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Toilet in a fishhouse?


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I thought I'd buy a porta-potty, but some say they are pretty nasty to clean. IT was suggested that I use a 5-gallon bucket with toilet seat. Have a bag inside the bucket and dump lye in there after every use.

Now I'm asking you guys for your suggestions.

Go the 5 gallon bucket way? If so, got any good suggestions for the seat part? I saw a couple variations at Cabelas but they looked cheap and not very comfortable.

Or go with the porta poti?

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I use the 5 gallon method or the make a bucket with a tolit seat on am sure you can get at any camping store I take friends all the time fishing with me and hell if am going to be cleaning up there dump if I were to go the port o potty route

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I say go with the bucket and make the user change the bag after each use. Put the used bags outside so that it freezes and it shouldn't be to bad.

Also keep this issue in mind when choosing what you eat while on the ice. Maybe a sack full of Taco Bell tacos aren't the best option when you know you are heading onto the ice for a long stay.

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I would just use the bucket[and use it outside], We tried the toilet thing in the in our old camper shack and ick it just sunk bad, we had to evacuate the shack every time someone pinched one off, I will let my wife go #1 in the bucket when it's cold out or there are alot of people around the house but all #2's go outside. I just made mine out of a six galon bucket and put a good seat on it from menards we atached a box on the side of the bucket for bags and put a TP holder on it so it's a self contaned unit...Hope this helps

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My preference is for an 8-gallon bucket (but I'm a tall drink of water). M's FF has affordable seats for bucket- biffy's. also check out their camping department for some packets of the same chemicals used in RV's.

My house has a sauna/one-holer built onto it, but the wifey refuses to go outside to get to it (it's completely separate from fishing and living space) so she uses the bucket in the main part of the house. Just don't run out of plastic bags wink.gif

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I have the porta potty simmiliar to the one for sale @ fish house supply. Its not tough to clean at all as long as long as enough liquid is put in at time of use so its not all solid.

As far as stink. I have a door sealing that part of the V nose off and a can of lysol and it isnt too bad.

Last thing I would want is a tipped over bucket in my FH not to mention dealing with a bag of dump every time.

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With the DNR if it is next to your house and there isn't holes drilled I am sure they would not require a shelter tag...but this is just speculation....I don't recall the outhouses on Red Lake as haveing tags but then again I didn't inspect the outside of it to much!!! grin.gif

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This is an interesting topic for me because my wife and a buddy's wide will not come unless the house has a toilet. They don't need fancy, but they don't want a bucket and they aren't going outside.

Last year we stayed on URL for slabfest and it was -27* on friday night....I wasn't gonna squat or sit on a bucket outside. To be honest I did it anyway, but I can remember that very vividly and I don't want to do it again.

I guess I'm looking for better suggestions than the bucket method. Its fine for me but not the wifey's.

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If we are going to be out there for a while we usually bring a little tent with and set that up with a bucket inside with a bag. The wife is comfortable with this and even gives you room to put a little heater in there.

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Only on FM can you have a 3 page thread on ice house toilets..... Gota love it

I will agree with the guys that have the indoor toilet in it's own room that is nice when the wife is up with you.

I think it realy comes down to your shack size and what comforts you can fit in and still have enuf room to fish in comfort. I went with more fishing room so the poty went outdoors.

I wish you all heathy bowel movements this winter weather that be indoors or out grin.gif

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At any camping store you can purchase bags that already have the lye powder in them. This is the slickest way to go. For those that don't know, lye is used to speed up the chemical breakdown of human waste, this also allows you to dispose of the bags in the normal trash. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure it's illegal to dump untreated human waste in the garbage, but that is still a better deal than leaving it on the ice.

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Hello all,Taco bell just sucks anytime.I say eat,drink and be merry out on the ice.Just bring an extra large stink spray can with.You know the kind the wifies like,flowery,lavandery,ect.ect.I vote for a 5gallon pale under a regular toilet seat stall.(New bag each time,put outside perferably down wind!Waiting for ice....c63

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We had an outhouse for our fishouse. We used a tall 7.5 gallon bucket with plastic liners. Keep a big box with double contactor bag right outside. We lined the interior with reflective insulation in addiion to foam between the studs. 3 ft wide by 4 ft long would be ideal size. We were able to heat it with a dual fuel lantern. It had no floor but was placed on a pallet. Our only regret was that we never locked the door and some drunk JA used it at night and totally soiled the bucket. It works well as long as you have a double door to put it in the house for transport, security. I thought it was the best, so did my wife and Sis in-law

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Another Idea... I got one of those elderly comode's at a garage sale, 3 bucks.. I just put the 5 gallon bucket under it with a garbage bag in it and let'er fly... LOL. Is it red pepper, green pepper, black pepper...NO, it's TOILET PEPPER!!! blush.gif Watch what you EAT!!! It sure is a lot more comfortable than sitting on the bucket very long, and it has handles too... LOL... grin.gif Kaz

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As far as stink. I have a door sealing that part of the V nose off and a can of lysol and it isnt too bad.

I bet I could make it stink!! grin.gif

But seriously, I have seen the bucket and the Prt Ptty and the both wok about as well.

The bucket could go like this.

Build a small bench type seat out of ply wood and 2x2s that is 1" higher or less, then a 5 gal bucket. Cut a hole in it and put a regular toilet seat on it. I like the ones with the thick padding for the long, drawn out, day after chili [PoorWordUsage]ys. That way it wont tip over, it is nice and comfy and is resonably priced. As far as the smell, try saw dust. It sounds stupid but it works well. The change the bag every day. Just be sure it is a hefty or someting strong, breakage would be bad.


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ya hit right on the "HEAD" l2h this is the exactly the set up i have in my house. kinda has the outhouse feeling. i double line the bucket and have a fart fan mounted in the box and it is vented to the outside. it even has a double hung window that you can easily drop the doo doo bags right outside when done. i also have a urinal in there that is hosed to the outside into a pail of cat litter. and l2h i still say it is scary the way you and me think alike. you sure you dont have a long lost bro. ... paul

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Or you can do what my buddy did on a trip to Pelican Lake last winter. While I was out on a scouting expidition on the 4 wheeler he goes in a plastic bag, and leaves it under the tounge of the trailer so when I came back and wanted him to cook lunch, he tells me "O.k., I'll cook lunch, just go grab that bag of sh!t I have under the tounge of the trailer". I was like "what the heck does he got in this bag, spices?" as I opened the door and saw him rolling on the floor laughing.

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