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Ambassador Old Fashioned, grilled or steamed, on a plain bun with Gulden's Spicy Brown mustard.

Gotta say though, the Pigs in a Blanket made with Hebrew Nationals and croissant roll dough at last week's football game party were VERY tasty.

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If I am going the route of a "hot dog" and want something good. I will lean to a great meat market brat over the best hot dogs any day of the week.

Boy as a kid,,,, the old Corn King ones. Man I just shutter now at the thought of those things. The size of a cigar and complete MUSH. Boiled em in water.... I think I just puked in my mouth a little. LOLLLLL

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If I am in a state that sells sabrett will bring some home, by far my favorite. The "organic" no preservative ones in the hippie sections of stores are not bad. Actually we have a farmers market where they sell yak dogs and seriously are pretty darn good.

A good brat bun, brown mustard, not crazy but spicy pickled pepper, tomato slice, pickle slice, celery seed, onions. Still at work and hungry....will probably have to stop at the store on the way home now......

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yak dogs and seriously are pretty darn good.

A good brat bun, brown mustard, not crazy but spicy pickled pepper, tomato slice, pickle slice, celery seed, onions. Still at work and hungry....will probably have to stop at the store on the way home now......

Yak is in Yak?

Your toppings sound awesome. I might have to run and get one now.

Maybe Reinhard1 will chime in. Sure that guy has a idea or two!

Any one seen him lately?

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I was wondering the same thing. According to a post in "The Lodge" forum, RH1 is no longer participating on HSO for "political" reasons, whatever that means.

All I know is that his knowledge and willingness to share and teach will be sorely missed in this forum. Hopefully something changes and he comes back.

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Boy as a kid,,,, the old Corn King ones. Man I just shutter now at the thought of those things. The size of a cigar and complete MUSH. Boiled em in water.... I think I just puked in my mouth a little. LOLLLLL

I almost hate to admit it but I just had 2 of them for lunch today. At least I had some bakery baked whole wheat buns and a bunch of mustard.

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As far as mass produced, readily available hot dogs go, Hebrew Nationals or Nathans All Beef are my favorite. Hewbrew National also makes a Knockwurst, which probably isn't a hotdog technically, but is basically just a bigger hotdog. They're about the size of a precooked brat.

Whatever brand it is, I can't buy anything other than "all beef" anymore. I'm sure that "all beef" has stuff I don't want to envision either, but the pork/beef/chicken mixture just don't taste good or fill me up.

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According to a post in "The Lodge" forum, RH1 is no longer participating on HSO for "political" reasons, whatever that means.

All I know is that his knowledge and willingness to share and teach will be sorely missed in this forum. Hopefully something changes and he comes back.

That's too bad. I have mostly a hate-relationship with the Silly Town forum. It stirs up a lot of anger.

RH1 is a great asset to this and many other topics on HSO. Hopefully the political burn subsides and he decides to come back. Maybe we need to put together that HSO picnic to bring him back into the mix?

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RH1 is a great asset to this and many other topics on HSO. Hopefully the political burn subsides and he decides to come back. Maybe we need to put together that HSO picnic to bring him back into the mix?

Kind of an "Come Back" Intervention smile I would be down for it! Too bad the last GTG fell through. Would still like to get to know others on this forum. But that's a post for a new thread.

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I was wondering the same thing. According to a post in "The Lodge" forum, RH1 is no longer participating on HSO for "political" reasons, whatever that means.

All I know is that his knowledge and willingness to share and teach will be sorely missed in this forum. Hopefully something changes and he comes back.

Not sure it means anything bad. I thought I had seen something about he was going to pursue something related to cooking and that it was somehow a conflict of interest to continue posting about cooking here. Could be all wet but, again, I thought I had seen something along those lines.

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I'm sure he's still lurking around, just not signing in. Its a tough addiction to break.

The HSO picnic/get together might be a good way to connect with him. If it worked with my schedule I'd be up for joining the ranks.

I'm always up for some good food and perhaps we could try a few of the beers suggested in the beer thread. If its during a non snowy time of year I have a slew of lawn games: lawn golf, bocce, could try smuggling in a banned version of lawn darts, and of course we can always throw the disc around (thats a frisbee for you non ultimate folks).

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Not sure it means anything bad. I thought I had seen something about he was going to pursue something related to cooking and that it was somehow a conflict of interest to continue posting about cooking here. Could be all wet but, again, I thought I had seen something along those lines.

I've seen new posts from him popping up on another HSOforum similar to this one so there must not be a conflict in posting about cooking in general. Site politics don't seem to be all that uncommon unfortunately.

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I think Hebrew National is my favorite brand, grilling is my favorite method.... but earlier this year I saw 'spiral dogs' and really like this prep. More surface area for more flavor and the spirals hold toppings better.

You insert a skewer through the center of the dog, then with a knife held at an angle, cut down to the skewer and spin the dog, remove the skewer and grill. (the skewer keeps you from cuting all the way through the dog)


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