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New "Good Morning" thread

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4 hours ago, RebelSS said:

I usually end up tying so many stalks with string for support it looks like friggin' downtown Bangladesh electric company. ;)

and I bet you still got enough rope to tie up the neighb...........ah never mind!!!!!!!!:P:grin:

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Good morning gentlemen,  was a nice sunny morning now it's clouded up. Well the whipper snapper has a softball tourney in sodak this weekend so we're getting ready to take off in a bit. Boy I don't know bout you guy's but my crops exploded the last few days,  all different kinds of peppers are not too far out from plucking,  fifty some maters on the four plants are coming along nicely.  Well you guys take care and have a great weekend,  time to point the ram westbound. ;)

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5 hours ago, Dotch said:

I always give the rams a little pep talk before the breeding season starts. Tell them if they don't perform I'll send for Reb! ;)

they'd know that's an idle threat cause he'd be next door!!!!!!!!!!:grin: 

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Rolled into town about 5:30, man what a weekend in ol sodak. Tournament play was pretty tuff for the kids, most game times ran behind all weekend, especially this morning after the storm came through.  At 2:45 this morning lightning hit the hotel , the fire alarms went off until the local fire guys showed up and shut them off and cleared the hotel as safe, water heaters were out this morning  so that was not fun, but sure is nice to be back home. 

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No doubt about the weather there smurfy. It's really close outside as all the old ladies used to say. Could see some thunderheads already this a.m. in the west although they headed north looks like. Stuff might get more "interesting" than we'd like tonight here.

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26 minutes ago, RebelSS said:

I think we received the heat down here in the swamp. I'm showing 88* on two digital gauges with gag-me humidity. Should be real nice come about five o'clock.....:sick:

All right I will quit complaining. We hit 65 and unless we get some sun there is no way we will hit 74 today.

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45 minutes ago, Jim Almquist said:

Not much since we sold the cabin. Sure do miss the great fishing !!

yea I need  to get back up there. this dang thing called a job gets in the way!!!!!!!!!! :angry::cry::grin: last time was memorial weekend. so your bride give up the forums.

27 minutes ago, RebelSS said:

There's an idea! Let's go fishing!  A nice cool lake, in the shade.... Just hit 92* here...$#@!

anyone hear something???????????:lol::grin:

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51 minutes ago, Dotch said:

She's at 90 here at the ranch presently.OK, only 89.9. I exaggerated. :D Gotta check and make sure everyone has water before I blow this pop stand. At least there's a breeze now.

Ya, nothing like a hot breeze to cool ya down, Dotch!  :D Reminds me of that commercial years ago from VW..".Like a hot wind from the Sahara".....gee, what a memory I have! 


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Just went by St. Olaf Lake a minute ago. Lotsa cars and guessing scantily clad women. Can't see the beach from the road however. Hafta drive over to Beaver Lake for that. :) 

Scirocco! Now there's a blast from the past. A friend from Kuwait had one of those when I was in college. He had lots of nice toys and let's just say he likely violated many of the teachings of his religion. He sure was a blast to be around though. :) 

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