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I know this has been asked many times before but i figured I would ask again because there is always somthing new. I am looking at buying a mission bow this summer, and I am trying to decide what broadheads to use. Previously I had used Muzzy MX4s, and i have no complaints, except that there is a huge difference between those and the field points. Now, its always a hassle to go and shoot with field points all summer, work on technique, and get your bow in to punching nails, and then before the season, you have to do it all again for your broadheads, and then if you shoot during the summer, you have to change the sights back, and so on. Are there any good broadheads out there that shoot at least somewhat close to field points? I know that is what rage is supposed to do, but $40 for 3 seems a little steep, and I have heard of guys not getting pass-throughs with those. What are your expierences with rage? Are there any others that shoot close to field tips? Any tips to make the trasition from broadheads to field tips easier/smoother?

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Honestly, it's not about the broadheads, it's about how you tune your bow. A perfectly tuned bow will shoot just about any broadhead the same as a field tip. I can shoot rage's, grizz tricks, exodus, etc and they all hit the same spot as my field tips. But that is only after rest tuning, paper tuning, bare shaft paper tune and walk back tune. It's alot of monkeying around but will worth it...

If you can, try to learn how to tune you bow. There is alot of info online on how to tune like above. You can bring it in, but from my experience, it's not the same as doing yourself.

Now, this might be a tad overboard for some, but me and a couple buddies bought a bow press a few years ago and it has been one of the best archery investments I have made.

Good luck!

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+1 to the tuning part.

I will answer the Rage Broadhead question.


I shoot the 2 blade and has downed several deer for me and all have been pass through's with the exception of 1 buck where I hit him high on the back and the arrow stuck there and dropped him in his tracks.

The tuning though is the key.

Examples of fine tuned bows;

I shoot Rage 2 blade, shoots the same as my field points.

Wife shoots Muzzy's MX3, same sightings as her field points.

Daughter shoots G5 Montecs, same sightings as her field points.

Son-in-law shoots G3 T3, same sightings as his field points.

Point being, get your bow tuned and you will be good to go.

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Yep, the issue is how tuned your bow is. If your bow is tuned better, your broadheads will hit the same as your field points. Regarding Rage, I'm in the opposite camp as Rippinlip.

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I shot Muzzys for a several years because I didn't want to rely on an expandable opening or not. I found they never flew quite true to what my field tips did and that was frustrating. Like everyone is saying, im sure my bow wasn't properly tuned.

Because of that I switched to Rages about 5 years ago and they flew much better. Now Ive gotten newer bows and am more consiencious about my equipment, etc. But theres no way I would switch from Rage! They blow a huge hole, good pass throughs (for me), and just seem to work great for killing deer.

$40/ per 3.... spendy? Barely. $13 isn't so bad when you find a deer that may have otherwise been lost. I guess I dont shoot that many deer either where a pack lasts me a while.

Lots of different tips out there, lots of different opinions too. Personally, I love the Rage heads and would highly recommend them.

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Im in Scoot's camp regarding Rages... I have shot several deer and had all passthrough's and all quick recovery. FOr me it's not at all about how they fly but a confidnece thing. I don't like to leave anything to chance.

Not sure if anyone here shot the QAD Exodus last year but man what a head. I smoked a deer at 30 yards, bounced it off some rocks on the other side and it looks like new yet. Dull yes, but a blade change and we're back in the game, head looks like new, these things seem bulletproof. Can't wait to let a couple rip again in a few months! Oh yeah.... they fly great too!

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$40/ per 3.... spendy? Barely. $13 isn't so bad when you find a deer that may have otherwise been lost. I guess I dont shoot that many deer either where a pack lasts me a while.

I think I am stating what either archerysniper or powerstroke said last year, sorry guys if I got the person wrong.

You spend hundreds if not over a thousand for the bow and other equipment you shoot, and you want to debate about spending $40 on the business end of the deal?

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Are there any others that shoot close to field tips? Any tips to make the trasition from broadheads to field tips easier/smoother?

Nothing really to add that hasn't already been said. When you get that new bow, take the extra time to fine tune it. Once it's setup properly, you can shoot any broadhead on the market with confidence. It's really that simple. There's no magic broadhead. Those MX4s will do a fine job if your placement is good.

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I love slicktricks,I use the Mag for a little more cutting but they are a scary head and have never had a problem. I am also not opposed to the rage 3 blade,I was very sceptical the first few years however I have shot 11 deer with them the last few years and have been very happy. Only one didn't pass through and that was a close quartering away shot where I blew out the spine lungs and almost thru the off side lower leg. My only 2 complaints is they are not sharp enough so I touch them up and they will pop open some times.

BTW rage now owns slicktrick

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I just bought muzzy MX phantoms! i have not shot anything with them yet but from going straight from field tips to these i saw no difference in the two. the real test though is this fall... but what its doing to my shooting block, i bet i could guess what will happen!!!

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Another option is just get a Morrell target and shoot your broadheads all season. Just dedicate a few arrows and broadheads for target practice only and keep a few for hunting only. That way you know for sure your on the money with your setup and you don't have to be switching anything.

I've been doing it that way for 16 yrs or so with no issues. You have to make sure to get the right target though or you'll have it shot to heck in a couple days. The Morrell I have has lasted me 2+ seasons now but I'll be getting a new one this yr. I have thought about doing the Walk Back Tuning the past few yrs but have never got around to it yet.

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Well best bet is to do a french tune or walk back tune. look at a few archery web sites to help you out on getting it set up. Or go to your pro shop and ask them to help you out or at least give you some direction on how to do it. A good shop worth their salt should point you in the right direction. But dont go during the busiest time of day that way you get full attention. I did this a few years ago and my bow shoots great with feild tips and broadheads.

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I used to shoot the standard thunderheads and they had great penetration. The only reason I don't shoot them anymore is because I had a blade fall off once and I noticed it just as I was grabbing my bow to draw on a buck. Whats the chances right? I must not have gotten that blade all the way in or something.

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Another option is just get a Morrell target and shoot your broadheads all season. Just dedicate a few arrows and broadheads for target practice only and keep a few for hunting only. That way you know for sure your on the money with your setup and you don't have to be switching anything.

I've been doing it that way for 16 yrs or so with no issues. You have to make sure to get the right target though or you'll have it shot to heck in a couple days. The Morrell I have has lasted me 2+ seasons now but I'll be getting a new one this yr. I have thought about doing the Walk Back Tuning the past few yrs but have never got around to it yet.

I agree with you 100%. I have the Morrell target and love it. I have one target for the broadheads and another for field points.

As far as the Rage broadheads go, I have had both good and less than perfect luck with them. I always end up going back to my Muzzy's. I have had maybe better luck with the 2 blade over the 3 blade for pass throughs. Buck I shot last fasll was 25 yards away and at a fairly severe angle. Aroow hit a tad high and never passed through, a bit of a tracking job but enough blood to find it. My 3 blade Muzzy's always pass through unless I hit a shoulder blade and about no broadhead will make a pass through there.

I believe almost all good heads will work if you put a good shot in the boileroom.

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Anyone try the T3's that have come out by G5? Saw the guys on Bone Collector shooting them and checked them out in the store. Seem to look like they would do a good job deploying and cutting a huge hole in the deer.

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boy what dose a guy do, Im in the market for some new heads this year too, I liked the rage, but hear both sides, an these are great an those are good sorta an love these an on wont buy those again. I guesse if it aint broke, don't fix it I guesse. Rage has a new player called the Hyperdermic, looks crazy, might give it a closer looksee

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I picked up a pack of the Rage 2 blade hypodermic last night. They come in a 3 pack and with a practice head too. What a great idea. I'll shoot this weekend and see how they fly compared to my field tips. I like the shock collar on them more compared to last years models.

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I'm pretty proud that rippinlip paraphrased what I said last year. I still stand behind it. When buying broadheads, don't skimp just because you can. After spending several hundred dollars to more than $1500, there is no reason to get picky about spending $7 a head vs $14 a head.

Quality is a big deal. Personally I love to try all sorts of products if I think they are an improvement. I have shot the Rage 2 blade and they fly and cut very well. The thing I don't like about the Rage is the durability. Once they hit anything you need to replace blades if your lucky or its busted if you're unlucky. They are not easy to service so I don't buy them anymore.

I've gone back to the G5 striker and I love that head. Solid steel ferrule with replaceable blades. Super easy to change blades if needed, but the ferrule is solid. I've never damaged a head.

My new favorite is the Slick Trick Mags. This is a 4blade design with the same concept. Solid ferrule with replaceable blade design. These were total rockstars last year. I killed 3 deer with 3 heads. They leave gaping wound holes because of the 4 blade design. I will certainly be using these again.

I shoot a PSE Xforce, a so-called speed bow and I have never had a problem shooting fixed blade broadheads. They perform like my field tips and I practice with them out to 50yds. Nothing but slicktricks and G5 striker in my quiver this year.

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