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Finally got to drop the string!


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After my wife's success earlier in the month, I had been preparing myself to achieve another goal of mine - shooting a deer with the recurve. Last year I acquired the traditional itch and started shooting my grandpa's old Bear Takedown. The more I shot, the more I enjoyed it. The simplicity enthralled me. I practiced all summer and was really excited for fall. I had a lot of good encounters with young bucks, but never saw anything I wanted to shoot. This summer, I shot even more and began to feel a strong level of confidence.

Fast forward to Sunday 10/14! I pulled a camera card early that afternoon and saw a nice buck moving well before dark the evening prior. I had a few videos of him earlier in the month, but he was strictly nocturnal then. He was the best deer I had on camera since August. Here's the video...

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Nice buck with traditional gear!! I recently acquired my grandpa's old recurve and I have been getting the itch to hunt with it too. I'm hoping with some practice between now and next season I might be able to do it!

Thanks for the story!!

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Thanks for all the congrats guys - it's been a memorable season for sure!

No heart shot! Pulled out the heart and it was fully intact! Match called it - I think I slid right in front/under it and did some artery damage. Better to be lucky than good!

Definitely looking forward to Ripley. A good group of us are going and I've got a coveted bonus tag in my pocket. If anyone has any good spots in there for seeing some nannies - please PM me!

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Good job on a nice buck there Stick. I had to leave a doe over night last Friday after I searched until 11:00 PM. Did not sleep much at all and when I found her at 10:00 the next morning the yotes had her completly consumed. All that was left was the head, ribs and the hide. All in about 6 hours. I have pics but wont post them. I could not find blood at all and then did the grid search to finaly find her in very thick brush no more than 100 yards away. Very frusterating to say the least. As you stated in your post. I to beleive this doe was dead before I left my stand and I shot her at 6:30pm. Just wanted to share that as you mentioned yotes in your great story. I never had this happen to me in the 25 years of Bowhunting and was I shocked at how much they can do in a short period of time. Anyway congrats on your recurve Buck, thats great stuff there.

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