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Waterfowl Reports

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Say Albino, did you shoot the coots deliberatly or by accident? If you chose to shoot them do you eat them? They are actually pretty good ya know. If you shot them by accident that is unfortunate and you'll have to study the "bird ID" book some more.

And if you just shot them for the hell of it you really ought not do that.

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Took some PTO this week. Tues was a great hunt. Mallards and cans everywhere. Me and my dad shot 10. 6 mallards, 2 cans, ringer, and a redhead. Should have had our limit of mallards but messed up on 1 flock (I forgot to put a shell in the chamber and my fathers gun jammed after one shot). Another flocked buzzed us and the dog flared one flock. Wen the ducks were pretty much gone compared to the day before but managed 4. Some big flocks of mallards were seen but much harder to commit and less call responsive. Thurs we only got 2 and saw even less ducks. From what I heard mon and tues were the days to be out. Couple buddies managed a limit of mallards on thurs but had to be in the right spot as not to many people had much for ducks on wen and thurs.

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North metro. Not many ducks seen but man were there geese !! Have not seen that many in a long time. Couple flocks of mallards before shooting and maybe 20 afterwards. None came close. Looking back now I should have a limit of geese but never shot. Wanted them to decoy and they never did. Too many real birds just down the shore!! Wish I would see some of these new ducks in the area.

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Tons of new birds seen on select public sloughs in the SW metro this weekend!!! Mallards in the hundreds, divers of all kinds, teal, woodducks and geese. O and the swans were everywhere so make sure you identify your target!!! Sloughs are drying up and cant get decoys out so pass shooting has been the new norm. Ended the weekend with a few bills, a mallard, a teal and a good old Shoveler for two guys!! Teal and divers were flying so close to the cattails that when we saw them they were already past us. Mallards followed the swans and would sit in no mans land. Heard of good field shoots in the area. Heading out to LQP next weekend hopefully they stick around for a while weather is looking ok besides the 20's at night. I'm doubting that the S zone will even have open water by season end but I can hope!!!

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North metro. Finally a flock of fresh mallards. Half circle into the wind and cupped up. Ended up getting 2 suzies with one shot. All other birds seen were locals that knew where they were safe. Saw about 30 other mallards and maybe 100 geese. Geese came and went in complete silence. My luxury of hunting almost every morning lately has come to a screeching halt. Was working nights because of construction noise at MOA. Over now. Back to normal.

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North metro. Finally a flock of fresh mallards. Half circle into the wind and cupped up. Ended up getting 2 suzies with one shot. All other birds seen were locals that knew where they were safe. Saw about 30 other mallards and maybe 100 geese. Geese came and went in complete silence. My luxury of hunting almost every morning lately has come to a screeching halt. Was working nights because of construction noise at MOA. Over now. Back to normal.

Glad to see your persistance finally paid off. I was about to start a fund for you for a guided hunt.

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After taking three weeks off for some bowhuntng I made it back out to the lake today. It was pretty slow. I had a single drake ringneck commit to the decoys and a flock of mallards. The mallards however had a single drake out front that I had decided I would let land to let the flock come in. Just as the single was in range someone else on the lake fired and all the birds flared so I took the one drake. Five hours on the lake, several flocks of ducks flying but not close enough to even think about and two ducks brought home. I am done for the year and leaving for SD to hunt more deer. Good luck with your late season.

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After taking three weeks off for some bowhuntng I made it back out to the lake today. It was pretty slow. I had a single drake ringneck commit to the decoys and a flock of mallards. The mallards however had a single drake out front that I had decided I would let land to let the flock come in. Just as the single was in range someone else on the lake fired and all the birds flared so I took the one drake. Five hours on the lake, several flocks of ducks flying but not close enough to even think about and two ducks brought home. I am done for the year and leaving for SD to hunt more deer. Good luck with your late season.

I went to the same lake yesterday and did not see a bird for the first three hours of the day I had to pack it up and go to work and wouldnt you know it, Huntbux in your spot sat a dozen mallards mad but thats hunting smile

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