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Who would you hunt with?


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I'd like to spend a weekend at the little red cabin on the hill with Gordon MacQuarrie and Mister President. If the stories in his books are any indication, I imagine I would have a heck of a time sitting between the two of them in the blind, shooting 'bills and cans coming in on a NW front. I'd bring my bro and our late golden "Hunter" along for good measure.

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mrklean- I too wear clothing from my grandpa and great grandpa in the field. Have an old red flannel shirt from my great grandpa who was a diehard fisherman...he died in '95 but I still remember him telling me about how back in the day they used to set out so many tip ups that he basically raced from one to the next on ice skates. I wear it for luck when I go fishing a lot of times.

My grandpa got a new hunting jacket and gave me his old one...like my great grandpa's flannel it still has his name on it. He is still going strong and I hunt with him every fall. Here is a picture of me wearing it last weekend out in SD (I'm in the middle):


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Now that I think about this a little longer, I would really like to go hunting with my dad.

My dad didn't hunt, and that's cool with me. I grew up hunting by myself, and am pretty much self taught. Dad's not anti-hunting, he just didn't hunt. We've spent some very quality time together, but I'd like to spend a day in the blind with him.

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Michael Waddell. Mainly because he took the time to email me back. I sent him an email about a show he did with the Blue Angel pilots. At the end of the show he finally said what all of us soldiers have wanted to hear. He said that it is the soldier that gives/provides/protects the rights of all the activists, including PETA the right to protest. I had just returned home from Iraq and it really hit me. I thanked him for it and he took the time to write me back and thank me. I thought that that was 1st class

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I'd love to go hunting with my Dad. Never got to do it. He didn't hunt while I grew up and I just started last year. He's not in good enough shape now, but I might take him to a buddies cabin this year for deer just to sit in the stand with me. Next would be my kids.

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Believe it or not, my father in law. We had the same attitiude, lets get away from the wives and see what we can shoot. Then at night we find a bottle of CC and play cards. Unfortunatly he died a year and a half ago, but Im proud to say the last times he hunted and fished I was there.

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 Originally Posted By: Longline
What about Schara's daurghter from the show Due North???

Or his other daughter. I asked her out once and the only thing that got shot down on that hunt was me! cry.gifgrin.gif

I actually got to take the hunt of a lifetime with my dad before he passed away. Most of our best memories were made hunting and fishing.

So, for now it Jim Shockey. He hunts the places I love and I can relate to his articles he writes in North American Hunter. cool.gif

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Sure Tiffany would be cool, but face it, you guys would be too nervous to hunt anything, plus get shown up by a girl. But thats ok, that would give Lee time to take me hunting, of course, we would probably be hunting you grin.gif

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John Barsness.

GREAT gunwriter, common sense regarding guns/ammo/optic who is just a heck of a good guy ...

The man "gets it".

Latest issue of SH he had a take on using a front ender to load a moose onto at trailer. "Hey, WAY COOL".

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Any and all the above mentioned.

I would for the Family aspect and the comic relief love to hunt with Ralph and Vicki Ciancurillo.

The posse looks like they have a ton of fun and success.

Any ideas how I could become part of the Posse?

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Hrbek is a great guy to hunt with, his buddy Tim Laudner is too, man is he a good shot!!! I have been lucky enough to do that due to a lodge I hunt at and they do too. I got to spend a few days with Babe this past September and this year we are going to hunt some of our property. I have heard some not so favorable things about him, but my expierince was incredible, he spent a few days with us and he and Kris were so cool it was unbelievable!!!

My superstar hunt would have to be with a guy who just amazes me is Will Primos. I have never in my life Elk hunted but think it looks totaly amazing and the person I would love to spend a week in the mountains learning from would be Will Primos. I think I could enjoy a story about him digging dirt as long as he was telling it.

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The Babe and Hrbek seem like great guys but I too have heard some not-so-favorable things (about each of them). Nobody is perfect though so anything I hear I take with a grain of salt thinking they might have just had a bad day (we all do now and then) and will form my own opinion if I ever get the chance to meet either of them.

They sure live the life though...traveling around to great hunting and fishing destinations, meeting new people, and probably making some pretty good $ in the process. Doesn't get any better than that!

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I guess I really don't care. I'd like to hunt with my friends & family more than I do, if I had the choice.

I don't watch enough hunting shows anymore to know about the hunting celebrities. Of the people I've seen I liked Michael Waddell a lot. I also thought that David Blanton from team Realtree seemed like a pretty nice guy. As long as they're not arrogant, which definitely rules out some of them, I could get along with most of them.

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