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Lucky Lisa's Laker Report!

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On the spur of the moment, Jim and I decided to head up to Burntside (I have been telling everyone that I WOULD fish her again this year!) yesterday morning. We stopped at Great Outdoors Bait to pick up some minnows. GO (also an FMer) was SUPER helpful, very nice and quite a character! Thanks!

We got on the lake and tried a few of our spots out and then I caught my 1st laker around 2PM. She was about 21 inches.

1st Laker


Then at about 4PM I caught a 25 incher:

2nd Laker


There was no more action for the day so we returned early this morning and at about 8:20 I caught another 25 incher!!

3rd Laker:


Jim caught one 18 incher yesterday also. The weather was nice and there weren't too many people on the lake. I am hooked now! My adrenaline was roaring and my drag was squealin'! These fish don't want to come up for nothing! Huge red marks on the Marcum! It's everything you dream about when you think of fishing lake trout. I'm just glad I got a taste of it for myself.

PS. Sorry I look so tired! You have to get up early! Tami, here's that Arctic Armor pic you were waiting for!

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lisa, when you said ou bought your outfit here, is that the same place i bought my decals? the last time i looked the pictures werent very clear. i did entertain getting a jacket with fm logals on it.

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I bought the jacket/bib combo through this company and had decals put on: Arctic Armor. The selling point for me personally is the warmth factor. I can stay out longer and warmer with this gear on than ever before. Oh and it floats if you fall through the ice. I was seriously looking at the Carhart Extremes but was really leery of how stiff they were. Arctic Armor is soft and I can move easily in them. I actually have to take my jacket off every time I auger holes because I get too warm. Can't beat that!

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