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Waterfowl Reports

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I was out there tonight myself mainly to check things out. I was the only guy on the entire lake and it was DEAD. Plenty of coots like Brocster said. 2 old guys were coming off with their fishing boat as I was going out and they said don't bother there is nothing out there. They had some good stories about hunting in the 70's though......

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Back to the cornfield in Scandia. Only things in the sky were a blue jay and planes ! Heard ppl sighting in guns for deer season. No waterfowl shots. Really ! Not even a blackbird ?!?! In my 20 times hunting this season I have not heard a rooster pheasant crow either.

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Back to the cornfield in Scandia. Only things in the sky were a blue jay and planes ! Heard ppl sighting in guns for deer season. No waterfowl shots. Really ! Not even a blackbird ?!?! In my 20 times hunting this season I have not heard a rooster pheasant crow either.

Not all corn fields are created equal. Some fields birds visit every year other never see a goose. Why return to a field that you do not even see traffic on? Has this been a productive field in past years?

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Duck hunting, was out watching for them again all week, 0 in the pond(s) and zero in the river. Another strange thing a bit is 0 geese around either, first fall in many years our farm never attracted geese like usual, I bet during rifle season things will change some. Geese will be a little jumpier seeing orange around the fields they're using and hearing the crack of many guns. Ducks lol, I have more pileated woodpeckers around each fall than ducks.

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Ducks lol, I have more pileated woodpeckers around each fall than ducks.

That made me realize I have seen more bald eagles over the last couple weeks than ducks. What does that tell you? But I guess I only drive past 6 or 7 lakes and a couple rivers on my way home from work, so I shouldn't expect much.

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not much flying this morning but did manage to get two flocks to do the dance dropped 2 cans and then the other flock was pintails and sailed one of those, three guys hunting btw. wish the flocks would have kept coming the two that we seen sucked right in!

didnt even hear a honk frown

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Deet in all honesty it's not lol it's a tragedy what has happened to our ducks and the water they use, I mean used to use. It has turned so many fathers away and in turn their sons, if they got geese they are still at it but ducks, it's sad, I used to be extremely excited to duck hunt, it was by far my favorite, it was what kept my mind off deer season, it gave me practice with a gun that has recoil, it meant everything to me and it meant so much to so many people I know, I know none of these folk are still duck hunting, none of them, in my town at garage sales it's dusty decoys, old hippers, old duck boats, it's over, turn the page, if this Cordt's guy must have double vision record numbers he was reporting, cmon, ducks don't walk and the skies are empty and have been since 1995. I don't blame him at all, it's just lets tell the truth about so many counties that used to be duck counties.

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Sartellangler, scant few ducks/geese 15 mi w of Morris. I would go 40 miles if you know that area at all. Donnelly area might have a few divers but refuges around Chokio are empty. Had hopes when the rain forecast first came out but now it is Sw and W winds. Only a 50% of rain for Jamestown. Storm might be a bust.

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@ Brittman. Cause I have permission there. I have had luck there in years past. Geese were there a couple days before. There are 2 fields and I was hunting the wrong one . Went to the one they were using but never saw anything. Today. Never shouldered the gun. Did see 2 flocks of geese and a few small groups of mallards. Nothing came near. Wind and sun in my face. Hate it but have to because of houses. Eagles sitting in a tree behind me screaming all morning. Suprised by the lack of deer shots heard. Figures the day I leave mojo home all I see is mallards !

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seen a few flocks up high migrating. had one flock do the dance dropped 5 in on flock and sailed one. nice to see them work the decoys love these days were guys are chasin bambi. didnt hear many shots from slug hunters.

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While deer hunting over in Polk County WI the last four days I was seeing a few groups of mallards that came down. Flocks of 1-2 dozen birds. Plenty on the river I was hunting along. Would have been a fun hunt I think if that's what I was there for. smile

Still not a lot of birds in the region though, I wasn't seeing any on the ponds and lakes while driving around and on my way home today.

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Tough weekend in my parts did a little of scouting saturday after not seeing a bird while hunting. finally found a fair number of Cans ,Bills and Redheads and a small public spot with plenty of greenheads and evan more deer hunters.

Ventured out sunday with a buddy in anticipation of a decent diver hunt , but the only birds we seen came in just over the water skirted to the side ,and landed just short of the decoys.

Above average air temps and strong south winds are a drag!

Theres not much of the season left, Over all its been another crappy season for this hunter.

Trying to stay optimistic in hopes of at least a little push of birds before its over. sure would be nice to hunt into december. Kind of seeing a repeat trend over the last few years cry just wish the U.S fish and wild life would see it

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Plan B. Was gonna meet a buddy but he got a flat on boat and then spare didnt hold air either. Grabbed everything and scramble home. Got shells in gun at 6:25. Got smart and only threw out 5 dekes and one goose. Learned that lesson yesterday. Not the most pleasant weather to be on the windy side of the lake with a canoe ! Saw about 30 ducks in different groups and 70 geese maybe. Raised the gun once and put it back down. Mergies ! No shots. Barely any shots heard either.

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While deer hunting over in Polk County WI the last four days I was seeing a few groups of mallards that came down. Flocks of 1-2 dozen birds. Plenty on the river I was hunting along. Would have been a fun hunt I think if that's what I was there for. smile

Still not a lot of birds in the region though, I wasn't seeing any on the ponds and lakes while driving around and on my way home today.

Our land is by Luck/Milltown. Bowhunting, there were 100-125 mallards in our small beaver pond! I could not believe it. Literally like a tornado when they lifted. This was a really grassy pond where we have a blind (grassy because of the last few years drought) and the grass totally cleared out with the cold weather.

Time to take that vacation!

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Same here fish and deer hunting were more productive!!! While pushing for deer ducks were on a small creek that never has enough water in it for ducks but beavers decided to triple dam the creek instead of the river Kicked up twenty mallards that wanted right back in out of the wind , a dozen woodies and four widgeon. The widgeon I almost could have touched before they jumped up. That wind was defeiantley not a duck hunters friend. Bucks were holding tight too but horrible shooting on two nice eights with does were missed. Checked public slough with tons of ducks on it Friday night and only about a half are still using it and I can guarantee no one hunted it this weekend!!! Maybe going up north for a diver hunt this weekend and Laq Parle the following weekend!!!

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