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friday night


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Anyone else think the deer might really be moving tomorrow night with the rather large storm slated for Saturday. I plan on being in a stand tomorrow night, but the shot will have to be perfect as the rain is supposed to be in my area by early Saturday morning. Not much of a chance for tracking during daylight hours Saturday.

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I agree- the storm moving in might help things a lot. However, there's big wind forecast here and I don't see deer moving as much in big wind. One plus, one minus = get out and hunt in my book! Heck, three minuses means get out and hunt! grin

If it works for me to get out, I'll have both my kids with me tomorrow night. My son will do fine, but my five year old daughter, who really wants to go, will definitely have a tough time holding still for very. But... I'll take them both and have fun doing it! If she spooks deer, it'll make for a good story when she's a teenager.

Good luck to anyone who gets out!

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10 mph SSE wind forcasted down here. It might be the best possible wind for my best stand. I generally get a NW wind and I have to hope they come from the other direction. I never get a SSE wind. I'm gonna have to check it out. Hope he shows up. That would be awesome!

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I feel they move better before and after a winter storm over a rain storm, but still hoping they move some tomorrow afternoon.

I need to make it an late morning to early afternoon hunt, wife is going to a Ducks Unlimited Banquet tomorrow night.

Still a better chance than sitting on my couch.

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Wat Id noticed last week was the day before that snow storm up here, was animal activity in creased the day before the storm, then imedeatly after the storm, deer were moving like crazy seen one of the biggest bucks from stand in many years an had seen proabably thirty more deer milling around a in the harvested bean feild.

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they must have known it was going to be cold this morning

and stayed in bed....sigh

I did find a good snippet in OL

" I have collected barometric pressure data from around the country for years through log book entries from trail cameras, hunters and private studies. The results are clear and indisputable. Deer like a pressure above 30.00 in.

And if you want to see bucks, the ratio of bucks to does sighted when the pressure is between 30.00 – 30.40 is a staggering 1 to 1! When it drops and is between 29.8 and 30.00 there were a third as many deer spotted and with that figure your chances of seeing a buck dropps to 1 in 3.

There is a sweet spot within the pressure scale that I have found and it seems to be at 30.20 to 30.30. There will also be a difference in sightings depending on if the pressure is rising or falling. Rising pressure right before its peak is best. "

I don't know if this and that are ALL TRUE or not.

But I'm sure as with most mammals barometric pressure will have some kind of side effect on deer habit. I see horses but up against prevailing winds, and get antsy during barometric changes. Not before or after the fact, but during. This means when the barometer is moving up or down, deer movement should be higher. Young deer will get antsy, mature deer mosey on to the food. Not always their preferd source but none the less, they will be up and doing what deer do best...leaving some tell tale sign behind them. I'll be expecting more rubs, new scrapes, extra clumps and mayby some offal stuff on the ground after this weekend.

good luck. wink

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10 mph SSE wind forcasted down here. It might be the best possible wind for my best stand. I generally get a NW wind and I have to hope they come from the other direction. I never get a SSE wind. I'm gonna have to check it out. Hope he shows up. That would be awesome!

Great point Trigger... SSE winds seem so rare this time of year that I hadn't even noticed it and like you, it's a perfect wind for my stand. I wasn't planning on hunting tonight because I snuck out for an hour and a half this morning but if work will cooperate with me I think I'll find myself in the stand tonight as well. Especially considering that tomorrow may be a washout.

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All the land I hunt is on the west side of a bluff with the crop land to my west, its just the way the land was purchased. West winds blow my scent right into the woods. I can get by with a north wind if they don't get below me, but that is tough. Any wind from the east is better, unfortunately, we don't normally get those. Tonight should be a good night for me. I am going to try some light rattling and calling, just because the wind is good, the bucks are starting to spar a little bit, and I know of a nice buck that was just shot on Wednesday coming into a scent rag.

I'm very optimistic about tonight, but then again, I never go out the door pessimistic.

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A couple of years ago my first hunt of the year was Oct 12th and I shot my third largest buck with a bow. What's the date today????

Yeah I know, probably setting myself up for a skunking but any day in the woods is a good day.

Capra's in Blaine weighed one in at 260#'s field dressed, yesterday I believe. Saw pictures and it was a pig!!

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I'm very optimistic about tonight, but then again, I never go out the door pessimistic.

Too funny! I was talking to my son about what we're going to do tomorrow. He said he was going to sleep in until about 10:30. (He's 14 & has a fb game tonight.) I started laughing about how our plans were quite different. I was going to get up early & try to shoot a big buck. I said it probably won't happen, but I'm going to try. He said well that's real optimistic! I said I'm not being pessimistic, just realistic. I feel I've got a good chance to stick a nice buck if I keep hunting hard & hunting smart, but I know most hunts I won't see a good buck. It's just a matter of still going.

Interestingly my biggest buck, the one in my avatar, was shot on probably one of my top 5 most pessimistic hunts ever. 80+ degrees, changed stands during the hunt, brush hog continually mowing by at 50 yards about every half hour, landowner's kid sneaking up to the stand site an hour before dark, then BOOM there's this monster buck stepping out of the weeds. Just like my bear hunt 10 seconds changes your season. You don't know when they'll be, but unless you're bear hunting with me they won't be while sitting in the cabin...

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That's great. Hunting a lot in the burbs besides farms, I find this to be true as well. A car or walker might scare a deer off and you're cursing and then 10 minutes later, it's circled back and headed back your way.

Good luck everyone. I wish I could go out by I'm done in my home area at least. The good news is, I just got back all my sausage and stuff from the processor today, including some venison bacon, which I look forward to tomorrow morning!

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Got skunked tonight. Never saw a deer, not in the fields, not on the way home. They were picking corn though, so there was a lot of commotion and noise. I am going to let it settle down and hit it again next week. Oh, and those SSE winds, never showed up, winds were really swirling. Woods was very quiet, only saw one squirrel. That isn't normal.

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