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Is there more to Harvin's injury than just an ankle sprain. He's been out for 3 weeks and doesn't look like he will play this week either. Maybe trying to get healthy to make a move to another team next year?

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To look on the positive side, which I am wont to do, perhaps this situation will force Ponder to expand his field of vision and find other receivers instead of always throwing to his nooky-blanky Harvin. Maybe this is the time for him to figure out that there are other receivers on the field besides the guy in the slot and the TE, because you can guarantee that opposing defenses will be locking down on Rudolph from here on out.


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I think there is more than just the ankle going on here.

I will also bet that he won't be on the team next year.

I'll agree with this if they go into the off-season with Ponder being "their guy" heading into next year.

I think Allen will be the one we will move...he's peaked and on his way down. Get top value for him now, while you can.

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Report: Harvin, Frazier had heated exchange

Posted by Mike Florio on December 20, 2012, 8:38 PM EST


Vikings receiver Percy Harvin is one of the most explosive players in the NFL. In more ways than one.

His fierce skills come with a fiery (at times) demeanor. The latter reportedly manifested itself earlier this month, via a “heated exchange” with coach Leslie Frazier.

Tom Pelissero of 1500ESPN.com reports, citing “four NFL sources,” that Harvin and Frazier argued “in front of some players and staff members.” That would be at least the second incident between player and coach this season; previously, Harvin was seen jawing at Frazier during a game at Seattle — the same game in which Harvin suffered his ankle injury. During the offseason, Harvin was upset about something other than his contract, and he asked for a trade.

Per Pelissero, some believe that the second argument, not the ankle injury, prompted the decision to put Harvin on injured reserve for the bulk of the season.

If the report is true (and we’ve got no reason to think it isn’t), it’s the latest in a long line of incidents involving Harvin. He clashed with former Vikings coach Brad Childress, with Frazier playing the role of peacemaker more than once. And at Florida, Harvin reportedly grabbed receivers coach Billy Gonzales by the neck and threw him to the ground. Harvin was never disciplined.

The end result could be a decision by the Vikings to get what they can for the 2009 NFL offensive rookie of the year and move on. What they get — and what he’ll get by way of a second contract — could be influenced by his history. Eventually, however, someone will take a chance on a guy who gives any team a better chance to win.

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Well I highly doubt that Frazier will be gone so that means there is a real good chnace Harvin will be.

That means the queens better get two new recievers in the offseason.

I would hope Percy would be worth a mid 2 round pick.

Cant say I can blame him for being POed at the queens. They pay loser Allen 14 million and have no money left to pay Harvin. Harvin is another HOF talent that will never get there cause of his poor attitude.

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"loser Allen"?

The guy might not break QB sack records every season, but that hardly justifies labeling him a loser. The guy is a freakin' animal.

Harvin is a loose cannon. Just like Moss, with the Viking's current decision makers in charge, they'll probably keep him as long as possible, let him walk for a year or two, then pay him huge money to come back...for no logical or ultimately productive reason.

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Allen deserves the $$$ he's being paid. It's the contracts like TE Carlson received that really have to hurt if you're Harvin.

Percy wants and deserves to be paid...he also wants to play with a better QB than what we have here. The way things have shaken out with this situation, I'd say he's played his last snap as a Viking.

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Cheech Harvin is a guy that when he is not smoking pot he is sitting on his couch drinking moonshine watching Dora The Explorer with his niece.

He Tweeted about sitting on the couch all day drinking moonshine and watching Dora The Explorer this spring.

He is a petulant child.

Cut him he is garbage.

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