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American Idol **Official Thread**


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Is by far the most talented singer idol has ever had. Will he sell more albums then Carrie and the other chick who knows. I will also say I'm a 80's hair band fan and think D. Coverdale has one of the greatest voices of all time.


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Looks like it is just you and me Key, the rest are all hatin' on Adam! LOL

They always turn on the front runner when it gets down to crunch time and pull for the underdog. And as for him not covering Steven Tyler very well, all I can say is he did a much better job of covering Mr. Tyler than Danny did...we all remember his version of Dream On, now known as Scream On! Yikes!

Go Adam!

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I have been an Adam fan since day 1. Sure at times he screeches a bit. But once he turns pro he will learn how to control his voices better. Kris is pretty good as well but Adam can sing anything and make it a hit.....

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i have been a adam fan since day one as well. I think the guy just has way to much talent. Either way, they both are going to be awesome once the show is over, along with a few others from the show.

i think adam will win

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LOL @ Windy..

I honestly think it was a split night.. Kris killed the first song. Adam killed the blues, which I wasnt sure he could do.

I'm not sure what to think of the last song.. Wasnt that good a song.. too high for Kris, not rocky enough for Adam..

Here is my take.. if people vote the whole season, Adam wins.. The kid has tallent. Straight up. However, I think Kris will win it. I just think Kris will get too many of the Danny votes. To be honest, I will buy both of their albums. And be happy.

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and then I will buy another Carrie Underwood Album.. yikes she doesnt hurt my eyes.

I'll agree with you on that Deitz. I also agree with you on your views of the songs out side of the second. Blues singers don't screech in their songs like Adam did. One thing that cheesed me off with the judges was the stroking they did with Adam, clear who they want to win. That first song was extremely boring, best part was he didn't screech. Kris does a slow song in the second song and gets knocked for it.

They did the same last year with Eddie Munster (I mean Little David) and it didn't pan out. Hope it goes like that this year.

On a side note, did you see the group of kids at the end. I forgot about the one kid that looked like Mango!!

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I don't hate Adam, have liked him since Idol began. It is his rocker songs that grate on my nerves, I guess it is just because I am not a hard rocker fan. I loved his first song, theatrics and all. I even told my husband that he reminded me of the Phantom of the Opera and I do think he could play an awesome phantom. I like Kris very much and his style of singing. No matter what I think they both have a career ahead of them. I did not care for the third song at all, it seemed like a real snoozer to me. This has been a very interesting season.

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OK, here is the ole Windy take on tonight!

I think that Kris's BEST song (Ain't No Sunshine) was BARELY, and I do mean BARELY marginally better than Adam's worst song!

Kris just bores me to tears. He reminds me of my female college friends (a million years ago) who used to all get together and sit around and get ripped on Lancers red wine and listen to Bread albums and all cry about how their boyfriends done them wrong. I think his second song was a snore fest and his third was a train wreck. He murdered that song by Kara whereas Adam interpretted it and put his personality into a very difficult song for him to sing. I do not see this as being even marginally close. The only way I see it go in Kris's favor is if all the Danny votes swing over to Kris because they are mad at Adam for knocking Danny out. If America looks at the whole season as a complete body of work then Adam wins in a landslide. People do like to vote for the underdog though! I would listen to both of their first albums, the only difference is I would pay for Adam's and only dub Kris's!

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I would sum it up like this ..... I look forward to Adam's performances because he puts a twist or interpretation or whatever you want to call it in each of them that I think is amazing and different and really talented, and the 2nd time I hear his songs I like them even more than the first time. And for Kris, I think his songs sound too much alike and are too boring for my taste, and the 2nd time I hear them I like them even less than the first time. Both guys are talented singers but I think Adam is in a league of his own.

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I also said that Blues singers dont scream!

On the last song it was obvious Kris was not capable of hitting those notes ...well maybe had he started screeching he could have.

I dont like Adams soft slow voice...it is weird to me. i like Kris better but I am a huge John mayer fan and those 2 have similar styles

Anyone else think Kris looks like Hal Sparks?

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I would like to reiterate what I said about 1-2 months ago.

Adam and Kris / Danny in the final, with Kris / Danny beating Adam because whichever one doesn't make it, will get the majority of votes from the one voted off.

They said tonight that the top 2 were seperated by a total of only 2 million votes out of 88 million.

Now unless it was 32 million to 28 million to 28 million votes (notice they didn't say anything about where the 3rd person was) It wouldn't take much to put Kris over the top.

But then again, they never said if Kris was the top vote getter or not either.

I'm usually not one to say "I told you so"..... BUT.... laugh

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AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drama queen didn't win it!!!

He cheesed me off with his chalkboard voice during KISS. Was real good with them for the most part and then started screeching again. So glad Kris one, not so full of himself and that counts big to me. An upset just like last year.

I will say, it was a heck of a show tonight. Couldn't believe the acts they got to show up tonight.

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my take.. wow...

For the first time I think that American Idol had the top 2.. totally different genre. The younger pop group won out.. kinda what I figured. Both artists will make a ton of money. I dare say that either of them could make a run at Underwood for most successful AI player. Either of them.

lastly, this WAS the best final show by FAR.. loved the Cindy L/Allison Duet.. Thought that Kris/Urban was something I would buy right now. Liked Danny/Ritchie... Kiss/Adam was the bomb.. the show tonight was great. I would pay to see that concert for sure.

Good season! The winner is really not the end all. We have seen that by prior seasons. I dont see how they will find talent again next season, but they will.

I look forward to both Kris and Adams album..

My one only complaint.. I wish it would have been Kris to sing with jason mraz.. I think that would have been killer!

Adam, I know you dont read FM, but on the off chance. You killed it, by far the most consistant, a vocal range that no one can match. use it. Be it.

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I went back and read all the posts.. all 53 pages.. yikes.. we need a life. I dont want to say, but will say, we were all pretty spot on..

Not wanting to admit this, at one point in my life in college I was on a phd level for vocals(opera) I had quite a few scholarships, but I didnt make the grade.. and I can look back and realize that I didnt make it.. that to me is the biggest issue.. some people cant hear that they dont cut it.

So, 8 years of piano and some guitar. Here I sit, a P.E. teacher.. and love it. I made the right choice! Love doing what I do, but still enjoy music!

My goal this summer. Learn the electric!

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With Gokey gone, those votes had to go somewhere and Kris was the closest Gokey-like contender.

They'll both do well. it's probably better for Adam that he didnt win it, he'll probably score a better record deal on his own after his performances this season.

I'm pleased that Kris won - I like him

so Bikini girl got 'something' new. Loved Seacrest's comment!

Very good final show, great performances

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