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Good Luck Ponder!


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Kind of sounds like Mr. Foss will cheer for Ponder huh? Anyway, my take...you can toss out the stats, and records with any meeting with these two teams. It is a fun rivalry, and always enjoyable game to watch whether a Packer/Viking fan or not. The Vikes can win this game if they can keep the offense on the field, and get JA to have a day with Rodge Man. Hoping Ponder shows what we want out of a QB for, and more importantly hoping he is the answer for years to come. Good Luck Mr. Ponder!! and win or loose this game, I think most fans are standing by you. Go Vikes!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I thought he looked really good. Rookie mistakes were expected and he made some. Kind of have to throw the #'s out the window in the guys first start. I think more importantly, he passed the "eye" test...nice job!!

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Pretty darn good game out of Ponder today. Good to see him so excited on that first huge connection deep. Yeah some of his throws were off, and INT's can be almost expected. But he moved well, threw on the run effectively, and made a lot of nice 3rd down conversions. I hope we have a keeper here, but we won't know for a few more games.

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The defense lost the game, holy [PoorWordUsage] is our secondary and linebacker core terrible...they should be embarrased...EJ is done too, he gets owned on every coverage attempt..

I agree, much more interesting, and he will learn not to make those passes that were picked off.

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he made some plays but 13 for 32 is not good.

For a rookie's first start? Are you kidding me? He showed more get up and go than any 10 McNevers, and the Vikes were totally alive! You have a lot of key pieces in place. Give the kid a chance to learn real NFL game speed and integrate AP and the rest into his game brain, and there SHOULD be a lot of great days ahead for the Vikes.

Does it take a Packers fan to see what the Vikings have?

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I agree, there is absolutely no reason to criticize Ponders play... First start was great. Accuracy was good, pocket awareness was great, decision making was good, he seemed calm too...

Does he have alot to learn? Of course! THe rest of the season will be a litmus test for the future.

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The LA fans should be ecstatic after seeing Ponder's performance today. He'll be a good QB in the years to come.

Aside from Cook reading the playbook from a jail cell, Berrian's issues, and Shiancoe having Randy Moss syndrome on a couple key plays today, there's a good team in the making. I just don't think the stadium deal will be done and Zygi will take the team to LA.

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Junkson like? Like junkson in his 5th year? Not sure where you are going with your comment but it sounds like an indictment on junkson. A 5th year qb shouldn't look like a guy starting his first game as a rookie. Besides to look like junkson you have to look like a deer in the headlights right before throwing a jump pass to the fullback in the flat. I was tracking a buck so I saw very little of the game but it sounds like to me there is plenty of promise out there.

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13 for 32 against the worst pass defense in the nfl. what exactly about that performance looked good?

i'll give him a shot and hope he learns. but, i'm not sure what everyone is so excited about?

btw, tebow's stat line yesterday is better than ponder's. yet he is getting mocked by the experts and people are drooling over ponder.

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the time to critique Ponder is at the end of the season. i will expect some mistakes, heck, Rodgers, Breeze and more make them also. Rodgers played against the worst defensive backfield in the league in my opinon, although i think he is the best quarterback in the league today. Ponder should have started the first game. the stats would have been different in my opinion. coaches saw it different until last week. i will give Ponder a chance in my little football world, win or loose. He has a lot of talent and is inteligent. i think he will do just fine. good luck.

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btw, tebow's stat line yesterday is better than ponder's. yet he is getting mocked by the experts and people are drooling over ponder.
So either the rest of the world has it wrong or you do. grin

I read that Ponder converted all of his 3rd downs in the 4th quarter and none were less than 6 yards. You can read me all of the stats in the world, but what matters is a QB that can get the job done. IMO, Ponder has what it takes to be a good player in the NFL

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13 for 32 against the worst pass defense in the nfl. what exactly about that performance looked good?

i'll give him a shot and hope he learns. but, i'm not sure what everyone is so excited about?

Please, share your drug supplier with me. I want to smoke what you're smoking. crazy

Look at the premiere QBs of the game, both present and not long past, and you'll see that darn near all of them looked like they got thrown into the deep end on their first NFL start. Low completion percentage, some picks, etc. And they also showed a lot of talent, drive and potential. Not to mention energizing their teams. That all was Ponder on Sunday. McUninterested would have done significantly worse.

On second thought, I don't want to be on whatever drugs you're taking. Sheesh. Looks like one more Vikes fan so far down in the ditch that they can't even see daylight. If you're going to give him his shot, like you said, why don't you sit back and give him his shot before telling us how unexciting he is?

I sincerely hope the Pack in about 7 years find someone with the presence and tools Ponder has. Give that person a few years under Rodgers and look out!!!

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With the condition of this team you can throw stats and wins out the window.

Does not mean he will look bad though. Yesterday was a prime example.

Right away you "experts" think a rookie can put up great stats and get wins with a team like this. There is no QB in the league that could do that. Not even Godgers.

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