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Ice fishing 2007-2008

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Give me a call if you have a chance. I can get out tomorrow. I've got to get back to take care of my dogs before dinner but I was thinking I might be able to spend some time with you guys, get some things done and maybe meet Chris out for a bit later.

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Looks like everyone went to bed earlier than me. I'm going to get out tomorrow in the AM. Anyone been to or by Mornane(sp)? Thinking close if I go alone in the AM. Any other ideas? I thought about Young, haven't been there since early Jan.

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I'm up for Oneida on Saturday. I'm cutting out of work early today and trying my luck with the night bite off Sylvan. My liberal in-laws are in town this weekend from NYC, so I'll probably spend as much time on the ice as I can!

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Aaron that's funny! grin.gif

Just a shout out to Lee for letting us cash in on some great fishing on the Big O. Had to leave around 1:30 p.m. and I wished i could have stayed with the gang. Ice conditions are getting bad it was baking pretty good out there 4' hard ice and 6' of [PoorWordUsage] ice on top, it's not going to last much longer and the shores will tell us soon. I would say this weekend is definitely the beginning of the end around here unlesss there's a miracle cold front that will come in and change things.

I had a blast fishing with Tank, Dark Cloud and Beth. We caought Pickerel, Bass, Crappie and plentiful big hybrids. All dandies and I left the ice with 1 crappie and 26 hybrids. Thanks for the jigs and the company it truely was a nice send off for the end of the ice season. Good luck to you's guys fishing tomorrow, Todd and I will be chasing pannies..


Beth's first ever crappie, congrats you are getting to be quite the fisherwoman!


Pink Loners and Jay's Dad lost one to a snaggle..


Nice largie Beth...


Get em Tank..


And the result..


Mr. Happy \:\)


Tank released this for you Franky...


Last shot...


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Great report and pics Timmy...as usual!

Sorry I haven't been posting. I am up to my ears in food this week with a good 65 hours in the Restaurant.

Jay...I would like to thank you for your care package on Wed. It was great fishing with you and the Tankster again. Too bad the socializing was limited due to Mother Natures wicked ways of letting us know we are humans.

I will be hitting my GPS mark on "O" in the AM with Kirk and my buddy Corey for one last attempt at a limit of Waldos. I have to be off the ice early to come work a 14 hour shift. We are having 2 Bands and a Very High End in house Catering Party for some High Rollers from Cazenovia. Don't worry boys...I am whacking them $50 per person in Lieu of the tickets you boys got from the Caz [badWordUsage].

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Hey Doug, herd there in on the first hump, 16FOW, 1-3 PM bite, silver kastmaster, the big ones. Got the info from a retiree that was heading out when i was coming in on Thursday morning, hes been there every day for the past week studying....I might be there in the morning however as well...ill give you a ring tonight.

Sharing with all cuz its the last chance to nail em for awhile!

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Ok, I got hooked into running up north today with my BIL, but I owed him and had a good time just the same. Wish I was fishing though.

I have a class I paid for and forgot about at 7 tonight so I guess today is another total loss for ice fishing. Nuts!

I am free for sure tomorrow if anyone is up for company, I'll actually be there too!!! I have to drive a Limo in the evening so I need to fish to relax before hand.

Lots of ice up in Old Forge and above. Saw a mess of sleds on the ice a few trucks. I've never fished north. Anyone got suggestions with GPS or reference points. I'm not ready to give up the ice. I missed too many days!!!!

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Yes a special shout out to Lee! Thanks! We all had a great time and caught a ton of nice fish. Beth caught her first crappie and pickerel and caught a mess of those pig sunnies. She had my Marcum so I was fishing blind "jedi" style and although

I didnt like it I caught lots. Most of my attention was on teaching her and unhooking her fish...

TP Timmy faild to remember a good funny from today - McDonalds at 630 - Tank, Beth and I walk into the place and see no Timmy. His car was there so I figured he was in the playland romper room but no, here he comes out of the bathroom. So Tank goes in and promptly came back out to ask Timmy if he had his phone becauce there is one on top of the TP dispenser! Yep it was his, lucky it didnt go down the hole like all those FRS radios. whistle.gif

Timmy - ypu should have stayed a bit more. It got stupid right when you left. For a half hour I didnt even fish just unhooked fish for Beth while hearing Tank in the backround every minute " theres another wom-per"...

Nice picts, I really like the one of dad fighting the fish, heres a few more incuding some macro's for you guys...

Her first all by herself. I was over by Tank and Timmy and she comes over with the fish in a towel for me to unhook...


Beth's "candy cane" jig. She caught all her fish today on it. Timmy - right before we left the jig went byby. A giant sunfish wrapped on the ducer as she went to lift it out of the hole. No prob, I got more. whistle.gif




Tank drilled about 5 dead holes in a row. I found a clump of weeds, drilled just off them and told him this hole is "money". Well it was and he pounded a bunch then had Beth come over to hit a few...


TP Timmy grin.gif




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I'm buying you a lanyard for your phone!!!! LMAO !!! Now watch, I'll drop mine 'cause I made fun of you.

I can beat all your dropped stories! On the job one day, wearing my duty belt as they had instructed, went to the head at a Nice & Easy. Stood up, turned around, and my double magazine pouch slides off my belt and into the head!! \:o Thank God there were no solids!!! I rinsed it off and laughed. Always said that if I shot someone with one of those rounds, if the shot didn't get them, the infection would! LOL!!!

PS laughing in a rest room, pre-cell phone era, gets you some funny looks

: )

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Ray- you missed a fun time on LEb. a couple crappie 1 perch and about 60 gills majority around 6-8" ....theyre finally getting bigger there.Hopefully well do good tom. AM on "O".My ons and I are going to be out there early so give me a buzz

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Looks like you guys had a good time nice macro shots thanks for the care package Bro.I am looking foward to useing them before ice out which is not to far off confused.gif.There is nothing like the sweetness of panfishing through the ice I could never get sick of catching pannies.

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Glad to see you guys had a good day. Looks like Beth is one of "us" now. lol Dragging butt, but I'm up and getting things together and the dogs taken care of for the AM. Depending on the fishing, I might get back and get a short nap before it's tie to play Limo driver tonight. Well, like Warren Zevon said "...I'll sleep when I'm dead..."

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High rollers from Caz!! That $50 is pocket change . . .LOL Chef I was coming over tonight but sounds like a crowd plus the other couple wants to stay local. Cindy and I will hit the ice around here some place if we can muster up a call from someone. Want her to get into the fish like Beth did yesterday. I'll call Kyle shortly to see how he is doing off the beach.

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Nice report from Leb. Chris, good to see that there finally starting to grow a bit bigger in there.

Frank - I heard you put Cindy on some fish on C. Way to go...! Did you take any pics?

Todd and I stayed on Oneida and fished the pannies til 1 p.m. pulled off do to a little perchin but didn't do very well. Some guy plowed the front end of his 4 wheeler or sled about 5' off the Chapman walk on area. Just the front went in and he got her out..

While we were coming off the lake after fishing pannies Todd and I saw some guys running radio controlled planes, man those were cool. We met a few new goys on the ice this morning about 6-7 guys and we pretty much all fished together and did well. Todd and I finished in the 20's on the hybrids and we had a couple of crappies as well, I lost a dandy crappie at the hole jig just popped out of her mouth and she turned and got stuck for a second side ways but by the time I reached down she scooted away.

I have a bowling banquet for my daughter tomorrow so that's where I'll be... Shoreline theice wassn't bad off Chapman still a good 12" on the main and most of it good hard ice where we were with water and snowy traction high spots but those dry areas were dwindling fast. Almost bust my butt on the way back in, lol... Here's the pics..


Pink/Glow was the color for me again today..


Lee with a nice one in the fog...


Lee's huge bull!


Timmy's in a hot hole...


And here's the biggest perch I caught. Too bad we didn't get more of these...


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Great fishing with Todd and Timmy today. It was a blast and fishing was great, I just love those big sumo hybrids. Todd and I were talking and decided that Tim needs to find a way to hook up his cell phone to his flasher battery so he can talk to everyone in the Minnesota board and give them play by play reports all day long. LMAO We were also talking about if Timmy knew he could hook into someones wireless network he might even bring the laptop on the ice and give live updated post. LMAO Timmy, Timmy, Timmy..... Catch fish first and talk later.

Jay I'm glad you, beth and tank had a good time yesterday. I was dieing at work and wanted so bad to be out there but work pays the bills. When the ice comes off Todd and I will have to get our boats out and play captain and put a whooping on the the perch, sunfish/gills and crappies in that bay and a few more I know around the corner.

I'll be there at before first light tomorrow and hope to end my season in good fashion unless I can get a day off during the week.

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Another thanks here too Lee thats some funny stuff there about Timmy. He likes it when we bust his chops grin.gif.

Tim you are a good friend and don't ever change BRO \:\) I will talk to you later and let you know how the Chef and I are doing.The wind is supposed to pick up and blow hard this afternoon I don't know how long we wiil be out there when that happens Good luck to everyone who gets out today and be SAFE.

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The thing is I don't do phone calls half @ssed I guess. If you take the time to call your going to get all my baseball and coaching softball experience I have always been one to give a good play by play or in the cases yesterday morning fish by fish grin.gif Anyways you'll get the stroking report or Curt Gowdy if it's one fire... Like Todd said yesterday that I need to calm down. I try Todd, I just can't. I love fishing so much it's definitely awesome especially when you get into them like that.. Hey I look at this way all of us can deliver the mail.. It's just that I am the mail carrier with the hearing aid that drops your mail off occasionally at your neighbors house instead of yours grin.gif

Jay said I have beeen a loud guy the entire time I have known him, I think he just got sick and tired of telling me to tone it down. I am what I am Lee, I'm probably too old to change. Next time I am fishing I will do what Todd mentioned to me, don't pick it up unless it's home. Good luck fishing today guys...

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