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Peterson chasing the record

Scott K

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3 games left to come up with 506 yards, or about 170 yards per game to beat Dickersons all time record. Will he do it?

I think he can, and he now has a target, if he can exceed. So I look for Peterson to either break the record, or re injure himself trying. I could see him breaking out for 200+ this week. Any how, good Luck AP!!

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Unless a Laurenitis from Wayzata can stop him. I think not but man I wouldn't bet against him either as in the 4th quarter when teams tire a bit he won't. Teams won't even cover our wideouts lol, just kidding but they won't want him to or let him run over them, isn't this just AP saying knee whatever, he promised to come back faster and stronger and he did, he is insane really, most teams barely hand it off anymore as their game plan, is the record going to depend on whether we're getting blown out early maybe ? We'll have to Ponder it out there won't we with a playoff chance. He can do it because he'll be giving 110% trying to bust the long runs that pile up yardage, the dude is awesome, my mom when we drafted him was like why are you so excited, I said we just drafted the best back maybe of all time, he was a man in Junior High, A beast in High school, a freak in college, and the hammer in the NFL with break away speed mom.

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That is a tall task to ask for, but I wouldn't bet against the guy, he is unbelievable. Teams are going to start not even worrying about the pass at all, like the Bears in that second half. Not that putting 10 guys in the box will stop him, but it's a lot to ask out of one guy.

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He's been running against 8 or 9 in the box all season long. I don't see that changing.

I think he'll get to 2,000 yards but breaking the record is going to be tough. Although I won't bet against him because he does have favorable match ups, especially against Green Bay. I think by the last week of the season Green Bays playoff spot will be locked up so that usually means GB rests their starters. Putting AP at home against a Packer defense with some backups could mean 250+ yards in that game alone.

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I dont think he will beat it.

I would rather seem them get to the Superbowl and instead of having guys like Peterson and Allen going for personal glory every year.

I feel bad for him being on such a terrible team. He is the second comming of Barry Sanders.

I dont see them winning a playoff game ever with him in uniform.

I wish they would trade him to a team that has a chance cause the guy deserves to win a superbowl. Must have an unbelievable work ethic, and you dont get all the gangster carp with this guy. Class act in my book.

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The Vikes were in the NFC Championship game with AP only a couple of years ago....

I think it'll be hard for him to reach the record in large part due to Ponders ineffectiveness. I see them playing catch-up alot over the next few weeks which will not help his cause.

I would love to see him do it though!!

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He'll be on a fast surface in St.L and our dome and he'll want to show Arian Foster that, dude I'm # 1. Green Bay may not care that last game or need to. With Viking luck, in the 4th Q needing 80 yards to break the record, he'll after a touchback, bust loose time ticking down, break it to the 30 the 40 midfield the 40 he's gone folks and fumble untouched at the goal line only to have GB get the fumble and take a knee to run out the clock. And of course if he got in and that was for the win and for also squeaking into the post-season. The Green Bay packers can end the vikings season by taking a knee. smile That is Viking football, jk, lol.

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AP is the only reason I'm watching the Vikings right now. I swear I jump out of the chair every time they hand the ball off to him. He's just fun to watch.

It's going to be tough for him to break the record but 2000 yards should be attainable(sp).

I'm sure he'd trade 2000 yards for a ring any day. At the end of the day winning is all that matters in the NFL.

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I have to chuckle a little bit. About mid-season, a couple of the NFL Sunday shows were talking about the death of workhorse backs and prosperity of passing these days, and who the best rushers in the league were. No b.s., the two stories on the subject I saw didn't even mention Peterson. Now, going into Week 16, he has a legitimate shot at Dickerson's record. And coming off ACL surgery. What a shame it will be if the Vikings can't ride the guy to a Super Bowl win during his career. If he hadn't had the fumbling problem in '09 he'd probably have a ring.

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All the Vikings need to do is win their last 2 games, and they are in. I know those 2 teams are the Texan's, and the Packers. But I think both teams wont be playing their starters the complete game, since they really wont have much reason too. On the surface it may be look impossible, but they can beat the Packers at home, we know they can, and the Texans, with out all of their starters, we have a shot as well.

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Minnesota needs more than just to win out to get in. Better hope NYG lose a game. Houston may rest starters, they still need on more win to get home field. GB will be playing for the second seed and a bye week. With the Niners playing the late game, they will be playing starters untill they are sure they have won and secured the bye week.

GB will not rest starters this year. Now way they rest, and let MN in the playoffs if MN is eligible. MN would have to play them again in the first round of the playoffs.


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