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Anyone going to get a new bow this year?


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I'm debating getting a new bow. I know I don't "need" one, kinda just getting the itch to get a new one. My initial thought is either an Elite Synergy or a Hoyt Nitrum 34. But I will definitely try some other offerings that peak my interest. Anyone else doing the same?

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I second that hoyt nitrum

I don't need one either but man that thing is nice. I'm might wait till it's been out a year so you can get it at a better cost. Most times half the price when they have to move stock.

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I'll be checking into them, but I doubt I'll buy a new one. I need new strings for the bow I've got. I have a feeling spending $100 on strings will make me a happy camper.

The PSE's continue to impress and I like the new Hoyt. Nothing is more fun than doing a few test drives.

I'll be bowhunting turkeys in Nebraska this spring so I'm not sure when I will get the work done.

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I toyed with the idea of getting a new bow, even though I do not need one. Then today I walked into the shop thinking I should try the Hoyt Nitrum Turbo. I shot the Nitrum Turbo and the 30 and before I realized what happened I had a Nitrum 30 ordered in Harvest Brown. Should be a real nice hunting rig, but man, they do not give those things away.

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I've been thinking about a PSE BowMadness 34 but I don't know if I really want to spend the money to get a new bow when I really like my old trusty bow. Man the technology has changed in the 8 or 9 years since I got mine though. Holy cow...

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Yesterday I shot the Nitrum 34, a leftover Faktor Turbo, a Mathews No Cam, an Elite Synergy and a Bowtech Prodigy. Man, all of these bows were really nice! I don't think you could make a bad decision. I think I'd probably pick the Nitrum 34. It had the best blend of things I like in a bow. It was fairly light, drew smooth, had a nice valley and was relatively fast. It did have a little buzz at the shot but it was a bare bow and I don't know if it was tuned up perfectly. I definitely liked the Prodigy though. That thing was sick and the fastest of the bunch. I just have this thing for longer bows. But the Prodigy drew real sweet when set on the smooth draw setting.

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Not a new bow but may have to pick up a crossbow. Its getting kind of dangerous to shoot my bow my left shoulder likes to dislocate and it has been getting worse. I have plans to see the doctor this month. I know I could have gotten a crossbow permit before but I really wanted to bow hunt last year before I go in for surgery. So When I pick up the crossbow I will sell my PSE drive and buy a new bow after the 2 year permit expires.

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My 16 yr old son just bought his first new bow. Since he has very limited funds, he wasn't able to go top of the line. He shot 4 bows in his price range and ended up picking a last years model Bowtech Carbon Knight for $550, I believe. Since I was with him, I had to shoot it and I was very impressed, but not enough to trade in my Hoyt Rampage XT for one...just yet anyway.

The Carbon Knight is super light, has a smooth draw cycle, a solid back wall, dead in the hand, quieter then the other bows he shot, faster then my hoyt, and a little more forgiving with creepage then my Hoyt. The best part is, he was consistently shooting 3" groups when we left the store.

Guess who can't wait for bow season to get here? grin


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I have a PSE dream season, which is a tremdous upgrade from my PSE nove that was ove 15 yrs old but still shot good, Ive had the Dreamseason for two yrs now and havent kilt anyting, so I gota do dat first. but when it aint broke I have a hard time fixing it. Halle just picked up a long bow this early winter and now has a few arrow and finger gloves, so were adding to her accessories on that. Im pretty sure Im going to follow her next year with a long bow. one of my goals is bear by longbow, so i better get at it.

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I shot the no-cam it was ok , it's not for everyone though . At the shot it is very Quiet with no and shock that was very impressive , the draw was diffent , the one I shot had no valley and wanted to take off

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I shot the No Cam and it is a very nice bow. Not fast (but plenty), but quiet, vibe free, smooth to draw, and is supposed to be very accurate. The draw was smooth, but for some reason when I was drawing it it would just hammer into the backwall. It was smooth most of the way back and then wham! I'd ram into the stops. I'm sure I'd get used to it, but it was different for sure. The guy at Archery Country in Brainerd said they were outselling everything 4 to 1 in the shop. I preferred the Nitrum 34 and Bowtech Prodigy myself but I've been a Hoyt guy and am used to the draw and feel (but I'm not a fanboy). I wanted to like the Elite but it felt very heavy to me.

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I shot another no-cam today and this one was sweet ! Other than the $1099 tag on it ! I really liked this one . I also shot a few Hoyt's they were nice too , and I tried the Bear arena 34 it had a nice draw but had a lot of hand shock and heavy feeling

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I finally decided it was time to retire my 06 Allegiance, I shot 12 different bows today and settled on the Bowtech prodigy. The Mathews were nice but I hated the grip,I tried both the the stock plastic and wood ones. The Hoyt was my second choice,they only thing I didn't like was the spongy back wall. I also shot 3 of the bowtechs and so far the prodigy has every thing beat for me.

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Sniper, I bet you'll be happy with the Prodigy. One question about the backwall on the Hoyts- can you add a draw stop to the cams and make it more firm? I know on some of their bows this has been an option and it made a world of difference. I can't remember which bow it was, but I'm pretty sure it was a Hoyt that I did this with and it was night/day. It went from a bow I wouldn't even consider to one I really liked.

That being said, Bowtech makes a very good product and I think you made a good choice! Hopefully you agree come this Fall!

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