Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted March 10, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted March 10, 2016 UP EARLY FOR me this morning but that has now been kind of normal. The granddaughter once said that I was solar powered and she may have been on to something there. No real plans for the day but that just means something will find me and need to get done. Some lite snow fell overnight but it is already melting off the roof. I am going to put down snow removal on my today to do list and check it off. I will see if I can get over to my neighbor Chuck’s sometime today I could smell the wood smoke coming from his garage as it is Maple Syrup making time. His trees here are dripping but not so much at the stand of trees up at the RESORT. My legs are getting back under me slowly but surely, come Saturday I am going to be back to driving and regain some of my lost freedom. A trip to Amy’s Bakery for pie is first thing on the list as I will not be having the wife drive me round like she has been. We have driven right past the bakery several times as the wife would make comments about my high sugar and held the idea of pie like a carrot to a mule as a reward for when I am able to drive and get my sugars back down. Don’t get me wrong the wife has been a champ taking care of me and them marriage vows are coming back to haunt her, the sickness and in health one. I am just to worried that she is enjoying driving my Tahoe to much and she has changed my radio stations, moved my seat and mirrors and I am finding fast food bags stuck under the front seat, I guess her surges are doing just fine. The smell of gun oil still lingers in the den and it is a fine smell to have in the den. Looking around I already found something to do as I think I may just clear the desk top off and clean the wood desk with some oil and dust off all the stuff and put it back on. The desk top is a 4x6 foot of Maple and it could use a little attention. Last night I finally finish going through all my snail mail and the paper shredder was working overtime eating up offers and junk mail and hospital stuff. I did get one piece of mail from a big city funeral home which made me scratch my head. They must have an inside guy at the hospital feeding them names of perspective clients, sorry I disappointed them this time. I already have a list of places I need to go to, The Lodge of course and Gus has already dropped off a shoe boxes of pink messages for me to go through, they pretty much all went up in smoke in the fireplace as they were past having any action needed. Masterbaiters to visit with Vicki, kind of up in the air if I will be able to watch the place when she goes on vacation but I think I can con the wife that it would be a good thing for me to spend a few hours a day down there looking at racks and racks of fishing lures and the listening to the bubbling of the minnow tanks. Which reminds me it is about time to order tackle for our own BAIT ROOM at the RESORT. Nice getting back in to the swing of getting ready for open water fishing. I did talk to Vic yesterday he was saying that he and Elmer have been working on tying up some Christmas trees that the FELLOWS hauled up to the RESORT, They will be timely placed on the ice out front of the docks within casting distance of the old guys to fall through the ice and make crappie condos. Duncan just now finally decided to get up and he is at my side demanding a good back scratching before I let him outside. I let him out and he took a couple of steps, found the rabbit tracks on the deck and took off at a gallop to check his property for the intruder. Things are slowly getting back to normal, at least they are for me here at Lake Iwanttobethere 64><> vermilionfox, monstermoose78, ANYFISH2 and 3 others 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted March 11, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted March 11, 2016 SUNSHINE IS POURING through the den window here at Lake Iwanttobethere. I have window cracked open and every once in a while I get whiff of fresh mud from the snow free flower bed outside of the window. Almost on cue several crows flew by and their cawing might be a signal to others that Spring is in the air. Sunshine Ray is forecasting a high of fifty-five where as Stormy Clearweather is it is only going to hit fifty. I am no weatherman but I like my chances of calling for a high of Sixty! Yesterday I didn’t get much done as I had nothing really planned and it was of those bad days for me. This morning I woke up feeling better then when I went to bed which is the way it should be. I laid in bed for awhile planning my day out, if I am lucky I will get half of what I want to do get done, done. First off I was hankering for some chili so I got the fixings out and tried out my new chopper that I got for Christmas. I wanted it for dicing onions for Coney’s and it works good for it. This morning I did all my celery, onions and peppers, worked slick just like it was seen on TV. With Chili in the crock pot I moved on to other things, Shelf here in the den was cleared off so when the granddaughter comes over to visit tomorrow we will start some tobacco seed and peppers along with a few different tomatoes. The last pot of hot peppers were harvested with some going into the crock pot and the rest to the freezer. The plant and pot went outside and looks kind of strange with the pepper plant sitting green against the snow bank that rests up against the greenhouse This afternoon's project is to shred some tobacco for cigarettes and I am going to roll a couple of cigars. The cigarette tobacco is dried enough to be used but I may be pushing the cigar leaf. It has been drying/curing now for seven months. I figure I will roll a few and let them age in the humidor. One of my buddies who grew leaf last year wants to see how it came out so I will let him be the tester. If he likes it he says he will grow more and we will split it. I will shred up a 50/50 blend of Burley and Virginia for the cigarettes. The cigars will be rolled out of Connecticut broad leaf and Dominican leaf. I will try a few different blends and see what it turns out like. That should take up a chunk of time. With the warm weather the rag box for Duncan was put by the deck door. He patiently waits by the door to get his paws wiped off when he comes in. I think he goes out of his way to see how much mud he can get in between his toes and he sure does seem to like the attention he gets when I clean them out. The smell of chili is in the air and I have already turned it a few times. This batch should be better then the last batch that was made as the wife mislabeled peppers for the freezer. Instead a mix of green peppers and big hot peppers it was all hot peppers and almost uneatable. We just invited Elmer over for dinner and he had three bowls and took the left overs back to his place. He has a thing for hot foods. Well I just checked the temp and it is only forty-five out, needs to warm up fifteen more degrees to reach my prediction, But then again I never really said I was a weatherman, here at Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 63 <>< legalmusky, ANYFISH2, Dotch and 5 others 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted March 14, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted March 14, 2016 SATURDAY MOTHER NATURE gave us a tease of what is to come. Wind was coming off the lake and it was cold as it crossed the ice and made its way on shore. Around noon the wind shifted and went the other way. I sat on the deck and watched as the red needle on the jumping bass thermometer crept up on sixty and then stopped. Sun was already shinning in a cloudless sky and with the wind shift it was soon tee shirt weather sitting on the deck. Today it is back to being overcast and damp and there is a chill that I can’t seem to shake. Granddaughter spent the night on Saturday and we were busy as we sat at the desk in the den and juggled watching wrestling, hockey and playing Yahtzee. The grand daughter has a little killer instinct in her as in one game she got two Yahtzees and made a big deal out of where o where would she put her second score. Sunday morning she went back home and I was left alone licking my wounds. Next door my neighbor Chuck had a birthday party for his son CJ and a bunch of his high school buddies were over and they did Coney’s, a 110 of them to be exact. Teenagers can sure fill up on free Coney’s just like Uncle John does shots at a free wedding bar. Speaking of Chuck he is full blown Maple Syrup making mode and it busy. The smell that rolls out of his garage from time to time makes its way to my place and the smell mixed in with the fresh mud means spring can’t be to far off, except when Mother Nature teases us with a nice day then comes back with a week of damp cold weather. Drs. Office in the big city this morning, got some good lab numbers and he is happy with my progress, if he is happy then I am happy. Back home this afternoon to shred some more tobacco for taste testing. The first batch I made is already gone as I gave away free samples to get opinions on how it smokes. So far a thumbs up so I am going to shred some more and maybe do a little blending. Did not get around to rolling any cigars on Sunday but am going to try and do that tonight. We drove through town on the way back to the cabin and the streets have been cleaned. County came through with the big city street cleaners and all the business owners along Main Street were busy with push brooms cleaning their sidewalks into the street before it was too late. Big Earl was the first to get his done but then this time of the year then he is always standing outside his door with a broom in hand. Since I have not been driving I don’t buy gas and we stopped at the Gas-N-Go and I was surprised to see we are just under two dollars a gallon. Slowly creeping up and I am hoping it does not go much higher. I still have a few fishing trips that I want to go on this summer. With the good lab numbers of this morning I am trying to convince the wife that I should get, no I deserve some home made potato pancakes for supper tonight. So far she has not committed either way but I am working on her. Monday nights are my stay up all night so I will more then likely have more to say later today from here at Lake Iwanttobethere. ><> 60 <>< vermilionfox, Dotch, leechlake and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANYFISH2 Posted March 14, 2016 Share Posted March 14, 2016 Nummmm... fresh tobacco and Potato pancakes(not at the same time of course). Sounds good, what time should I come over Bobby?!! Bobby Bass 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bobby Bass Posted March 15, 2016 Author Share Posted March 15, 2016 I have been thinking since I am going to be rolling cigars and I will be making cigar rings I need to come up with a catchy name for the cigars., Anyone have any ideas? So far I am going with LODGE SMOKES vermilionfox and legalmusky 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted March 16, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted March 16, 2016 HIYA FROM LAKE Iwanttobethere, was expecting to wake up to several inches of snow this morning but we never cooled off enough to make snow. Heavy rain is falling and we are pretty much drenched. Standing water in the yard and Duncan thought twice when I let him out to do his thing. He didn’t go far from the door as he made a quick trip and was back inside patiently waiting to get his feet wiped dry and a brisk rub of the towel across his back. Of course he being a lab all it took was a couple of rubs and he was dry. He then jumped up on the couch to bury himself in the covers and go back to sleep. Sunshine Ray was forecasting 8-10 inches of snow for the day and we sure have the moisture. Schools announced last night they were already closing for the impending spring storm. They now kind of have a little egg on their face with a lot of parents who are searching for baby-sitters when their kids could be sitting in a classroom under buzzing florescent lights watching the rain fall. I think my granddaughter will be coming over today so that is something I can look forward to. Have some more seeds I want to start and she can help. The to do list is growing here at the cabin as I am laid up but the head is working just fine. Every room that I spend time in I see things that need to get fixed or upgraded. Driving the wife crazy as I am adding things to do to the do list before she can and that has always been her job. I have stayed out of the kitchen though as I know where my boundaries are. Been spending a lot of time on the phone talking with friends and keeping in contact, a few I have not spoken to for years and it is nice to catch up and plan some time together later this summer. Fishing is the main topic and I was hoping to get out closer to opener this season and chase some northern up on the flats of a few lakes I know but looks like I will be in the big big city doing treatment and I will have to see how I respond to that. As for today I feel pretty darn good so that is a plus on wet dreary day like we are having today. I think I have found how to spend my Monday nights that I have insomnia and that is rolling cigars. I did a couple the other night and it is a long process but it will go quicker as I learn how to have my leaf reedy for use. I still have tobacco out in the greenhouse and some more hanging in the shed that I need to bring in and make into hands and put in controlled storage. Have been searching the web for some fishing gear to and did go ahead and purchased one of those C02 inflatable life vests. Figured after all these years of not wearing a vest when I am fishing that it might be a good idea when I have these annoying dizzy smells that come out of no where. Daughter was a little upset with me as she was going to buy me one for my birthday but now she has to find something else. I guess I am a hard buy because if I need it I go buy it or already have it, I keep telling her at my age all I want is a hug and I am good with that and please no ties. So from a wet morning have a good day I am going to try to here at Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 58 <>< Wellesy, Dotch, ANYFISH2 and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted March 22, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted March 22, 2016 NAPS ARE NO longer a dirty word around the cabin here on Hidden Bay. I spent two days staying awake and then have been doing some serious nap time to catch up. If I could I would walk down to Lake Iwanttobethere and give her broad back a coupe of pats, she kept the Spring snow storm away from us who live on her shores. We did get a lot of rain almost, three inches last I heard. But that was better then the 6-8 icy inches of snow that fell away from the lake and then another 4 inches of snow that fell on top of that making snow removal conditions difficult at best. We did get some of the 30 - 50 mile an hour winds that came off the lake but from what I can see here in the den I did not lose any shingles and the power stayed on the whole time. The RESORT however did lose power for awhile and cabin two lost some shingles but that is on the schedule to get roofed this summer so not a big deal. I spent time down at the Lodge on Saint Patty’s day, I am always surprised by how many Irish folk we have that show up for the quarter tap beer. Even Sammy the Tailor was sporting an Irish green cap and I am pretty sure he is not Irish. The wife drove me down and told me I could stay an hour as long as I didn’t drink and I was good. First thing I noticed was the two steps going in to the back door were gone and instead there was a small ramp with a hand hold, Nice of the guys as it meant I would not have to use the winding access at the front entrance. Next thing I noticed was a power door on the back door that not only worked the screen door but the inside door. I hit the button and watched the doors open up, dang thing cost more then what we paid for the doors. Once inside I was greeted by Lodge members and used as an excuse for Gus to tell everyone the next round was on the house, as long as it was green beer. I was directed to go behind the bar where there was a rather large package wrapped in green foil gift wrap with a green Bolder hat perched on the top. Lodge members and the FELLOWS gather around as I put on the hat and tore the package open. I had no idea what to expect and what I found was a custom built wood bar stool. It had a seat belt on it, extended arm rests and a very cool feature. The stool had wheels so I could roll myself around behind the bar but it also had a lever. I pulled the lever up and four pegs replaced the wheels so I could not roll. The FELLOWS told me they had gotten the idea off a bass boat that they saw down at the boat show. They also told me they working on some more improvements and this was just the prototype, heck they think they may be able to sell them! The wife of course already knew all about the present and she did not come and pick me up for several hours. The padded leather seat was also nice and in jest I mentioned if it was heated that would make it all that more sweet. Before you knew it the FELLOWS had their yellow legal pads out and with a couple of pitchers of green beer were hard at work making modification’s to the prototype. I parked myself behind the tap with the green beer and pretty much just poured free taps for the night. Yesterday was not only my birthday {753} but my neighbor’s Maple Syrup Chuck’s birthday {696} Happy Birthday buddy from all of us here at Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 52 <>< ANYFISH2, Wellesy, RebelSS and 5 others 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted March 24, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted March 24, 2016 JUST CAN’T GET warm here at the cabin today, it could be that the wind has been blowing what seems like a steady thirty to forty miles an hour right at the deck door that I was painting inside. I have brass kick plate on the bottom of the door and more brass along the side of the wood deck door that is mostly glass. The brass plates protect the door from the dogs as over the years they would stretch out on it when wanting to go outside and scratch the wood deep. So a lot of tape was used to make sure the paint job looked good. I painted over a few claws marks that Bud had left behind but did not fill them in, they are still there but now covered with some white paint. Today special learning experience is do not eat Spanish peanuts and then reach into the cats treat jar with said peanuts in your hand. I discovered this when I gave Buff the cat my peanuts and found myself munches on cat treats. Cats may Meow at the treats but I had a different experience. Feeling better this week as it is my off week from treatments. Went to work on the do list but I had a mind that said I can do this and a body that said no you can’t. Took me three hours to prep the deck door and put two coats of paint on it. Should have been a one hour job, probably why I got cold as I spent way to much time in the daft from the door. When I was done with the door I added wood to the fire and lit up a cigar, they are reserved for special occasions currently and I declared painting the deck door as a special occasion. Duncan went down and got the mail and all he brought me was junk mail and a pack of seed corn for containers that I had to special order. As I said the wind has been the thing today and even at this hour the wind chimes are banging loudly outside the den window here in the full darkness. Not going to complain to much as I hear the boys down south are gearing up for a spring winter snow storm. I did have to send Duncan to the wood pile to bring down a few sticks of Birch, he took his sweet time as I swear he looked over the pile between each trip to find just the right size to bring back to the cabin. Guess that was a good idea to teach him how to fetch wood from the wood pile and now getting the mail has saved me that walk to the end of the drive or having to wait on the wife to do it. Might be a little harder once summer comes to get the mail from the dock as I am sure he will want to take a swim first and then get the mail second. As always the just painting the deck door is misleading as in all do lists when you open up a project you get side jobs. I did also clean the glass and polished the hardware which found me taking a rest at the den desk. I soon found myself polishing the brass drawer handles, don’t remember when I did them last but the cloth came away pretty dirty. So I added the drawer handles to the to do list and put a nice big check next to them to show the wife what I did do today here on a cool windy damp day at Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 51 <>< ANYFISH2, vermilionfox, Dotch and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted March 24, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted March 24, 2016 WELL I OVER did it the past few days working on my to do list and today I am paying for it. Both knees are stiff and sore and I had to take my time getting out of bed. Duncan was not too happy with my progress as he ran to the back door and back to me a few times trying to get me to move faster. With Duncan outside I took a look at the newly painted door and it looks good in the light of day, guess I didn’t miss any spots. Some sunshine coming through the cabin window’s and that is a surprise as Sunshine Ray did not have that in his forecast for today. The wife appeared and made breakfast and asked me what I was going to do for the day. I complained about my knees hurting and she reminded me of all the years I played football and softball and the hockey and volleyball didn’t help either. We won’t even mention the countless miles walked behind the dog’s bird hunting or fishing from a bouncing Puddle Humper in late fall damp weather, but you know I would do it all over again. She came up with the idea maybe I should just take a rest day and maybe go up to the RESORT and visit the guys, I agreed and after breakfast I grabbed my go bag and the wife drove me up and dropped me off. I made my way into the Main Room and it was quiet, Vic was sitting in booth number one facing me and as I made my way across the floor he said "Well look who is here, John Wayne" I answered with "Who you calling John Wayne?" Vic with a smile just said "You sure have his walk" I smiled back and said " This is just how I walk when I am not trying to fall over" and I reached out to shake his hand and steady myself. "Love what ya done to the place" and I was kidding as everything was exactly where I last remember it except for a big puzzle half together or half apart resting on the table in booth number three. Small tomato plants and pepper plants were growing on the window sills and Vic and I talked about the RESORT garden. After getting caught up Marv appeared and sat down to join us, we chatted some and he asked if I wanted to do lunch, told him I was not hungry but he got up anyway. A few minutes later he came back with a Hamms and a couple of steaming Coney’s and set them in front of me. They did look good but I only ate half of one and a few sips of the beer and was done. Vic looked at me with raised eyebrow and said " No appetite?" I nodded yes and pushed the plate over to him, he had no problem eating it and patted his belly afterwards as he dapped at his chin with a napkin. I did after awhile make my way to the Bait Room as there was something I could do and that was make up our tackle order. Easy enough to do as I sat with the laptop at the small counter and started typing away. Did not take too long to spend our money and I was just a hundred dollars short of getting a bonus discount. Had everything pretty much covered so I decided to order a half dozen musky baits that put us over the top. The bonus discount I used to buy a mess of unpacked spoons in colorful fishermen catching colors. I already had a plan to hang them close to the door to catch guy’s eyes and give the that deer in the headlight look while we upsell them on minnows or crawler harnesses. So I am now back sitting in booth number one with a slice of apple pie that somehow I am going to choke down.. Well with maybe just a little more whipping cream, here at the RESORT at Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 50 <>< monstermoose78, leechlake, RebelSS and 4 others 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted April 5, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted April 5, 2016 (edited) GROUND HOG WEEK here at Lake Iwanttobethere at least it sure felt that way. I had some problems heath wise in the beginning of the week and the DOC asked if I would like to take a week off from treatment as I am doing very good. I jumped at the chance and went home with a smile on my face but not till I got a bag and a half of IV fluid pumped into me. The week was spent grazing when I ate as I have no appetite and a lot of time in bed sleeping and dozing. I don’t hurt when I am sleeping as I am able to find a "Sweet Spot" and the aches and pains go awhile for awhile. I bring up Ground Hog week as the entire last week was just blur of lite snow, wind and a few glimpses of sunshine. Wall thermometer never got over forty and it was cool enough at night that the furnace would kick on and cycle some. Small fire in the fireplace during the day and I would find myself looking into the red coals and nodding off. Duncan would lay on the couch next to me and drop a chuck of Birch on my foot when the fire would get to low. Sunday in the matter of a few hours all seven of the grand kids came to the cabin for a visit. By the time they were gone the cookie jar was empty, the snack hiding space empty and no juice boxes left in the fridge. I was given report cards to review and told of the tooth fairy making her rounds. Deck was shoveled of snow and then the push broom was taken out to finish the job. Duncan was not alone during this as the city dogs were also here and the three of them ran the property and didn’t leave a square foot of mud or snow without a dog foot print in the center of it. Needless to say the dog biscuit box was also reduced by the time the city dogs were back on their way. Son in laws looked over the To Do List and picked a few projects to do and the daughters help their ma bake some cookies to replace the ones eaten from the cookie jar. When the cabin return to quiet I made my way out to the kitchen figuring I would sample some of the newly baked cookies only to find an empty jar. The wife had sent the daughters home with the cookies saying that she could just go ahead and bake some more when she got around to it. Had the cabin appraised on Thursday, been many years since we have had that done and I was not to impressed. Lady came up from the cites and did it and she walked around the place and took a lot of pictures but did not ask to many questions. I gave her a fact sheet with all the updates and when I got the paper less appraisal not a single one was mentioned. Cabin description was not even close and since she didn’t bother measuring anything, her guesses were off by feet. Still came in higher then what the county is taxing me at but lower then what I think it is worth. Not going to contest it as I don’t want the taxes to go up. As I said earlier I was feeling pretty good on Wednesday and did a lot on the Do List that was in reach, not going to make that mistake this week and I am going to lay low. Hardest thing I am going to do is water my seedlings and maybe touch base with people on the phone here at Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 38 <>< Edited April 5, 2016 by Bobby Bass vermilionfox, legalmusky, RebelSS and 4 others 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted April 6, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted April 6, 2016 RIGHT ON THE edge here at Lake Iwanttobethere as the bass on the thermometer hanging on the wall of the cabin is pointing at forty-one degrees and it is snowing. There is a new base of snow a couple of inches deep for the snow to land on but the stuff on the roof is melting and water coming off the eves outside of the den is audible as it hits the deck. Granddaughter is coming over for a visit which means we will be watching wrastling and playing Yahatze and of course we will be served Pizza rolls and Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer by the wife, she will of course shake her head at us, say nothing and walk away. I will suggest that perhaps a couple of apple pies should be made and the granddaughter will jump at the suggestion. Wife can’t turn down her granddaughter who is following Nana and loves to bake, might even be a couple of batches of cookies in there for me. So this is not really typical weather here at the lake, it is usually some rain or a heavy snowfall but this mix is just a mess. Lots of moisture which is good as it will get the water level up over at Mystery River and they are over there trout fishing. I did not make the trip this year but Elmer and Chuck did. Didn’t catch a fish between them but they bragged about going fishing to me. My chemo therapy is going quite well and my doctor is pleased with his aggressive approach. Matter of fact he has dialed it back some and I hope it reduces the side effects which are more bothersome because I can ‘r really feel what is happening to the cancer. My biggest side effect is balance, actually the loss of it. I don’t go anywhere without a cane in my hand or something close to grab, funny how you take for granted a walk to the kitchen and now it can be an adventure every time I make it. Also looks like the fishing countdown clock will keep ticking for me long after fishing season starts. I for sure am not going to be going out on opener and looking for a mid season start at best. I will have the dock to fish from and I am already making plans on riding the lawn tractor down the hill. Getting on it may be interesting but I have time to figure something or I can always ask the FELLOWS for help. The Puddle Humper is going to get a new addition as I have put to paper an idea to add a hand rail on the side of the console that will help get up on the front casting platform. Make it easier to have something to grab on to. Have not figured how I am going to get the trolling motor deployed without doing a header into the lake but I will figure something out. Like I say I will have till mid summer and I hope my balance will return by then. Writing is taking me longer because I make so many typing mistakes. Another side effect is tingling in my fingers and typing can be chore sometimes. That and the fact I am somewhat home bound reduces the things I can write about. Once again taking rides with Duncan is something I miss and I am sure he does also. Been almost 2 months since I have driven alone and I don’t think Duncan has gone anywhere riding shotgun with the wife. He looks forward to seeing the city dogs when they come for a visit, gives him something to do. He does not even chase the robins in the yard that have appeared in the last week. Maybe because he has finally learned they can fly and he can’t or he is just welcoming some wild life in the yard that he can watch. Honey do list has been modified somewhat, if there is something that needs to be done and it is between my shoulders and my knees I can do it, nothing on the floor or over my head, the balance thing. Sitting is not a problem and the wife added to the list I should clean my desk top but my reply was "How will I find anything then" I do manage to tend to the seedling I have growing in the big window as that is in reach but I have not been in the green house as of yet, Maybe I will have the granddaughter take the video camera out there and make me a movie, got to love the video camera, it is my eyes and ears here now at Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 37 <>< hoppe56307, Dotch, ANYFISH2 and 4 others 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dotch Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 Don't worry about your spelling Bobby. We're used to reading boar's posts anyway! Hope you continue making good progress. smurfy, ANYFISH2, vermilionfox and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post RebelSS Posted April 6, 2016 Popular Post Share Posted April 6, 2016 You can read Boar's posts?! Keep at it Bobby, may be a rough ride, but you'll get there! smurfy, leechlake, vermilionfox and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dotch Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 I studied Klingon and the two languages are similar. Smile Bobby! smurfy and vermilionfox 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANYFISH2 Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 I sure liked your post Dotch, but apparently I am not allowed too, according to HSO! Bobby, I am sure you can find yourself some kind adventure at home to write about! I will for sure be here to read all about it. Hang in there, you got a lot chapters left to entertain us with. legalmusky, smurfy and Dotch 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted April 6, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted April 6, 2016 (edited) Well yes I have a few good ones saved up, I did have a good one a couple of weeks ago where I passed out in a chair for two minutes, don't remember it all but the wife and daughter were concerned and the daughter would not leave me for the rest of the day till I finally got her to spill the beans. You can see why driving is not something I am going to try and do and fishing out of the boat has to be cleared by the doc.. If I was out for two minutes there had to be story going on in my head for sure, maybe I finally caught MR. Big or had a nurse that was not old enough to be my mother! I agree on Fencelines good story this week I like when you make mention of the locals who go out of there way to help just because that is the way they are, not enough of them kind of people in this world. 2 hours ago, Dotch said: Don't worry about your spelling Bobby. We're used to reading boar's posts anyway! Hope you continue making good progress. Even if I can't feel my fingers I think I can still type better then Boar! Edited April 6, 2016 by Bobby Bass vermilionfox, legalmusky, smurfy and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leechlake Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 Bobby- if you're bored some day practice getting up. My dad had aced falling down but the getting up was the issue. It's easier said than done but a little practice with a new situation couldn't hurt. After a while, I think my dad loved falling down 'cause he'd call the Lakeport township first responders and they'd come over and help him up. He'd time them. Alway fast because just maybe he had a bump or two for them if they were so inclined. Btw- what you typed about doing the header when you deploy the trolling motor cracked me up. I can't remember how many times I nearly did in the waves of Leech Lake over the years. Even a 20 year old young man can do a header. vermilionfox and Dotch 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RebelSS Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 Maybe Bobby could start a study on Boar's typed characters/sentences, since they somewhat resemble the ones on the Kensington Runestone. We could be looking at some living history here, and Bobby might be able to uncover a direct link between the two. ANYFISH2, smurfy, Dotch and 1 other 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted April 8, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted April 8, 2016 MERLE HAGGARD PASSED away the other the day and I can’t say I was really a fan but I have heard of him. Pretty sure we don’t have any of his music in the jukebox at the Lodge but I am also pretty sure we do have a couple of eight tracks of his music hidden away somewhere. Back in the seventies when my buddy Chuck and I drove all over Fish County in my ¾ Chevy pickup with the bed rack that carried the 12’ Jon Boat and the 7.5 hp Clinton outboard we would stop at resorts and his music always seemed to be playing. Of course that was back in the days where just about every lake had at least one resort and sometimes two. Nothing like today where if you asked where the resort was someone would point out a vacant spot along the shoreline and say that is where it used to be. We both worked the night shift back then which left our days and afternoons open for fishing or hunting grouse or in the best of times we could do both on a fall afternoon. Always in search of new water we would drive down good looking grouse roads to find small lakes hidden out of sight and most of the time a small resort would be at the end of the road. Usually a ma and pa place ran by a retired couple of who catered to a few locals and some repeat customers. Long before GPS and overhead mapping we would look through our well worn and tattered plot book to try and figure out where we were. Wearing tee shirts and shorts and tennis that had seen better days me with my long red hair and Chuck with his blond hair we would get a few looks when we climbed down from the truck. We would have to past inspection by the resort's dog or dogs before heading to the resort screen door which almost always open into a dark small bar with a juke box playing either Country or Western music as that was the only kind of music played out there. We would exchange HIYA’s with the owner and he would watch us from behind the bar as we sipped on a soda or a beer depending on where the sun was in the sky that day. We would go through that feeling out process as we tried to find out if there were bass in the lake and where were the big ones. If we were getting good information we would order the cheeseburger basket and I don’t think we were ever disappointed by the size of the burger or the crispy French fries. Before you know it we would be exchanging lakes and talking of the places we had explored. The owner would talk about meaning to get around to fishing such and such lake but he was always to busy working on his own place. That is how we learned that if we ever wanted to keep fishing never buy a resort. Some lakes we didn’t fish but a lot of them we did. The Jon boat would come off the truck rack and the gas tank put inside. Clinton tighten onto the transom and the small trolling motor attached to the bow. We would push off and go try out the spots on the lake that were pointed out but we would also hit the spots where no one ever caught any fish, funny how sometimes we did pretty good in those dead spots. Keeping an eye on the clock we would fish till we ran out of time. A lot of days we barely made it back home to clean up and get to work on time. Some lakes we return to fish a second time, some lakes I still fish today. Most of them no longer have resorts or small bars with cheeseburger baskets. Lucky for us we still have the Lodge at Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 35 <>< hoppe56307, Dotch, ANYFISH2 and 3 others 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted April 14, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted April 14, 2016 WHY DO WIFE'S have to change the location of furniture in the house come spring? Last night I went to go to bed and as usual I did not turn on the bedroom light. I put my hand up against the wall, took one step backwards and sat down on where the bed has been for twenty years, it was not there last night. I missed the bed by maybe six inches but planted myself firmly into the floor on my behind. Being very fall concern I fell as good as I could have hoped for. This of course brought up a heated conversation of just what a difference six inches can make. Spring might actually show up here in the next few days as both Stormy Clearweather and Sunshine Ray are calling for sunshine and increased temperatures. I was outside for awhile yesterday as it looked good outside till you got out there and that north wind quickly changed your mind. The son in law was over and he unloaded that pallet of dirt bags that I bought and then restacked the frozen bags back on the pallet closer to the garden. Speaking of the son in law we should be seeing lot more of him this summer as the Mystery River bridge receiving funding for an up grade and the son in law is a steel worker. Looks like he will be working on the bridge till mid fall and is already talking about he and his crew will be having their own fishing contest during their lunch hours. Duncan and I went outside and sat in the sunshine and counted bags as he unloaded the trailer and offered encouragement. Was the least I can do since I could not help and Duncan was more interested in laying on his back with his paws pointed skyward rolling in something that did not really smell all that good. Have not been writing much as I really have not had much to say. Been thinking a lot but sometimes thoughts just don’t travel well to the keyboard. On a long stretch of chemo here and side effects are catching up on me which means I have to make more adjustments. Getting old I’ll tell you and it is hard to keep up a good front and not get upset with those around me. Not there fault just the drugs talking. Good thing Duncan is usually close at hand as he seems he can never do no wrong so he does not give me a reason to yell at him. That and the fact that most of the time he is close at hand so I can reach down and tug an ear or pat his side. Fishing countdown continues for you guys, under a month now. I am maybe looking at sometime in June but that is doubtful. Seems when I have a problem my answer is "I need to go fishing" don’t think I ever really had a bad day of fishing and time spent on the water is never wasted. Perhaps with this warmer weather arriving I will spend some time out on the deck and the sunshine and a warm breeze will give me a little better attitude. Heading to the Mayo end of the month so that is going to be a road trip. The lake for the month of May might be a little quiet as I don’t as of yet know if I have to stay down there. Hoping not I would rather be here on the shores of Lake Iwanttobethere ><> 29 <>< Wellesy, Dotch, legalmusky and 3 others 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANYFISH2 Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 I sure hope you have been staying busy at the lake, Bobby! Sure Missing your reports from Lake. Good luck down at the Mayo, hope to here from you soon after your return. God bless, Brian hoppe56307 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted April 27, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted April 27, 2016 Had to cancel the Mayo trip for now, spent last several days in the hospital up here with a blood clot in my leg, a side effect of chemo I am told so I have to get that taken care of before I can resquel Mayo. Not much going on here at the Lake as I have been in a 12x12 room for the past few days and Didn't see much but a reported cold wind busted up tree tops and nurses complaining about hearing their furnaces still running at night. Needless to say I didn't get any rest at the hospital so That I what I am going to try and do today and tomorrow Back here at lake Iwanttobethere < 15<>< Wellesy, Dotch, vermilionfox and 4 others 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dotch Posted April 27, 2016 Share Posted April 27, 2016 Great to see a post from you Bobby. Best place to get some rest is at home inside where it's warm, although it might be warmer there than it is here today. At least it doesn't appear like it's raining there right now. Take care buddy. We miss you! ANYFISH2 and legalmusky 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RebelSS Posted April 27, 2016 Share Posted April 27, 2016 Get rested up well, then we'll get ya all fixed up when ya get down here! Good to hear from ya, sir! ANYFISH2 and legalmusky 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Bobby Bass Posted May 2, 2016 Author Popular Post Share Posted May 2, 2016 Was going to post a story today but I had four grandkids here for the day and I made them work for their supper, and lunch to for that matter! Perhaps tomorrow after I make my morning rounds of the doctors in the big city I will have something to say. Till then I am reading the Good Morning thread to keep up on what is going on around here! legalmusky, Dotch, ANYFISH2 and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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