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Waterfowl Reports

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Cool ! Cornfield between Hugo and Forest lake today. One mallard hen. Birds sat tight till after 11 in the fog.The pair of mallards was the only thing in range. Over 1000 geese flying in one huge flock in distance. Only saw about 20 ducks total. No shooting heard at all. Can't decide whether to try the field again cause it is supposed to clear up or hunt over water for the last day. I can hear the fat lady tuning up her vocal chords. frown

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Seen close to a thousand geese this evening in flocks of 4 to 200 and I could turn them but couldnt get them to commit or get close enough for a shot and then 1 min after shooting was done the mallards showed up ... typical waterfowling grin

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Hunted near home this afternoon and shot a can but didn't seen a heckuva lot. I'm guessing I saw a bunch of the same geese that Stringerless saw. I'm deciding to end my season on the can though. Other than the fact that she was a she it was perfect. I had a buddy with who has a young pup and she got her first duck retrieve which was cool.

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23 honkers and 1 mallard for 10 guys yesterday. Could have easily filled a limit with better communication and a little better shooting, but overall it was a fun day. Probably my last MN hunt for the year; should have some good shoots to come yet in SD to close out the season.

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2 days of hunting, 1 goose shot with a golden BB @ 60 yards after watching hundreds of geese not even giving us the time of day! Never would have shot that far up but after all the high fly by's, I figured I would give the goose a good 15' lead and to my surprize down it comes dead as a doornail! grin

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Down by lake preston in south dakota near brookings we probably saw a million birds yesterday. 700,000 snow geese, 200,000 thousand honkers, and maybe 100,000 thousand mallards. this was the most birds ive ever seen in my life. unreal

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Down by lake preston in south dakota near brookings we probably saw a million birds yesterday. 700,000 snow geese, 200,000 thousand honkers, and maybe 100,000 thousand mallards. this was the most birds ive ever seen in my life. unreal

And that scenario is the same on about 10 different lakes in this part of the state. smile

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Down by lake preston in south dakota near brookings we probably saw a million birds yesterday. 700,000 snow geese, 200,000 thousand honkers, and maybe 100,000 thousand mallards. this was the most birds ive ever seen in my life. unreal

If there is less than 500,000 snows on West 81, I will buy you a pepsi.

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Down by lake preston in south dakota near brookings we probably saw a million birds yesterday. 700,000 snow geese, 200,000 thousand honkers, and maybe 100,000 thousand mallards. this was the most birds ive ever seen in my life. unreal

How can u count so high

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Been seeing the same thing, tons of geese and mallards. Even some golden eyes along with some mergansers. Still a lot of activity--fun to see! These are probably the smart ones that don't migrate and save their energy and get big and fat. Probably to smart and wouldn't respond to calling and be decoy shy too.

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