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Who would you hunt with?


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All famous people aside, I wish I could have hunted with my grandfather. Especially with my dog, he would have loved it. I didn't begin deer hunting until I moved to Minnesota. The first deer I shot I was wearing his old hunting hat. Wish he was still around. \:\)

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One hunt with my Grandmother over my bird dog. She passed away a few months before I got him. She was awesome. She hunted deer until she was in her 80's. She would have loved the pup. I named him after her. Her name was Hazel, his name is Setter Hills Hazel's Boy. I call him Haze. I think of her often.

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I'd love to hunt Tiffany L. I mean hunt with ya that's what I was trying to say whistle.gif. But if Lee was in the picture mad.gif I would like to go hunting with Jim Shockey or Uncle Ted. Depends on the game. If it was deer probable Uncle Ted but if it was big game Jim Shockey.

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On a serious note...I would love to hunt on Lee and Tiffany's land....after that Lee could leave me alone for a few hours (minutes). Other than that..I would love to hunt with Jim Shockey for whitetails. They shoot some real hogs up there. Michael Waddell would be fun as well. He has the same attitude as me.

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it would have to be roger raglin...he's another cool funny dude like potts....holy cow, jimminy christmas!!

i'd definatly like to hunt with waddell though too...when me and my friends target practice i always tell them i'm waddell lol.

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Chuck Adams would be fun to hunt with. That guy has shot more quality game than anybody drawing a breath today. If we aren't excluding the dead Fred Bear, Teddy Roosevelt, Ernest Hemmingway, Robert Ruark, William Faulkner and a few others would also make my list.

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JIMNEY CHRISTMAS \:D Roger Raglin, The Primos Team , The Realtree Team, Uncle Ted "Nuge", Greg Miller , The list Goes on Cuz Strickland, All these Good ole boys would be fun to hunt with i think? The Lakosky's Tiffany and Lee But would be better if Tiffany was single.grin.gif I couldn't pick just one person \:D

And then get hired to be apart of there teams!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!

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 Originally Posted By: lawdog
Tiffany Lakosky and I think it would be the flying fish hunting in the boat and THE BIKINI!!!!

I'll second that one!

if Tiffany is not available then Ted Nugent.

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Bill Jordan or the Primos crew would be fun, no matter the species. Big Game it would have to be Jim Shockey. He must make a killing on guiding.

Here in MN Hrbek would be fun, as would Schara or Gary Clancy. The people that are passionate (within reason) about what they do are the types of people that are fun to hunt with IMO.

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 Originally Posted By: Tinkhamtown
My chocolate lab "Willie" and my springer "Max" just about the best hunting companions a hunter could find. They even know the "Let's take a break" command. Hunting just would not be the same without them.

I second that Ditto!!!

I'm glad you chose them it is the best choice ive seen so far!

My best huntin buds are my 2 yellow Labradors also.

Only 6 more months until fall, me and my buds can hardly wait.

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