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Northern Pike Photo Gallery


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Probably all of that......I'm beginning to think my scale might have been off last year on my 41.75" length and 21" girth northern. It weighted 21 lb 6 oz on my scale. Released and got a replica. Maybe I needed new batteries in my scale. Oh well....that was still my biggest ever.

Congrats on a great fish. grin

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Yah, i did that calculation, Some say not to do it for pike. Muskies are a different species for me, not going to find many 40 inchers with 19" girth, much less 21". I could care less how big my fish is.., 21" inches on 41" fish is unreal though. The girth is half its lenght, good job jefflake!!

I have a weighed a few pike before and have had that calculation leave me 4 lbs short of what that says. I weighed 2 pike this fall, a 38" and a 39" that came to about 15-16lbs seems about right. And those didnt have the girth. I had a 43" late ice pike that on the calculation came to 22lbs, then the taxidermist and an official scale at resort(official enough i guess) weighed it in at 25.5lbs.

Your right about the difficulty to get a pike over 20lbs. Too hard for me to go for. I will stick with muskies and lucky catches on pike through the ice.

Nice fish to all!!!!except you Hanson, Just kidding Buddy.

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My 41.75 x 21 was luck.....I was fishing for walleyes when it hit. 8 lb test in deep water, vertical jigging. I was very fortunate to get it in. It might have been bigger than the

21-6 on the digital scale, but I wasn't taking it in to be weighed and take a chance on it dying. I had another person watch me fight and land the fish, then come over and look at it. Took some pictures of it so I could send them into the taxidermist. Weighed, measured and a picture and was back in the water in about a minute. I have the replica back, but not sure where the pictures are..........

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I went out to Whiskey Flats (on Lake of the Woods) Saturday. It was my buddy's 15year-old boy and myself. We were in 26fow and fishing for walleye. I had just lost my shiner to a frisky walleye and had re-baited. As I dropped the line into the water I was watching my Marcum for suspended fish when WHAM! As soon as I saw him on the electronics he hit. I would say it was a good fight that I brought to a relatively quick end. I was using an ugly stik with braided line. I'm sure glad he wasn't on the other rod since I only had light mono on that one. Casey had just as much fun getting that one in. And without him pulling up the other lines, I may not have. It measured 36" but felt so much bigger to me. It's my personal best through the ice and I'll will be some time before I forget this one!


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Here's one I caught off Birch Lake from earlier this winter. Just under 40 inches.


I think the 24-36 slot is having a strong impact on Birch. I fish it a few weeks each December until the laker season opens up. Guess it's been six years now. At first it was easy to find fish under the slot, with a handful in the slot and a few individuals over the slot. Now the fish range larger. The last two years it's been hard finding small fish to keep, and this year in two trips with something like 20 pike on the ice, only two or three were below the slot, the majority were in the slot (most 30-35 inches), and I had six fish over the 36 inch slot. The one above was the biggest, tied in length for my PB of 39.5, though my other 39.5 (also from Birch) was girthier.

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Here's one I caught off Birch Lake from earlier this winter. Just under 40 inches.


I think the 24-36 slot is having a strong impact on Birch. I fish it a few weeks each December until the laker season opens up. Guess it's been six years now. At first it was easy to find fish under the slot, with a handful in the slot and a few individuals over the slot. Now the fish range larger. The last two years it's been hard finding small fish to keep, and this year in two trips with something like 20 pike on the ice, only two or three were below the slot, the majority were in the slot (most 30-35 inches), and I had six fish over the 36 inch slot. The one above was the biggest, tied in length for my PB of 39.5, though my other 39.5 (also from Birch) was girthier.

Nice fish and very nice pic!

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Jeezus gotta love all the fatties being caught! Nice fish Muskie03.

I've caught some nice pike this past year with a couple in the mid to upper 30s, but I still haven't hooked into a single FAT fattie yet. Looking forward to the day when I can hold a fish like in the above pic laugh

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