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COOL PICS Public Land Buck hits the Dirt!


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Hey Guys,

Had a great weekend in the woods! I hope you did too!

Sunday morning had me overlooking one of my favorite spots. It's a hardwood funnel between a big pond and a tamarak bog. Just under a mile back in some big woods Wisconsin public land. The spot is only 40 yards across, making it a perfect ambush site with a north or south wind (trees to climb on either side of it).

Right away I had a small six pointer chasing a doe around hot and heavy. At times they were at a full sprint! It was pretty neat to see as they buzzed by my stand.

Soon after a doe and two fawns strolled through. Just 10 minutes later, I saw just what I was looking for................

A mature doe all by herself came walking through. She would stop every 10 yards or so and check her backtrack. I could hear deep, but faint grunting, behind her. Just as she was getting out of sight, I could see what she was so nervous about. She continued on, skirting the edge of the pond in the cover of grass and small trees.

A nice nine point was interested in her, even if the feelings weren't mutual.

I silently slipped out of my Heater Body suit and readied my bow.

He was on a slow, but steady walk, grunting every few seconds. He of course followed her track step for step. This put him at 30 yards in the very same cover she had just passed through.

As he approached a small opening in cover that would allow a shot...............He stopped.

At full draw now and holding...........and holding................and holding............

It felt like hours..........but in reality it was maybe a minute.

My candy bass arms were beginning to weaken...............my pin was starting to drift..............then finally he stepped out into an "almost" clear spot.

With just one small branch halfway from me to him, I sent an arrow that I was 99% confident would clear the branch and fall into his vitals.

Well the 1% thing happened................. frown

As the arrow hit the branch it kicked low, drilling into a rock near the buck's feet and breaking into two peices.......................

I'm still uncertain if I cursed out loud, or if it was only in my head cry

To my surprise, he didn't even know what had just happened! He put his head back down, started grunting again, and walked off to the west towards the doe!!

Fast forward eight hours...............

It has been a long day, with the only midday movement being a fisher out on a hunting trip......................

I expected to see more, but I kept my hopes high by dreaming of another encounter with that buck.

Then with just 30 minutes of shooting light left, two fawns walk through the funnel. Soon after I hear more movement coming my way.

IT'S THE SAME BUCK!!!!!!!!!! This time he is going the opposite direction, but following almost the exact same path he took earlier.

I again slip out of the suit and ready my bow. The path he is taking puts him at 25 yards, but due to lack of cover, I'm 29 feet up. The distance he was walking from me made for an ideal angle.

As daylight is diminishing, he looks a lot farther away than he really is, but with my sight adjusted and ready I draw back. A quick and quiet "uurrrpp" stops him, and once again I send a Muzzy his way wink

This time no branches interfere and the arrow finds it's mark laugh

He wheels around as the arrows passes through his chest and bails for cover in the tall grass bordering the pond.

Just sixty yards into it the lights go out cool

And as they say..........the rest is history.

One happy hunter and one nice public land deer on the ground!

Temps were already in the mid twenties, so I brought him over to a buddy's and hung him up for the night. This morning I took him down to register and take some photos. Now he is just meat in a tub smile

Here are a few pics, I hope you guys enjoy them!!




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Thanks for all of the kind comments guys! It was a blast being there, and as always I try to re-tell the story as best I can so you can feel like you were with me smile

You guys would have gotten a kick out of my little photo session smile

I took the whole week off, so of course all of my buddies were at work.

I had to get the camera set, turn on the timer, sprint to where I think I had to be, only to see I was off by 10 feet. Then do it all over again! Must have done it twenty times to get just one or two good pics. Add onto that I celebrated a little late the night before............ Running back and forth I think I fell three times, twisted my ankle, and felt like I pulled a groin muscle grin But it was worth it! LOL!

That is one heckuva story and an even better buck!! Way to go!! 29 ft up?! You sir, are one brave man!!

Normally I hunt a lot closer 20 feet. But this spot is the equivalent of hunting a wooded fence line between to fields. It would be real easy to get sill get silhouetted, especially in the suit.

I get a little nervous going that high. I must have checked my tree tether and harness 20 times that day grin

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Congrats, great pics & story, very nice deer.

I hear you about height. I was up about 25' Friday night in a cow pasture & I still had a button buck looking up at me at 10-15 yards trying to decide what I was. I'm really not very afraid of heights, so at least that's not an issue for me.

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