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American Idol **Official Thread**


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You knew when Megan said she didn't care about what Simon thought that he was going to get his shot in before the show ended,and she opened the door for him. She is just awful!

I think Adam is the most orignal but he needs to limit that high scream or people will get tired of it. Allison is amazing for 16 years old but it appears she does not have a huge fan base since she's been in the bottom three twice in the last three weeks. Danny has a killer voice and Kris really has his "A" game going. Lil seems to be struggling but is capable of stitching together a hot streak.

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Allison will not have a huge fan base because of the pink hair.

There's too many people in this world yet that won't vote for someone like that because they're strange or they don't want to support someone that isn't conforming.

It's the "appeal to the masses" that wins in the end.

That's why so many people complain about whatever genre of music they listen to, that it's just bland

Adam should win, on the mere fact of what he can do, how he can be completely different entertainers from "Play that Funky Music" to the song he did 2 weeks ago.

Sure he screams alot, and that will turn people off, but look at the song 2 weeks ago. But he won't win, because Kris or Danny will have a more consistant base and which ever one of them goes up against Adam will get the other's vote.

That's my story, I'm sticking to it.

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There is a fine line between being "quirky" and just being weird and Megan crossed over this week, she was awful close to the line the past two weeks. End of story. I kind of like Lawn's assessment though I still think Adam will find a way to win. Kris and Danny are good but not great, Adam is unforgettable and that is what Simon always says they are looking for. I think he will make the biggest impact when he hits the recording studio. I agree with the Allison assessment, she is getting close to the "weirdo" line that Megan crossed this week. The time clock is ticking on Scott, Anoop and Matt and Lill if she does not jump back into her time machine and get back to the twenty something age rather than the late 40's early 50's age she is in right now.

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You knew when Megan said she didn't care about what Simon thought that he was going to get his shot in before the show ended,and she opened the door for him. She is just awful!

The way she acted this week really put me off. With the faces and the remarks, lack of respect and I have no time for the kids that act that way.

I have know idea what lady ga ga was, but good God, don't put that on again.

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The year I was born? Why the year I was born? All they had for songs the year I was born, was a harmonica ditty, another tune played with a comb and a piece of wax paper and a couple of country songs....well, not really songs, kinda like howling and yodeling...kinda like someone got Mr. Johnson caught in the zipper? Only with some kind of melody, I think? Well, maybe it was just some instrument noise and not really a melody?

I think the hit tune for that year was "On Top Of Old Smokey" sung with a clothes pin on his nose, by Minnie Pearls dad! Me and Mr. Pearl used to be buds.

Roy Rogers and Dale Evens weren't even on television yet when I was born...heck, they weren't even born! Gabby Hayes wasn't even born yet!

I think the guys and gals on the Idol are gonna have a time of it singing songs from the year I was born! Lets see? The back up music makers will have to know how to play the washboard, the wash tub, one string banjo and the harpoon! Good luck to em! eek

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LOL @ Grebe!!!!! They have age restrictions on contestants, that why I havent won it yet.. LMAO.. that was a joke...

but you got me thinking.. so I did a google search!!!


#1. Joy To The World, Three Dog Night

anybody else willing to do the google search?

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LOL @ Grebe!!!!! They have age restrictions on contestants, that why I havent won it yet.. LMAO.. that was a joke...

but you got me thinking.. so I did a google search!!!


#1. Joy To The World, Three Dog Night

anybody else willing to do the google search?

I was kind of curious about this anyway so I checked too. Some of my favorites from 1966 .....

#6 Last Train To Clarksville, The Monkees

#13 These Boots Are Made For Walkin, Nancy Sinatra

#15 Strangers In The Night, Frank Sinatra

#24 Wild Thing, The Troggs

#51 I Am A Rock, Simon and Garfunkel

#63 19th Nervous Breakdown, Rolling Stones

Most of the other ones were from the Beatles grin

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I dont know who is in the top 3, nor do I care. If I was forced.. Matt lead the night, Noop was good, Allison brought it. I wasnt as impressed with Adam tonight, but simon loved it? Confused.. maybe other people loved it. I have really liked a lot of his stuff, but tonight was not into it.

Bottom 2, no need for 3.. Bottom 2, Lil' and then how fitting. "The Search is Over".. Sorry Scott, ok, not even sorry, tonight was your last night.

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Man! Can that Adam close a show or what? I didn't even know the song and I was clapping when it was done! That dude can bring it!

I think Lil might get the axe this week? Bottom 3...Lil, Danny, Scott, Lil goes home. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it!

Lil started out the competition looking like a shoe in to win it and then she started going downhill, compared to the other contestants....whats up with that?

They were all good tonight, except for Lil.....she looked good, but sounded only so, so. Anoop, Matt, Adam, the red haired lass, dang they were pretty impressive!

Tomorrow ought to be interesting.

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