walked off. In the meantime we had a raccoon and a skunk come out to entertain us for a bit.


At this point, she was down in the dumps and upset with herself. She had a golden opportunity and failed to cash in. I explained how it happens to all of us and to be patient - it'll happen. Just when her spirits couldn't get much lower, we heard a deer approaching from the same area the buck had come from earlier. It was 7:10. Right away I could tell it was a buck and after a few steps, I could see it was the same buck as before! This time he worked downwind and came in through the brush. It was getting pretty dusky so I put the camera down and tried to play coach the best I could. I had her draw just as the buck was clearning some brush. She leaned out to clear a sapling and squeezed off the trigger. My bride instantly spun around and said "I got him!" I listened hard and heard him crash 10 sec later. Sweet!

We waited the typical 30 minutes to be safe, climbed down and retrieved the first arrow and began tracking. No arrow, but good blood right away. Followed the trail easily 50-60 yds and looked ahead and this is what we saw!


After deductions he'll probably just miss the book but she's thrilled and that's all that matters! smile He'll be pretty darn good eating too! Great job honey - I'm proud of you!



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Wonderful!!! Look at that smile! Congrats to your bride and for you getting out with her. I'm jealous as heck of you being able to hunt with your gal... Awesome job with the pics and congrats again!

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