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What's your best excuse?


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My buddy and I were talking the other day about a time we were out on the hard water a couple of years ago. We were catching quite a few fish, all small but having a good time none-the-less. We were having a few beers and joking around when it happened, the dreaded girlfriend come home call. You see, our girlfriends are close friends and were calling together. I told my lovely gal that we were going to come home but Tom had caught a fish that we thought may be a state record. I went on to explain since it was 7:30 on a Sunday the only state office with an official scale that was open was in Grand Rapids. Since we were in Chisago it would be at least 10:00 until we were home. (they don't know how long it takes to get to and from Grand Rapids) They bought the story and after a good laugh we continued to fish until about 10:00. I got home and my girlfriend was asleep. I never thought twice about it. Then about two weeks later she comes in the living room and punches me right in the gut. Seems that I had forgot to tell her that it was all a joke, she had to hear it from her friend. Boy was she p****d, I explained that I didn't mean any harm and after I cleaned the bathroom and her car she eventually forgave me.

I would like to hear some other excuses that you guys have used with the girlfriend, wife, boss or all three. I need some more ideas!!!

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Geez, I feel sorry for some of you who are fishing for "excuses". Tell one excuse (AKA white lie) and they'll never trust you again. Guess that's why I don't have any issues with my wife! LOL smile.gif

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You can always forget to pick up the phone because there wasn't a clear signal, but a really good woman would understand if the fish were biting-especially if you had to catch them all to make sure none were were northern snakeheads wink.gif good luck getting outof the doghouse and back on the water.

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I just remind her of how much her parents enjoy fresh filets every time they come to town. They may not be real fond of me.....but they sure do appreciate my time away from her..... and the fish I send home with them grin.gif

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I just put my 3 yr old on the phone to tell mom that he wants to stay out fishing longer. Of course if he had his way he would be out past midnight every time. She has a hard time resisting him when he starts to plead to stay out fishing.

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I guess I am lucky. When ever there is a fishing trip, the "Warden" always wants to come with.

It is a little tougher for us to get out together now that we have a little yard ape running our lives,LOL. It is a good thing that we have friends and families with pontoons.

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If I bring my 8 year old son, that is all it takes. I could be gone for 2 weeks and my wife wouldn't mind. Them two go at each other sometimes and I love seeing it. Everytime I take my son with she never asks when I will be home, but if I go without him, then she wants to know. I just say could be late, get the look and she says ok mad.gif

I like Tail

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Can you hear me now?
(Make static noises with your mouth.)

Can you hear me now?
(Make static noises with your mouth.)

Can you hear me now?
(Make static noises with your mouth.)

Click. . . . . .

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She asked once about fishing too much.
The only thing I could think of was if I cant fish you cant shop. She said good Luck Fishing Honey!!

It worked so Im happy.

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If you are fishing, why do you have the dang phone on?

What did women do before cell phones? They went shopping and spent all the darn money smile.gif I don't turn mine on unless I think there maybe a real emergency. This is fishing ya know.

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Reminds me of a story I once heard:

A bum,who obviously has seen more than his share of hard times, approaches a well-dressed gentleman on the street.

"Hey,Buddy,can you spare two dollars?"

The well-dressed gentleman responds,"You are not going to spend it on liquor are you?"

"No,sir,I don't drink," retorts the bum.

"You are not going to throw it away on some fishing gear,are you?" asks the gentleman.

"No way,I don't fish," answers the bum.

"You wouldn't waste the money on a bird lease would you?" asks the man.

"Never," says the bum, "I don't hunt."

The man asks the bum if he would like to come home with him for a home cooked meal. The bum accepts eagerly. While they're heading for the man's house,the bum's curiosity gets the better of him.

"Isn't your wife going to be angry when she sees a guy like me at your table?"

"Probably," says the man,"but it will be worth it. I want her to see what happens to a guy who doesn't drink, fish or hunt."

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I bring a cell phone along in case I'M the one with the emergency, but never turn it on unless I need to make a call.

Mrs. Catfish never needs to hear a lie from me when I want to fish. She just says "see you when you get home," although sometimes she's mad if she has to work and can't go along.

Marrying your fishing partner has its advantages. grin.gif

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excuses? just tell em your going fishing
days she works i go fishing, days she isn't working i bring her with or see her after, and give her a big hug with fish guts all over me.
fish frys are what keeps my family in touch, and it makes me proud to see everyone close to me enjoy a meal that i caught, cleaned, and cooked.

my lady says im crazy for fishing every day...i tell her that is the price to pay for a good guy :)

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Just this week, my wife went shopping and a friend of mine called to go fishing. Knowing we would be home before dark I simply went...no message or anything. My wife comes home..my truck is in the drive..but no me. She looks in the shed below our house but no me. She thinks I am amongst the junk boxes and died. Most importantly, she emptied the cats litter box and was going to put new stuff in but couldn't open the pail. So........she calls me on the cell phone...course i am on the ice and dont get the message till I go to warm up. NOw there are two messages. Ones said, you get home right away...the cat needs to use the litter box and there is no litter in it. NOw I am 70 miles away..course she doesnt know that. She calls again...where the "H" are you....so I called her and she answered. I told her I was 70 miles away and wasnt about to drive home so the cat could "potty"! She said she finally got the cover off anyway. My question is....should I get rid of the cat or the wife???

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No excuses her either 10 Years & my wife knew she married a fisherman so she's cool with it. Our honey moon was spent fishing Muskies up on Big Mantrap Lake for two weeks. Man I love her!

But as for the question of "When will you be home?" I just tell her "After I'm done Fishing Dear." I usually get the rolled eyes look then while leaving she tells me to be safe & she loves me.

So my advice would be don't lie and you will spend less nights in the dog house & more time on the water. Plus taking the kids with gets you even more time on the water.


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I'm not buying it. I know better- you don't allow cell phones in your boat! Plus, we both know who really wears the pants in the family. Nice skirt fisherboy.
"Yes dear, right away dear, I'll be home at 7:00 sharp dear."

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I bring the phone a long but keep it off. Keep on telling her there is no reception up north with all the trees.
One trick is to be a little crabby at home so she will be glad you are away.
...But it all points to one thing. A guy shouldnt need an excuse.

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