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i don't bleach my teeth or spray tan


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Some of you might already know this but; i was fortunate enough to fill my archery buck tag on November 12th!

it was a season of change for me. a new job/career for my would limit not only my time in the woods, but my time in Minnesota.

In July, my little army of trail cams went to work for me. things were slow to begin with, but before too long i had 4 deer that i wanted to pursue. all i needed was time....


Opening day came and boy oh boy did we have these bucks patterned! Unfortunately, i was out of state and unable to hunt! but... my dad wasted no time slipping a Rage Chisel Tip into the vitals of one of our shooters! 1_IMG959303.jpg

8:15 on opening day! can't beat that!


my first chance to hunt was September 27. i got skunked. September 28th i smoked a doe. September 29th i missed a giant typical.

back to work.... i wouldn't hunt again until November 1st. November 1st came and went and i saw ZERO deer! The next day i really screwed up...i checked a Camera by a stand and saw a big deer on it at 8am the day before. i still elected to hunt a different stand only 40yds away.

2 big bucks walked by that stand i shoulda sat in....one of the bucks was a 7yr old non-typical I've been chasing for 2 yrs! bummer!

i would go on to see that non-typ (no shot opportunity) 5 more times in the next week!

maybe if i didn't play on my phone, i would see a big buck in my shooting lane at 18yds! ughhhh!


after a week of all day sits, and 2 misses that i have footage of; i was getting burned out... %7Boption%7D

November 9th was my best deer day in the woods...


i recharged by infecting a doe with the Rage-Flu smileIMG_0186.jpg

finally the morning of November 12th came... and i saw many, many deer!

This old boy came by chasing a doe. he's a buck i had gotten a few pics of, but he wasn't on my radar because of the much larger deer i had too.

he defiantly acted like the bull of the woods, and i couldn't pass up a chip shot smile


I had to travel to Pennsylvania this week for work. I was so excited to see a group of 4 bulls right by the side of the road! I've never been this close to a big bull!



for those keeping track....i'm 5 for 5 with a 146.8 average smile

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Nice work looks like you got some quality deer, and obviously your managing them well.

thanks everyone! it sure pays off to not shoot those little bucks (although tempting). you'll never see what they coulda been if you harvest them early.

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