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Help moving deer!!!


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I have a guy that has his stand on the fence line and shoots into an opening on our property and I was wondering if there is a way I could use some type of scent to make the deer uncomfortable there and keep themfrom using that area without spooking them completely off the property?

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I had a similiar situation but was unaware of it until opening morning. A stand on the line, placed bait on my land, shot the deer over the bait, with blood trail starting at bait. Called DNR, took a week to get someone out there, and they could not do anything about it as the bait was gone and according to that c.o., shooting over a line is not tresspassing.

Very surprising to me.

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I absolutely hate that. I'd do more than try some scent to "shag" deer away. I'd drop the $$ on a tripod type stand to just use as a dummy and plop that thing right next to him on your side of the line straight in line with this opening. I'd also have an official metal sign made up that stated something to the effect of "No tresspassing or shooting onto this property" and hang that thing right at eye level on your stand so that he get's the point. That's just me however.

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Have you tried just talking calmly to him about your concerns? Is he the property owner?

We had a similar situation with a hunter who placed his stand at a spot on their property so he could shoot down 2 of our trails (T in the road, one was the border trail and the other lead to the interior twards our building frown ) When my father called the land owner he learned it wasn't him but a new member of their hunting party that had put it up. After calmly expressing our concerns over the stands line of fire. My father was assured it would be moved promptly, and it was.

Cool heads are the best way to solve problems, especially in the woods.

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How do you know he shoots onto your property? Just sayin because I hunted a stand in a similar location last night, there is an opening to the neighbors property, but its a natural opening in the woods there, not a shooting lane that we cut. Even though our intentions are to hunt our side (we do have permission to shoot over that line anyway) I could see someone mistaking it for a shooting lane.

And last year I had a stand just on our side of the property line facing the line, but that was so I had a nice, comfortable shot into the corner of the cornfield at my left. i had no intentions on shooting anything in front of me, only to the left, but could see someone thinking I was shooting over the line, because thats the way the stand was facing, even though it was thick,knarly stuff, dont think I could have shot straight ahead anyway.

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It would be farely obvious what his intentions were based on the direction the stand is facing. If the stand is facing the opening on this gentleman's land, I think its pretty obvious he is intending on shooting that direction. No one would put up a stand facing one direction with the intention of shooting behind them.

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Agreed. But like I said above, the most comfortable position to shoot from a stand, for me at least, is straight to the left of the direction I'm facing. Could be shooting right down the line? Unlikely? yes, but it's possible he's not intentionally hunting over the line. I guess I'd try to keep an eye on him somehow to make sure before I got into it with him.

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Have you tried just talking calmly to him about your concerns? Is he the property owner?

We had a similar situation with a hunter who placed his stand at a spot on their property so he could shoot down 2 of our trails (T in the road, one was the border trail and the other lead to the interior twards our building frown ) When my father called the land owner he learned it wasn't him but a new member of their hunting party that had put it up. After calmly expressing our concerns over the stands line of fire. My father was assured it would be moved promptly, and it was.

Cool heads are the best way to solve problems, especially in the woods.

Agreed. No need to start a war with this person. If hunter is too stuburn and the law won't work, I still won't take the law into my own hands. Try placing a fence up to funnel deer out of there if possible. Another idea is to use larger rocks, deer hate walking on them.

It would suck to have to do something like that but not worth your life.

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I'm there every year and like someone stated you hate to bother a CO because nothing can or will be done anyway, and the hunter shooting on your land knows that also so they don't care, it is tough to talk to people that already know they are doing wrong or will do wrong if the right deer shows up. Until then they aren't doing anything wrong. My dads fields are surrounded by people that blast into it especially at dark because then they wait and go get the deer a few hours after dark and then you confront the situation and the same old story we shot it on ours, but it ran into yours even though that's a lie 95% of the time and we couldn't pile enough brush infront of these stands so you are screwed really because they can sit where they are and if you're not there 100% of the time the door is wide open for them, that's there hope when they are in their stand that you're no where to be seen, none of them face there stand at our field(s) but they all have shooting windows and perfect visability of our fields, this has just become something we accept as normal. But it is alarming when you're walking out of the creek bottom and they open up because 0 of there bullets are stopping on the few acres they claim to be hunting. I should have the rite to walk out of my land anytime I please but I can't until complete darkness because an 06 would likely be a tough bullet to survive. Good Luck, make the effort to talk first, we tried, it failed and of course these types are already touchy folks anyway because they don't like the truth and they deep down wished they owned or could hunt our land so they'll sorta hunt it anyway, season is short right, 9 days and won't have to deal with it for 355 more days again.

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I agree that even though it may not make a difference, one should attempt to talk with the "guilty party" to rememdy the situation. If for nothing else, it will be documentation that you attempted to resolve things.

Kind of a reply to Muskybuck but it could relate to this...per MN's tresspass law, if legally posted a non-permitted person can't enter private property to even retrieve game. So the "well we shot it on our side" story doesn't hold any weight. It sucks to have to have bad blood between neighbors but if all else fails, they could be told that there's nothing you can do to stop them from hunting there but even if they shoot something on their land and it runs into yours, they will not be granted permission to recover it. The hopes with this is that one would create a very uncomfortable hunting situation for them and they would elect to leave the area.

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It's maybe the most sticky of all hunter vs hunter situations. In a way it isn't our neighbors as much as it's son in law types or someone they know from a ways away, most of our neighbors don't hunt but they give permission to whoever because they don't care one way or another about deer and or deer hunting. The issue comes from these were once much larger tracts of land that have been subdivided into 5-20 acre pieces, so many have access to a bit of land, most of it if not all has 0 deer bedding on it, they bed on our land so there only chance pretty much is our field, we don't worry a ton about it as we only try for 3.5 or older bucks and they don't just waltz out into our alfalfa field for them to gun down, they don't walk around much at all anyway during shooting light, the worst part is how many get wounded etc. these aren't the kinds of guys that do much hunting, deer season is more of an event for them, they visit their relatives during the summers and see a lot of deer in our field which kinda turned them on to putting stands up on the edge. It frustrates my dad the most really as he likes to sit with a grandson and watch the field, but when anything comes out it's go time and he just avoids the conflict of the whole deal and says these people are nuts. Then it's over, the rest of the 9 days nothing but maybe fawns come out during shooting light. Good Luck and safety first!

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As I overanalyze this again, the wish would be these hunters drop a doe, tag it and are done for the season but that's never or rarely the case, they "find" a tag and continue on, no one wants to be on the couch in case that trophy buck ambles by so we overpressure certain areas and no one there gets that nice buck. I've often wondered the number of deer blazed at dark in my area that ever get tagged, somehow these hunters are still at it the next day and into muzzy season, whether they hunt with others or not. Bonus tags maybe, but not likely, and 0% chance of being caught pretty much, I've read the district court for 30 years and there are very very very few hunting fines. The word court gave me an idea, go to your local tennis court and steal that green mesh they use as a wind break it's usually up the fence pretty high ? JK

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I would have a talk with him first. I doubt that will work based on his prior actions. If that doesn't work I would take this approach.

Buy a $39 ground blind from Menards and place it in the middle of the opening. Hang a couple blaze orange items in the stand and leave the windows just open enough so he can see the orange. Place a cheap back back next to the blind as well. He will think twice about shooting on to you property if he thinks there may be somebody who see his actions.

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I would have a talk with him first. I doubt that will work based on his prior actions. If that doesn't work I would take this approach.

Buy a $39 ground blind from Menards and place it in the middle of the opening. Hang a couple blaze orange items in the stand and leave the windows just open enough so he can see the orange. Place a cheap back back next to the blind as well. He will think twice about shooting on to you property if he thinks there may be somebody who see his actions.

Excellent idea! Going with this idea a little further, if you have trail cameras setup anywhere, put one that would point directly at his stand (concealed of course). That would take footage of him. You could even make it obvious by placing a fake one out there to deter unwanted behavior. This has worked great on trouble-neighbor kids who screw around my dad's place. He put this fake security camera up and no more hosing around.

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So is it even legal for someone to sit on a property line like this that is posted no tresspassing and then shoot deer on that property? To me it seems like that act alone would prove he intends to tresspass unless he thinks every deer he shoots will somehow magically make it over to his land before expiring.

I guess the first thing I'd do is try talking to the guy. Try to have a rational discussion and express your concern. Who knows maybe he's a rational guy that you can work with. My experience says you have maybe a 50-50 shot at that happening.

If that doesn't work then you get into plan B.

First make sure that all your land is posted and make it very clear that he is not allowed to retrieve deer from your land. It is lot legal to retrieve deer from posted land without permission so put up a couple trail cameras to watch the area for you to make sure he's not tresspassing. If you can get him on camera you then have something to talk to the law about.

If you want to keep him from shooting on your poperty to start with you have two options. Block his vision or prevent deer from using the area. Here is a list of ideas you could try. Its up to you to determine which go too far.

1. Put up a large sign right infront of his stand that blocks his field of view. I invision it saying something like "Howdy Neighbor, lovely weather this morning don't you think. Or maybe consider some advertising for the sign.

2. Large screen/fence along the property line blocking view. The tennis court screen is a good idea.

3. Leave a radio out in the area with talk radio on. Play it loud enough so the deer can hear it, they should avoid the area then. You could also play some type of awful music in an attempt to annoy the neighbor as well.

4. I believe you can buy coyote urine, sprinkle the area with that and it should prevent him from seeing deer and he won't be clued in that anything is wrong. He may just end up moving his stand thinking its a bad area. The problem with this is its tough to know how far the deer may spook. You want them to avoid this area, not your entire property.

5. Set up a stand right in front of him and hunt the area yourself.

6. Buy a manaquin and dress it in blaze and leave it out there for the deer to see. Maybe position it so it is waving at the neightbor.

7. Start on this property line and do a few deer drives throughout the weekend. Should flush the deer out of that area and into the areas you are in.

8. You can also invest in some trees and plant them in order to block his view. Might take a few years for them to get big enough but you can implement some of the other ideas in the meantime.

Obviously some of these ideas are over the top but you never know how desperate you may get. Like i said before start with the rational conversation and then if that doesn't work let him know that he will not recieve permission to retrieve deer from your land and that the area will be monitored by cameras.

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I didn't read this whole thread and I may be way off the beaten path with my answer to you. You aren't going to change the natural movement patterns of the deer short of baiting which is not the answer. I have had folks hunting right on my south line for years and have learned to deal with it. First, as I believe was mentioned, try and talk with the other hunters and find common ground and make an arrangement. If they aren't willing to go with an arrangement then you need to hunt with a bit of a thorn in your side. Usually, in my experience, this is more of an issue when there is a trophy deer at stake versus someone hunting right in your close proximity. You can use the known stand locations to help place your stands and anticipate the deer movement and intercept deer that they actually push to you. Be courteous to them and nonconfrontational when talking to them as this can be a great way to hunt 2 pieces of land at once. Tough to do, and I have lived it for quite a few years. Don't try to divert deer as you will only shoot yourself in the foot and possibly end up with hunter harassment charges against you. I hung a single strand fence and signs to mark my boundries but still have a few people that feel the need to hunt on the line. If you get a chance to talk with them, use that time to help coordinate your unt rather then take away from it. We all want to hunt and some folks will push the social guidelines when hunting but don't let what they do get you steamed and take away from your experience. The deer are going to go where they will go, be it across a fence, a road or otherwise, don't get hung up on the negatives, try to make them positives and use what you know to take advantage of the situation. Good luck, deer don't know boundries but we often get hung up with them and it diminishes the experience we have in the field. Don't let this happen to you! Hope you have a safe and happy hunt, good luck!


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He cannot legally shoot onto your land if it is posted. See quote from regs:

• A person may not take a wild animal on any land where the person

is prohibited from lawfully entering by this law. This prohibition

includes coyote hunters running their dogs on posted or agricultural

land without permission of the landowner, occupant, or lessee.

It's pretty black and white - if he shoots a deer on your land call it in. It will ruin any chance of having a good neighbor but if he is that way so be it. I would talk to him and tell him he is not allowed to shoot on your property and if he does you will call the CO.

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I'm getting a chuckle from the hoo haw talk.

But alas I am in the same boat.

For trespass issues onto properties not belonging to a person, then the laws are clear.

About the laws on your private land, well there isn't one in regards to neighbor control. Especially if they are the land owner next to you.

My neighbor owns an acre..just one acre.

He's not been deer hunting yet, but he's very gun happy. On the bow opener he's out shooting squirrels with a 22, I even found one shot up on my side of the fence. I'm sure the fox's got that cleaned up.

Then two nights ago at 1030 pm. Bam, a shotgun blast got me up to peek out the window. His light's on at the garage and then turns off. So the next morning I'm going to work and the fool blasted a cat which was still half alive....in my driveway.

I called the sheriff and DNR who can't do anything.

How close was he to my house? a whole 200 feet.

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The only options you have is either talk to the person or put a posted sign up and a stand their. Yes the deer are on your property and they should not be shooting onto your property.

However you do not own those deer the state of Minnesota does and anything you do to disrupt his hunt or keep him from harvesting a deer will be considered hunter harassment and you could get some fines from the dnr even if you do it on your property.

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    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
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    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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