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Who's hunting tomorrow

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I know I will be. Through my 20 years of bowhunting Oct 23rd has been one of my best nights to be in the woods,with having multiple encounters with big bucks and even lucky to harvest a couple of them through the years. It is one of those dates I never miss. Good luck to any one hunting tomorrow and I hope a shooter will be chasing a doe right to your stand.

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Good luck to you. I wish I could hunt tomorrow. I wish I could hunt every day. Haha. I did manage to line up my vacation for the 27th through the 31st though. Just have to get through the next four days of work.

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Either the wife or I will be out, depends on who wins the coin flip.....haha

I have to make it through the next 3 days of work , then I am off for 5 days to chase them hard.

Had a big deer come in tonight right at last legal shooting time...bummer.

I was packing up and just removed the arrow from the string and it Blew and jumped out of there, never seen or heard the deer coming. Was pretty upset I startled it that way, hope it doesn't ruin that area too long.

Oh well, back at it soon.

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I won't be out again until Friday Morning. Sat last night, had a cool little 8 pointer that would be a stud in 2 years walk by at 20 yards. saw a few does/fawns out in the field. Just started seeing a few scrapes on the field edges. This weekend should be really good in my area!

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I'm SOL tonight too. I've never been a big believer in any one day being the official start of "big buck time", but in my head the window of time that I always really wanted to start pushing hard at began on Oct. 23rd or so (not that Oct. 22nd or the days before can't be just as good).

I was gone last weekend in the Cities and I have a baptism back there this weekend too. It's killin' me...

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I hope to get out a few times before I leave for Illinois to hunt next week. A buddy called me last night all worked up. There was a big 10 chasing a doe around the field a half mile from a spot I hunt. We both thought it was odd and that it was a little early for that kind of behavior. The buck couldn't care less that he was watching it and even ran 20 yards from his pickup for a while.

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Well tonight started in the toilet. On Friday when I pulled into my hunting spot my truck was shooting steam out of the fenders and hood. I opened the hood only too see the steam boiling out of the lower intake gasket. Well to say the least I was mad, I went into my friends pole barn and grabbed a bucket and filled it up at the hose on his house. By this time it was 10 min to 6 and I had no way home so I decided to just go sit in my stand 60 yards from his house. I had just climbed into the tree and got a arrow on my string when I hear a deer coming. It was a nice doe chasing a button buck slapping him on his hind quarters and head everytime she got close enough. She finally took the trail that put her in my shooting lane at 18 yards and I couldn't pass the shot. As I watched the arrow fly I knew it would be just a short tracking job and I could hear her crash in the creek not more then 50 yards away.

Fast forward too tonight. Now with my truck left for dead I had to remove all my hunting gear since I just use this truck for hunting I lock all my stuff inside till my next trip to the stand.

Tonight I had the wifes little truck and was just pulling into my hunting spot late of course when my phone rang. It was my wife with this question. Hey this bow sitting in the porch here,isn't that your hunting bow? Duh I had forgot to grab my bow when I was grabbing the rest of my gear. 30 mins later I am back to my parking spot now with my bow and throw my camos on heading for the tree.

I get to my first camera and see I have 67 pic's in the last couple days so I change the chip and I'm excited to check it once I'm into the stand. As I get within 30 yards of my stand I'm looking for my second camera however it is no longer there someone stole it. Now I'm really mad and walk over to my stand and they were nice enough to leave a mountain dew can at the base of my tree. By this time I have given up so I take 4 of my ladder sticks down leaving one section up and the stand. They will need a 30 foot ladder or steps to get my stand now. I also walked over to my other 2 stands in the area and pulled the steps out for them. It makes me feel a little bit better knowing they are really going to try to steal them now.

Once I pack all my hunting gear,climbing sticks and screw in steps it is about 6:30 so I get my camo's off and pack everything into the truck. As I turn the key I get that horriable feeling when the motor turns really slow then the soft clicking that comes with a dead battery. Darn it I left a light on. My only saving grace was my buddy was hunting not to far away so I just had to sit thier and shake my head as I waited for dark and him to show up and jump start my truck.

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Wow.....after a night like that, I would have steam coming out of me! Like Trigger said, can only go up from there.

Won't be able to get out and sit until Sunday at the earliest and I'm dreading waiting that long. Only bright side is that it has been raining here for the last day and a half. Figure that it is good however, as it will wash the woods clean of scent and give me a fresh start when I plop down in my stand Sunday afternoon!! Good luck to everyone!

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Sorry to hear about your bad luck Jeremy. That has to be disheartning. Nothing for me last night except kicking out two deer in the swamp as I walked out. Learned yet another valuable lesson last night. Got 18 feet up in the climber, all ready to rock, and realized I had left my tie in strap for the harness in the truck. YIKES! Hunted anyway, but pretty dumb move on my part. Taking this evening off and back at it this Thrsday and probably Friday. BC

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Had a basket 8 standing broadside in my shooting lane for about 5 minutes last night in the drizzle. Only deer I saw until I got down. Climbed down my 18 steps are however many there are. No I'm not joking there's a bunch in that tree, maybe it's 22, I forget. Just reaching to untie my bow from the haul line & a deer starts blowing 25 yds away. I turned around to see a deer trotting off to 40 yds or so & continue to blow. Obviously it came in while I was climbing down. I never heard it & my back was to it. I think it was a yearling doe or thereabouts, could have been another small buck.

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I saw movement today at 3 PM sharp. Watched a big 10 come out of the swamp and hang around--I'm pretty sure he wasn't chasing or tending. A few does as well, although they seemed to be going somewhere. The rest of the evening was a wet one down here in the metro.

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