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"The DUDE" is DONE!!!


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Hands down the best single thread I've seen on FM to date! Great way to tie together a story line, with pics.

Congratulations Slim! Great buck! Long live "The Dude"!

The pic of you holding his sheds, with him in the foreground, and that amazing sunset in the background...oh my, I'm getting a little misty now. Does anyone have a tissue? cry

Great job man! smile

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Congrats slim. Way to stick with it. Everything you did leading up to the grand finale was text book. That is a magazine worthy story with cover photo pics to boot. I run 4 cameras all fall, never saw one of my bucks during daylight. Hope to check them one last time and see who made it. Then, on to next year. Job well done man!

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Many words come to play in my mind after reading this post. Commitment, stunning, respect. I would never roll my eyes at a person who takes a deer like that, with all of it's history you have encountered, you got to get a bit emotional. Heck, I did just reading about him. Congratulations. Well done. BC

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Thanks all you guys for the kind words and replies! It truly means a lot to me!

Propster... sorry for the confusion. Hes only a 3 1/2 yr old buck. Not a giant, but he's a trophy to me!!

Big or small, CONGRATS to everyone else who has been successful this year! And good luck to those of you who haven't yet! Perhaps this very post will inspire one of you to climb in your stand ONE MORE TIME!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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Wow, very nice story. I guess i can understand how emotional it must be for you because i didnt even know "The Dude" and "Allbrows" but yet your story affected me like i knew them for years. I am just glad that you ended up harvesting him rather than someone else because you truly followed this deer through the years and told us the story so that we can appreciate "The Dude" and "Allbrows".


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i find it interesting that the left antler grew differently from a 2 to 3 year old. do you think it had a small injury of some sort or just peeled upward for some unknown reason? i've always been compelled on antler growth of all bucks from one year to another and its always hard to figure out exactly what happens and why. we've had lots of deer on our cams change drastically from one year to the next and you never know why??

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i find it interesting that the left antler grew differently from a 2 to 3 year old. do you think it had a small injury of some sort or just peeled upward for some unknown reason? i've always been compelled on antler growth of all bucks from one year to another and its always hard to figure out exactly what happens and why. we've had lots of deer on our cams change drastically from one year to the next and you never know why??

I am fascinated by it as well CJ! My opinion after some ot' thousand sheds... is they typically always put the inches somewhere. Its not uncommon for a buck to switch sides with points or go from a 6 pt to a 4 pt for example, the bottom line is the inches will go somewhere. The Dude went from a 6 pt to a 4 point but his 4 point was considerably heavier than his 6 was. They bladed to the width of 2 points combined so... scoreable or not... the bone was there. I have some sheds that went from 9 points on a side to 5 points. I dont know why but they do. If theres one thing Ive learned for certain... its that, with antlers, nothing is for certain! They can do about anything! But the basic fingerprint never changes.

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Congrats on a great deer. Thanks for the great story to go with it. I think most

archery hunters feel a connection to the deer the harvest because we spend countless hours

trying to out smart them. There isn't any other wild animal I respect more then the white tailed deer. Role my eyes never. I'm right with you. smile

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