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Northern Pike Photo Gallery


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Thanks, I was going to email you but that was the only notable fish of the July 4th weekend. Other than that, my buddy and I fished sunnies with our wives. Nothing of size on the sunfish and the bass did not want to cooperate either. Sunburns were in full force though. I will be targeting the Pike more when I am up there, my brother lost a very nice fish a couple years ago and he thinks it was a big pike. He thought he was snagged at first then the fish ran on him and snapped his line. They were fishing eyes at the time.

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This thing is even smaller than it looks in the net, maybe 19- took a crankbait hard-all three trebles were set- two in the bottom and one all the way through the top- I only post it because I don't think I have ever been as proud of a release as getting this little guy back in (minor surgery was required)


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So my son drops his rod in the lake by accident, so we start dragging the lake trying to hook it and after about 15 minutes he gets hooked up on a weed. I tell him just give it a good yank to get it loose. He starts yanking on it and then all of a sudden his reel starts singing and his line starts heading to deep water. After a few minutes of battling we got the 32" just over 10lb. northern in the boat and needless to say he was pretty excited. We never did find his rod, he was OK with that after catching the northern though.


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My friend hooked into this monster while trolling a small white spinner bait for crappies. Biggest pike I have seen in person to date. We didn't have a camera so we had to use our cell phones. I'm 6'2'' so this picture should indicate the size of the fish. I would say it was in the low 40's in terms of length. The head was massive. Took about 15 minutes to fight on his medium light spinning gear. She was released to fight another day.


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