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Who's still holding out


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My wife and I strictly muzzleload and we are thinking about hitting up the Alexandria area since its hunters choice and we werent succesful in the our area for lottery! This will be her 4th year blackpowder hunting with me and she has yet to get one! Really pushing to get her one. Anyone have any ideas of decent state land up that way that holds some does? thanks

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Always holding and no problem eating tag if I don't see what I like. Shot two nice bucks in 2010, no buck last year and nothing this year so far, love to hunt so I keep on truckin. Lots of time left, planning on some muzzy and late bow as long as there is a tag burning a hole in my pocket.

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I have to recheck the freezer, but I'm pretty sure I'm good for the year with the elk I shot (although I only got 2/3 of an elk). As long as I'm covered for the next nine months, I'll hold out until the last minute of the last night of the season in MN and ND. I LOVE hunting late season, but the schedule is starting to look ugly fast...

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I'm still holding out. Picked up a new piece of property today. Hoping to get the girlfriend her first opportunity yet this year. Have a 3-4 acre standing corn field that should draw a few deer out during day light if we ever get any cold weather. I'm thinking about a trip down to WhiteWater WMA next weekend to try something new. I have some decent trail cam pics and a small plot of turnips as well that keep me excited at home. This season I hope to not eat my tag but I don't plan to fill my tag with a doe until Christmas or later.

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why hunt to say you killed something? I hunt cuz backstraps are tastey, be it buck or doe... :>)

I'm right there with ya. My family loves venison, and I've never been much of a trophy hunter.

Just finished a big batch of summer sausage and have a vennie roast on the smoker right now. Try that with your tag.

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I've got a doe tag but no place to use it. Punched my main tag early this year for a change. I've still been sitting once or twice a week, but haven't seen a hair. Cams showing strict nockturnal movement since gun season began, except for a few yearling bucks. Same deal every year. Next year should be excellent with the Nov 9th opener.

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I'm right with you on this one SNS, sad that this year isn't even over, but we have already looked at next years season. I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel like this season showed great potential, but then kind of fizzled out. Still have my management tag, going to try and see if I can get one with a ML yet. Passed a lot of nice does, waiting for the perfect shot.

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I guess you could say I am holding out. Or should I say I am just not done hunting for the year yet. After writing the checks for taxidermy and the beer sticks I am thinking the wife may be the one to shut me down. Lol

I do have an intensive harvest tag still and plan to get out a few times in area 225 yet this season. Two in the freezer now. That is more than enough meat for my family so if I score another one it will be donated.

I also like the fact that gun season don't start until 11/9/12 next year.

Can't wait until the week before gun opener next year.

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I'm sort of still holding out, but not really. I shot my buck, but we were party hunting, so the gun only guys I was hunting with tagged him, my brother actually. I'll hunt a little more, not sure if I'll actually shoot anything or not. Depends on the opportunity, the timing, & the current mood. Wife might string me up if I shoot another mounter this year...

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