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Dock Talk 2008!!!!


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Well we might as well get it started.

Dock Talk for 2008!! Im sure you all remember we had it last year here, so we might as well have it again. Its not only talking about docks, its anything that wanta talk about.

Im excited for this season! Im going to take alot of time to become a better deep water fisherman, and out front of docks as well.

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I have two goals this year. One is to learn how to skip with a baitcaster without the "professional over run". Two is to become more proficient at pitching. I have to stop sounding the alarm when i whack the side of a pontoon.

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its funny you say that, becuase thats what i was doing all year, was getting better around docks. Now, i could pitch, flip, skip ect around a dock no problem. If you work at it all year, you will be in the same boat.

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I'm excited. I'm sick of drilling holes, but I did ice two bass this winter.

This years open water goals are to become more proficient at drop shotting and carolina rig. I'm slowly becoming more comfortable fishing deeper water. 12-15'

I also want to make custom colored skirts for jigs, spinnerbaits, etc.. Oh and break the state record:) I can dream

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"I also want to make custom colored skirts for jigs, spinnerbaits, etc.."

E . i wanted to add some color to skirts also!(especially spinner baits),but didn't want to get into making them! i just bought some extra skirts( like red,and char.),and pull out several strands. then use a big needle( that you can buy pretty cheap), slide the stand into it, then slide this under the collar of the skirt! custom skirts, for little cost! del

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Im always trying to get better at skipping/pitch skipping with a baitcaster. Just when I think I started to figure it out a nasty backlash puts me in my place.

The one techniqe I want to try is smaller swimbaits and see how effective they can be here in MN waters.

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i just starting using spinning reels last year and i want to get better at skipping under docks and boat lifts

seems like my line likes to get caught around the docks more than the fish ;\) haha

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thats awesome idea.

I have moved to a different location, so i have alot of different lakes that i have to learn here in the west metro. Ya i have fished a few of them before, but just didnt get into that much being that i never lived in this area.

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Dock fishing is definitley my favorite bass fishing technique. I would like to get better at fishing jigs around docks, and in the thick stuff for that matter.

I also want to spend more time improving my cranking and drop-shotting.

Can't wait! Only a couple weeks(late march) before I throw on the waders and hit the river(WI river open all year for game species), but the bass don't usually start snapping till mid april.

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