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Wondering what you folks think about this product. I've heard bad and good. I've also heard rumors that it's not really safe to use. The vet is saying we really should put Ella on it but I'm back and forth about it. Any info and your opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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I've been using it on my dogs for 5 years and so do all my buddies. I have never had any problem with it and it really works well. I've never had a flea problem even though my dogs retrieve rabbits that are full of them. It also repels ticks and kills the ones that attach before they can pass lymes. I'd definitely recomend it.

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I recommend the Frontline too. I have a Springer and when she gets her nose going, it can take hours to get her out of the woods. Not sure how many years I have been using it, but I have never had a problem with it, and it DOES keep the ticks and fleas off of her!


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I have been using it on my Lab for 3 years and have only found two ticks on her. I would recomend it 100%.

The vet and everyone I have talked to have never mentioned anything bad about it. Has anyone heard anything negative about it?

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I bought some Frontline from the vet last Friday. I asked him about the safety of the product. He explained that several years ago there was a safety issue with a certain chemical that was in Frontline. Apparently that chemical would get into the dog's blood stream and maybe could have caused some problems. However that chemical is no longer used in the Frontline that is on the market now days. This Frontline absorbs into the skin and does not penetrate into the blood stream so it's safe.

Some dogs might get a rash from it I suppose, or some other kind of skin irritation. I imagine that some dogs have sensitive skin just like people.

My personal opinion on Frontline is that it is a safe product. Just my two cents.

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I've used it for several years with great success, however I ran into a problem with my new GSP. After she was on it for about 2 weeks, her coat started getting really beached out near the application area and she developed severe dandruff. She was BEGGING to be scratched as it obviously itched badly and her hair was falling off by the handfuls. Best guess is an allergic reaction and I am going to try it again but maybe "ramp up" the doeage this time (use 1/2 the amount , wait a week and use the other half). Hopefully she will be ok with it as I think it is a great product.

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I used tick collars 5-6 years ago and always had grapes on the dog. Switched to frontline and have never found a plump tick. The stuff flat out works great.

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I've used biospot but now that tick season has arrived I'm not so impressed so far. I've pulled off of 2 ticks already. I was wondering where is the cheapest place to get frontline plus?

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You can get Frontline at Wal-Mart but it's not as strong (or as good in my opinion) as the stuff you get from the vet. I just paid $40 for 3 doses (1 dose a month) at my vet. I think most vet places sell Frontline.

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I went from Frontline to Biospot. I haven't found any live ticks on my dogs while using both products. I've used biospot for about 3 years.

The dogs and I live in woods, and the dogs play in the forest daily.

For one dog:

Biospot $17 for 6 months.

Frontline $65 for six months.

(Not to mention all the Heartguard expenses too, crazy.gif )

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I had the same experience as Bexter, it seems like the Frontline at Walmart isn't as potent/doesn't last as long, so nowadays I get mine from the vet. Frontline is good stuff, several years ago I used to pick 10-15 ticks a day off my dogs, they'd have all kinds of scabs where the ticks kept congregating, now when I start seeing a tick or two, I reapply it. By mid-July the ticks die down and you're done applying.

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I used Frontline for two years on my black lab with no issues and no ticks but thought the price was outrageous. Tried Bio-Spot and will never go back to Frontline. 4 years and still no ticks. I couldn't be happier. Switched two hunting buddies over to it and they have had the same results. Frontline is good but why pay the step price for a prescription medicine when you can get the same results with an over the counter solution.

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I've never tried Frontline but have been using Bio Spot for several years on all my dogs. I've never seen any ticks on them when I'm using the stuff. I also put a couple drops on their ears to help with the flies. I think it also helps with mosquitos.

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I forgot to mention that I've been using Bio-Spot for about the last five years & since work my dog in the water nearly every day, I re-apply it every three weeks. She may get a tick or two on her in the spring, but they fall off dead shortly. No fleas, and it does help repel mosquitoes too! smile.gif It is cheaper, and works great, IMHO.

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I have heard nothing but good things from this product, and that it works exceptionally well. I have a 5 month old black lab, and have been using it on him for the past 2 months and have had no negative affects from the product.

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