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Movie rental reviews...

Corey Bechtold

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Me personally I would buy it. I rented it when it 1st came out and kicked myself for not spending the extra $10.00 to buy it. I thought the movie was great from start to finish but you have to like that kinda humor.

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I laughed pretty hard a few times at "Knocked Up". The only thing I thought was a little excessive was all the drug use. After the first few minutes I got the idea, he's a stoner! Otherwise it was good. My wife thought it was going to be funnier because the movie was actually kind of serious.

Good rent/buy,

Corey Bechtold

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Watched "We are Marshall" last night. It was almost "We are Sleeping". tongue.gif It was kind of slow considering the start of the movie. What I thought was funny is that the climax of the movie is their first win after the tradgedy. At the end they showed how their season ended up. The coach was something like 9 and 33 before he left the program! Woo hoo!

The program did turn around in the 80's which is cool and overall the storyline was good.

Was it great? No. Was it worth watching? Kind of.

Good luck,

Corey Bechtold

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I just watched a very good funny movie. Someone may have all ready brought it but:

Where's Marlowe

It was made in 1998 and it set up as a documentary! Two grad students film a private investigator that has really crummy cases to follow! I do know, but this movie is set as serious, but made me laughed my a>> off! If you have seen it and have a mind set like mine, you would know! I have not laughed at a movie like I just did for years! Could of been timing or what, but it was good. My wife has not heard me laugh like that for a long time either. If you can, check it out if your looking for a funny movie grin.gif

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"Good Shepherd" was pretty good. Talk about trading away your life. My mother's cousin's husband worked for the CIA. He could never tell anyone what he did. I think his kids were a little maladjusted for it, just like the son in "The Good Shepherd." Matt Damon has sure been picking good films to star in.

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Just watched I pronounce you Chuck and Larry, very funny from start to finish and Jessica Biel is smokin hot in this movie. Other one I got in is the Micheal Moore movie Sicko about the health care system. I thought it was a very interesting and alot of people sould see it and give their opinion.

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Anybody ever seen "Cinderella Man?" We watched it a few weeks ago in 20th centry. Its a pretty cool movie, its about a boxer in the great depression, and he looses everything, including his boxing license, kids, house, ect. Then he comes back in a fight that was just to warm up the crowd for the main event, he wins a few fights, well then he goes 2 the chanpionship, against some Max guy that killed 2 people in the ring, and also beats him on a decision. Good movie wink.gif

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Cinderella Man was a good movie. I also want to see the 2 movies mnwild brought up. Your reviews seem to be right on with what I like.

That being said I saw "Bobby" the other night. We had a few difficulties with the disc but managed to make it through. I liked it but it was a little slow. There were a lot of big names in the movie but it didn't make it any better. One thing I found myself thinking about is how there hasn't been anyone to vote for as passionate as Bobby Kennedy since I've been able to vote.

Good luck,

Corey Bechtold

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I've wanted to see Bobby but never had the chance.

Couple more I watched over the weekend was Mr.Brooks with Kevin Costner, very good movie and the ending was something else. Other one I watched that is more for the family is Deck the Halls, good 1st 1/2 of the movie the 2nd 1/2 was alright.

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We got "Mr. Brooks" over the week-end and personally speaking, I thought it was pretty slow? Entertaining I guess, but slow...I made it through about 1/2 of the movie. Maybe thats why it didn't last very long in the theaters?

I guess the story line was okay, some of it you could see comming way before hand, I guess it just kind of crept along at the same pace?

That and I'm not a big Demi Moore fan...her going around beatin up on people, hardened killers, 2 and 3 at a time, pleeese.

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Saw "Grandma's Boy" the other night and laughed my butt off at times. My favorite part of the movie was the Dance Dance Revolution scene. I almost woke the kids up to see that part! grin.gif That is the only part of the movie I could show the kids.

A little bit too much drug use as usual but it didn't ruin the whole movie.

Happy renting,

Corey Bechtold

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I watched Superbad last night, overall it was pretty funny from the start. There were some pretty hilarious scene's that I couldnt stop laughing. One thing thou, don't have any kids in the room when you watching it, lot's of F-bomb's and sexual content throughout the movie.

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If you get a chance check out some of Nick Swenson's(sp?) stand up stuff. Hilarious. I found some on You Tube but have seen it on Comedy Central also. He's the guy who hooks up with the Silver Fox on Grandma's boy.

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After reading the posts about Grandma's boy I had to see that this weekend. The movie is awesome, I like the outfit

Swardson is wearing when Alan Covert stays at his house for the night. Says he doesnt want to wake up his roomate's when its his parents he lives with. Then in his room he has a race car for a bed. Alot of good lines in that movie also.

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We watched "Bourne Ultimatum" last night....it was good, but the first ones were better.

Seen shades of the first episodes, shades of The Terminator, and a story line that is running out of places to go, places that will keep your interest and mine.

Matt Damon is getting kind of thick looking to be doing all that jumping off buildings and stuff? By the time the next Bourne movie comes out, he will look like Buteloni the baker running down the street..."Time to make the donuts!"

Maybe the next sequence, Damon would be the elder statesman and a new route could be taken? It could be intitled, "A son is Bourne.....the series continues." shocked.gif

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Got in early last night, about 8:00 and decided to get a couple of movies...1st one was "Georgia Rule" with Jane Fonda and Lindsey Lohan.

Kinda on a plane with Hallmark movies, only with some swearing and some sexy scenes. It isn't gonna win any awards, but it was an entertaining movie that held ones interest...most of the time, you didn't know where it was going? I thought it was okay.

Next we got "Knocked Up"...myself, I quit on it right after she learned she was pregnant....I was waiting for the humorous stuff to begin and up to that point, for me anyways, it didn't happen?

I asked my wife this morning if it got funny and she said, "Well no, not really, it stayed the same pretty much through the whole movie." And as Forrest Gump said, "And thats all I got to say about that!"

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