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Movie rental reviews...

Corey Bechtold

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There is a guy that works in our warehouse that saw it over the weekend and he said don't waste your time. He said the movie was 2 hours long and it took about 1-1/2 before he even laughed. I think I am going to pass on this movie.

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i don't know how you guys feel about documentarys, but i saw 'the heart of the game' this weekend.wow, what a story. it's about a girls highschool basketball team with a wacky coach and a troubled star. i may be a little off on the title, but it was really cool. maybe i'm a little biased since i have two high school aged step-daughters who are good at basketball. unfortunately they were not here to see it. i'll have to get it again

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I saw that a few weeks back, I thought it was good just hard to follow along with what day it was all the time. What got me was the ending..

I got in Blades of Glory last night. They lied when they said it's the funniest comedy of the year, WRONG. Overall it was ok, there were only a few funny parts in the movie. The best character in the movie is neither Ferrell or Hedar its Nick Swardson (minnesota native), he plays a crazed fan of Hedar's character.

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We rented "Wild Hogs" the other night and with all the good reports about it I was hoping for better. If the movie didn't have those few "S" words and the gay humor it could have been a Disney movie.

Good humor but not as funny as I was hoping. Maybe it would have been better if I had a few more beers. grin.gif

Good luck,

Corey Bechtold


Saw "Super Bad" in the theater last night and thought we got our money's worth. laugh.gif Very funny overall and only had a few slow/boring/wierd parts. I can't wait to hear the reviews from those who wait for it to come out on video.

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Was up to the lake again this past few days and after all the festivities were done....we watched a movie called "All The Beautiful Horses" with Matt Damon and I think it was Penelope Cruz?

Man, what a good movie! I thought it was gonna be some kind of mush movie (But with Penelope Cruz, hey, thats an okay thing!) there was some, but hey, a little romance, added to everything else in the movie, just enhanced it even more.

Without giving anything away, I thought the story line and the plot of the movie was great...excellent acting and great scenery.

An excellent mix of action, drama, romance and suspense....I'd recommend the movie to anyone and I would watch it again, something I don't normally do.

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I got in Blades of Glory last night. They lied when they said it's the funniest comedy of the year, WRONG. Overall it was ok, there were only a few funny parts in the movie. The best character in the movie is neither Ferrell or Hedar its Nick Swardson (minnesota native), he plays a crazed fan of Hedar's character.

I just watched Blades of Glory. I wasn't expecting much going into it after Talladega Nights. It wasn't a bad movie, but not the funniest of the year. I did think it was better than Talladega Nights though. And you are right, Swardson was great. He is hilarious on Reno 911 too. If you watch Blades, make sure to see him playing with Barbie dolls during the end credits.

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Well, this movie is a couple years old, but I'd recommend it to the younger crowd that likes stupid movies. Grandma's Boy. I don't know if it was even in theaters, but it's pretty funny. Lots of sex and drug jokes, but still, these guys are always ripping on each other. It's Sandler's gang without Sander (he produced it). Hilarious. I think Nick Swardson should be in every comedy now (Blades of Glory, I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry, Reno 911). That guy is hilarious.

Lots of good quotes in this movie, many not appropriate for this site.

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OMG, we rented "Disturbia" tonight. It really kept us on the edge of our seats. The only thing that I had to laugh at was the end of the movie where he was searching for his Mom. Even with all the suspense he was still calling for "Mom". grin.gif

One other plus of this movie was along with the suspense there were some funny parts along with a good story line.

Thanks for those who recommended this movie, I'd recommend it to others as well.

Good luck,

Corey Bechtold

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Disturbia was an excellent movie.

Couple I watched over the weekend. Perfect Stranger with Willis and Berry, very good movie with a awesome ending. Other one was Hannibal Rising, another one I would reccomend if you like the Silence of the Lambs movies. Great to see how Hannibal became the person he was.

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Last night I was able to get in Knocked Up, my god was this a funny movie from start to finish. Katherine Heigl does an excellent job and she looks good in this movie. All I can say if you get the unrated version make sure you don't have any kids around.

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We watched "Delta Farce" last night....should have just been named "Farce"! There were a few funny scenes in the movie and a couple of good lines, but overall in my opinion anyways, this one should be regulated to the back of the line!

I did get a couple of good laughs, the kids and the golf clubs and when the troops stormed the town and Engvel opened up with the machine gun on the Hummer. grin.gif

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Wife was gone for the day....I was caught up with my "To Do" list, went down to the river for an hour or so and when I got home, decided to watch some movies.

My wife and I have pretty much different tastes in movies, so I grabbed my chance. I watched "300" wasn't to impressed.

Seemed like some of the stuff was gleened from Braveheart, Gladiator, Lord Of The Rings and some animated characters out of some kind of video game?

Some of the stuff was pretty cool...like their phalynx and shield manuvering. For a bunch of guys that live on bread, feta cheese and goat milk, they all had builds like they made regular visits to GNC and Golds Gym on the sly! It was okay, but I wouldn't watch it again.

The second movie I watched was "Pathfinder" again, some of the stuff looked animated and the players looked pretty danged healthy for living where and how they did.

The Vikings were a cool, scary looking bunch....you wouldn't want to meet that crew up in the Boundry Waters, that for sure.....but they would fit right in with the WWF!

Anyways, for the most part, a pretty slow,laid back Saturday and the movies were only so, so.

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