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Flathead Catfish Photo Gallery


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Awesome cf!! Congrats. Same size as my pb. I think I got a pound or two more out of my scale. They sure are tough to weigh when they get that big. Man I'm jealous, way to go!!

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Just saying in the pic it doesn't look that size


Full size oar marked off every 6" so there is no doubts.

Fish was caught on a bullhead that I purchased at Bunting's Bait and Small Engine Repair in North Redwood right across from the elevator. Check out Jason's shop next time you need bait in the area or if you need your motor tuned. Always has a good stock of bait for those of you that come down for the Franklin Derby. He's got everything you need. The number is 507-637-8416.

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It was on a stringer for about 20 to 30 minutes because we didn't remember to bring the measuring stick so rather than keeping it out of the water the whole time l had it swimming around so there was less stress on the fish. When we released it it took off in less than a minute. I catch and release everything catfish I catch.

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Nice fish CFHunter! Wow, mid 50s. Trophy for sure WTG on the PB. And on the release. And it was a MONEY fish!!

Dtro, as for getting a couple pounds out of your scale...realize that a girth measurement is just ONE measurement around, but the fish is 48 inches long. The tail section alone (which is not typically measured) can easily have several pounds of variance -- we've all seen fish with skinnier tails and fatter tails.

I would definitely NOT assume your scale in inaccurate just because one fish of that length/girth doesn't weigh EXACTLY what someone else's fish of that length/girth weighs. Realize that "a couple pounds" on a 50+ pound fish is within 5%, which is most definitely within the variance given only 2 measurements of a fish. If you weighed 100 people with the same height and waist measurement, I guarantee you get at least a 5% variance in weight.

I'd say it's MORE likely the case that people get a more accurate measurement off a scale than they ever will with a ruler and formula. I guess that's probably a big reason why most big money tourneys have weigh-ins instead of measurements.

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sucks that it had to end up on a stringer....

i'm sure it was fine. they're tough animals. release mortality from catfish caught on trotlines is no different from rod and reel mortality, and they spend hours on a trotline sometimes. So less than an hour on a stringer probably didn't harm it too much

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