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River fishing?


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S. St.Paul, put in under the 494 bridge. Excellent big 'eye fishing spring and fall. Only thing is it is a catch and release fishery, so all of the walleye's must go back. Pool 4 if also a good choice. Good luck!

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Who posted anything about specifically targeting gamefish? So are you saying I shouldn't fish for anything in that section of river just because walleye,smallmouth bass and northerns are closed? You're kidding me,right? I posted that the river was open in tha area.Nothing more,nothing less.

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AS you all know that the fishin near Red Wing gets pretty busy on the weekends. I always take a few days of during the week and head down there, I don't have to fight to get on/off the landings. I like to fish the 494 when possible, there are a few good spots over there, all catch and release, but fun.

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I'll be hittin the open water in the next couple of weeks on the WI river, which has open season year round. Checked out the spot I fish first in spring today and she's open and the water level is good, so will definitley try it out soon.

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 Originally Posted By: rockman
Who posted anything about specifically targeting gamefish? So are you saying I shouldn't fish for anything in that section of river just because walleye,smallmouth bass and northerns are closed? You're kidding me,right? I posted that the river was open in tha area.Nothing more,nothing less.

Settle down there big guy, it was a friendly reminder to people thinking the Mississippi is open all over year round up here, it happens every year! (thats why I put GAMEFISH), I to will be hitting the whiskered fishies as soon as I get my boat ready!

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If I had replied to tigerbalm2424 to go ahead and tie on a smallie, or walleye bait, and fish the area by the 101 bridge, I then can understand your reply,with quote,to my post. The question in the original post was about river fishing in general. I have to believe the folks, who at the very least, expend the effort to read a post about river fishing on a internet forum, would take the time to read the current regulations for that section of river before fishing it.If not, well, it's their bad.There's nothing to settle down from, as far as I'm concerned.

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It seems like every board I read this time of year has guys getting P.O.'d at each other for silly reasons...It must be the frustration of not getting out and setting hooks that does it to us!

I second the fellow who talked about catching carp...some 8lb test, a M action rod, and a few hundred yards of line, and you are all set!

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I would be P.O. too...because sometimes things just seems to turn out like a smart aleck remark eventhough it wasn't the intention.

it's the waiting for the ice to clear the river...sometimes I fish and there's sheets of ice flowing around. annoyance...

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S-bob I too fish the river as soon as it opens,sometimes having to reel in because of ice sheets floating down. It really isnt a very productive time to fish, but I am out fishing, thats all that really counts!

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The river is open in Monticello, and a group of guys were out fishing today, downstream from the public access, near the hospital. Any DNR guys on this site might want to visit this area, because they sure were not trying to catch carp.

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 Originally Posted By: NDSUski
How do you know they were not trying to catch carp?

How many people do you know that fish for carp with a bobber and a shiner? Also even if they say they are trying to catch carp aren't you supposed to switch from what you are using if you keep catching out of season fish?

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LOL's I like it when people say they're fishing for crappies in the shallows and are throwing 1/2 oz. tandem willow spinner baits at cattails and bullrushes. Right.....they just pulled five L basses and are still gonna justify that as crappie fishing.

Anyway...one method of catching big carp is with a float and some dough. Worst thing about that is when they're just sucking the dough off the hook, just like little sunnies nibbling away at a work on hook.

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