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Ice Show


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Less than a week until the St. Paul Ice Show.

Who is going to attend and when will you be there?

Cannot wait, I am anxious to see all the new toys. I will be there Friday when the doors open.

[note from admin: not sure who changed topic. Matt Johnson cannot change subjects. Hopefully it is correct now-Please leave it that way.]

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going down Sat, hope to be there when the doors open. looking to buy a new flip over house. Do you think any of the vendors will let me take one out back to the river and test them. grin.gif (if there ice)

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I am usually one of the first ones through the gate when it opens!!! I take that day off from work using my only floating holiday. It has become sort of a religous holiday for me and my dad. We lost mom this year to cancer and I think I'll finally get my pop out there with me this year alot more than before. My big purchase this year is a GPS, and Dad even said he's pay half of a good permanent house!!! Still can't afford a good one, but nice to know options are open. Already getting antsy for the show, even antsier for ice!!! If me and dad get a perm, I'll have an old one for sale!!

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I am usually one of the first ones through the gate when it opens!!! I take that day off from work using my only floating holiday. It has become sort of a religous holiday for me and my dad. We lost mom this year to cancer and I think I'll finally get my pop out there with me this year alot more than before. My big purchase this year is a GPS, and Dad even said he's pay half of a good permanent house!!! Still can't afford a good one, but nice to know options are open. Already getting antsy for the show, even antsier for ice!!! If me and dad get a perm, I'll have an old one for sale!!

sorry about your mom, i lost my cousin to cancer this year also.

I am going friday after school until it closes, so around 4-9, prolly wont be enough time but at least i'll get to go for my first time, try and talk the old man into buying a gas auger.

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I'll more than likely be floating around the ice show Friday afternoon when I get off of work. I don't have too much to buy this year, I've been doing that for the last two months. Maybe I'll talk to Thorne Bros about a deadstick rod. Hmmm...that sounds like a good idea.

I think the trip to Cabelas will happen Saturday to get my free $30.00.

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I don't think I'll be able to attend. What a busy weekend. I have my union kids Christmas party that Saturday morning and my daughter wants to go to the monster trucks that saturday night. (I gotta put the kids first) Fridays out for me. Maybe I can sneak in Sunday morning.

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Here are the hours for the show at the St.Paul River Center.

Friday Dec 3rd. - 1pm. to 9pm.

Saturday Dec 4th. - 10AM. to 7PM.

Sunday Dec 5th - 10AM. to 5PM.

Hope to see some of you there. Look for me Friday by the JR's Tackle booth. 6'6" with my black JR's hat on. Feel free to stop me and introduce yourself.

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Why do all the shows have to be the weekend before I get paid? Sheesh. I made it last year but this year I don't know if I'll be able to make it or not. If I do, it will be Sunday. But I won't know if I have other celebratory plans for Sunday until the 4th.

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