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Unusual catch


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Just wondering what oddballs everyone has caught. Mine weirdest catch would have to be a 15" largemouth I caught while dock fishing. When I pulled the abnormally chunk fish in, I opened its mouth to remove my bait and noticed that it had eaten a bird. I think it was a tree swallow because they were nesting under the boat lft canopies. all I could see was the tail and two feet sticking out of its gullet.

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Last weeks O. News had a picture of a guy with twin 20 inch smallies on the same muskie bait! 40 inches of bass in one cast!!

For me it's the dogfish that hit a spinnerbait and at first you think you have a state record bass. Man, they can tear up a bait......


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I caught a bat fishing a torpedo on the river a few years back. He hit it in the air, must of thought it was an insect. Sure wasn't very fun trying to remove from the trebles!

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I had a crappie tied on a stringer to my tackle box (shore fishing) and before I knew it my tackle box was floating and moving.. I ran in the grab it and it fought back.. hard! It was a 30"+ muskie. Even got the muskie out of the water before he let go.

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Well let's see. Strangest ice-fishing catch would have to be the big crawfish I got jigging for walleyes on Lake Nokomis.

Strangest open water catch would be a pigeon on a rattle trap. When I cast the pigeon flew by and got the line wrapped around the wing. As it flew away the line I watched as my rattle trap lifted out of the water and got closer and closer to the bird until Wham! Bird went crashing into the water and I reeled it in. Bird was released unharmed.

Other odd catches would include a couple big freshwater clams, a mans dress sock.

As far as bass, I caught the same smallie 3 days in a row that had a healed wound(my thought was it was a wound from a heron) that was basically a perfect hole about an inch deep right on the top of it's head. It basically looked like a blow-hole, kind of funny, not sure how it didn't kill the fish.

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I cna't take credit for this one but I was in the same boat as someone who caught 2 ibluegills on the same hook, it was a single hook jig...... One of them was hooked normally and the other had the line wrapped around around it's gills just right.. Man that was cool.

And another trip same deal can't take credit but the story is awesome. My uncle was slip bobbering with shiners and a loon took the bait, He thought he had a pig walleye on he was yelling to his wife GET THE NET GET THE NET...and he said he about crapped his pants when he seen the big red eye come up and then the bird was flapping his wings and started it's dive again and the hook finally came out... Now that's crazy

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While fishing for cats on the Croix I caught a nasty one. I would usually fish holes until midnight and then beech the boat for the night. I often slept on the back deck with a giant sucker off the back. One morning I awoke to the sound of a screaming drag. While I attempted to get my rod out of the holder, the line ripped open my palm. I wasn't hurt nearly as bad as the jet skier who spooled me. When he reached the end of the line the sucker rig caught him in the leg and almost pulled him off the jet sky.

Needless to say he was pretty upset, so we threw him back in. Hans

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My brother has the strangest ability to catch 8" crappies on a 1/2 ounce red-eye. I have no idea what they are thinking trying to hit that. cjac I have caught two bullheads on the same hook with live bait (back when they were over abundant in our lake). That was a nightmare to take off the hook.

My best catch: a 1 inch perch on a 7/8 ounce bucktail. I threw it into a little bit too heavy of weed cover and came back with a healthy clump. I guess when I was pulling them off the little guy fell out into the boat. My brother goes "Why is there a minnow by your feet?" I found that odd as we hadn't bought minnows. I look down and sure enough there's a tiny perch there.

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Another weird but kind of funny thing that happend to me a couple of summers ago was i was trolling around a bay (on Cedar Lake Scott County) for muskies and pike with big jointed rapala and everytime a trolled by this point i would snag a crappie and after snagging about 6 crappies i changed my rigs and dropped a slip bobber down and went crappie fishing...after about 15 minutes without catching anything i was about to pull back up and start trolling agian when my bobber went down and up came about a 10LB Muskie lol

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Don't know if this is a weird catch or not but here goes. When fishing in the FBL last year i landed my first "Dog Fish" bowfin. I caught it pitching a worm right right next to a stump. When i hooked up i thought it was a very nice bass, little did i know. It was probably 3-4 lbs. Put up a nice fight!!!

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My sister got a nice painted turtle off my grandparent's dock. Still remember that one. Trolling and catching crappies...I've done that but thankfully they were big crappies. Caught a t-shirt one time, lindy rigged a snapped line connected to a walleye.

Most recently last winter my buddy was working a perch on his Vexilar. He dropped down to "poof" the bottom and pulled up with weight on his line. He figured he finally got the fish to bite. Gets it to the top, and he managed to drop the treble hook of his jigging spoon into an odd edge catching a rock. Strangest thing ever, because I was telling another guy watching how the flasher worked and how he could see the fish bite. Insert foot in mouth moment.

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