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American Idol **Official Thread**


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Sorry Boyz but I will say you can't stop a train and for Adam I think the Train Kept a Rollin....ALL NIGHT LONG!

Like Simon says, to say that Adam is over the top, and theatrical and over sings is like saying a cow moo's. That is what he does and that is what he will do in all his career.

I say that Danny was ok on his first song, not great but safe, took a little more risk on his second and got paid off for it. I had him locked in second place.

I think that Kris was very Karaoke on the first song, did not stray much from the orignal versions and was on his way out the door in third place....until his second song. He nailed it. I think if he does finish in the top two he can thank his second song for pulling him even and ahead of Danny, though if I had to put money down I would say that Kris has sung his last song on this year's show. Danny is just too likeable AND has a compelling reason for being there with his wife dying 10 months ago.

I say that Danny and Adam battle it out though I would say the trophy has already been engraved and the first letter he started with was an A not a D!

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it was a bomb show last night. I though all the guys hit them well. i didnt like dannys first song at all, but the second was awesome. I think that adam is still the guy to beat, as the man can flat out sing.

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How about we send all the judges home instead? The bickering has gone to a new level but what really gets me is the over the top lobbying for Adam. I know in the past they have said someone may be in trouble or someone is destined to the finals but this year seems like they are trying really hard to influence the voting.

Now that I got that off my chest, I think it should be Adam and Kris in the finals. Adam was by far the worst last night for my taste but he has been the most consistent over the season and just got a little carried away last night. I thought Kris did very well on both and Danny was good overall buy may pay the price for Paula's awful choice.

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I'm with you Dark Cloud. I couldn't have said it better myself. I sat their watching Adam singing and thought that the judges would rip him up (especially Simon). I just don't know what people see in Adam. He has skills but he over-uses the high stuff.

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I agree with alot of folks here:

Danny's was ok, that's it.

Kris' 1st song was so-so, 2nd song KICKED *SS! I'm sorry but he's the most creative one up there.

Adam - One was more like Zero. I think he ruined Cryin by completely oversinging, overdramatic voicings, and overacting. He actually started out great and then went into his over-wailing for the last 2 min of the song.

I'm a big fan of Adam also, but I'm starting to dislike him.. Better suited to theatre than music. He's like Freddie Mercury on speed, cocaine and coffee.

also - hey new Judge Kara? I'm tired of your whinyness please go away.

my vote is for Kris/Adam in final

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Adam is a rock singer - plain and simple. If they allow him to do the show he's capable of doing - it will be highly entertaining. Would I buy an album from him? Probably not - but I think I would go to one of his concerts - just because the spectacle is going to be outrageous.

It's called SHOW Business - and that cat can put on a show!

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And the masses turn on the favorite child! All the things that people have been raving about Adam are now the exact same things they are using against him. Is Kris likeable, sure, can he sing a good song every now and then, sure, but who will outsell Daughtry....ADAM! He will be the next rock star, in the same mold as Freddie Mercury, agreed, but also the same as Robert Plant, Steven Tyler and Axel Rose. Pretty good company in my book. Put it all on the favorite and LET IT RIDE! Adam gets my vote. I think Kris has the possiblity of becoming the next Taylor Hicks long before he has the chance of becoming the next Daughtry.

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Im not turning, I never liked Adam. Anytime anyone starts screaming weather it be in pitch, tone, or whatever - I dont like it...

Today at work we had fun with Idol. One lady there loves Adam like a fat kid loves cake. Well, we pulled a pict of Adam and put a red circle around him with a slash through it and wrote under it "vote for Kris" with the number to vote. It looked really official and we taped it to her door...

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I would like to reiterate what I said about 1-2 months ago.

Adam and Kris / Danny in the final, with Kris / Danny beating Adam because whichever one doesn't make it, will get the majority of votes from the one voted off.

They said tonight that the top 2 were seperated by a total of only 2 million votes out of 88 million.

Now unless it was 32 million to 28 million to 28 million votes (notice they didn't say anything about where the 3rd person was) It wouldn't take much to put Kris over the top.

But then again, they never said if Kris was the top vote getter or not either.

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I have been voting from the beginning, and most weeks it has been for Adam. But last week I voted for Allison, I think she has some real raw talent and could have a very bright future. I am also finding Adam annoying, I know why now, I am just not that into hard rock. And he is a hard rocker. When he does the ballads I think he has a great voice, but I too am finding the screaming very annoying. And I am someone who grew up in the rock era, and love the classic rock singers such as the Stones, The Who, Sting, Van Halen, etc. I still consider songs such as Ina-Gadda-Da-Vida and Another Brick in the Wall as my favorites. I am casting my vote next week for Kris.

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I have been and Allyson, Adam fan for quite a while. I had to watch the show recorded really quick last night before the results.

I was impressed with Kris and actually FFW through Adam's rendition of "One" once he went for the high notes. I muttered "One trick pony" at that point.

I'm disappointed he's playing up that skill SSOOOO much and not using his lower ranges when they should be.

Just me.

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He has covered both of them and did pretty good in my book!

I would say that Kris is more in the genre of Jason Mraz or John Mayer. I like some of Kris but he tends to bore me most of the time. I find myself waiting impatiently to see what Adam is going to do next and how he is going to interpret the song. That is an Idol in my humble opinion.

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I would say he did OK at covering Plant, but covering Tyler, he was hidious IMO. You can't compare a kid who you've seen for four months to the best vocolists in Rock.

And I can tell you how he will interpret the next song. It will start out with a nice melody and then go into the high range screaming and stay there.

I think Kris is a lot better and making the songs his own.

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I've watched a few times with my age 20 something kids and their groups of friends. They all vote. Lots! Very few plan to vote for Adam next week. It seems he got old for them about 3 weeks ago. Listening to the voters I hear, it's Kris in a landslide.

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