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Hunting reports....


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I've been in the stand all day. Had a small 8 pointer pushing does right at legal light. He came within 10 yds, but he's got a couple years to grow. Had a spike around 9:30 and a lone button buck at 10:30. It was dead til about half hour ago and a doe came by. Unfortunately nothing following her.

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I'm green with envy, fellas! I was swamped at work all week, then flew out to Boston for work this morning. I'll be stuck here until late Wed. I'm hoping to get out in the woods on Thurs and Fri, I may have a football game I need to go to on Fri evening. Aaargh, doesn't the world know the big bucks are starting to move! Why does anything get scheduled for the last week of Oct and the first week of Nov???

Good luck everyone! I hope a good one follows a doe past your stand and gives you a nice, close, broadside shot!

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To be honest scoot, id opt for boston right now.last weekend starting fri the 24 the reletives decide to do some trail and stand maintenece. So all weekend they ran a tracto and brush mower and fourwheelers and saws and drill. Ect.... till then i was get 3-400 pics between two cams. Some nice buckes int the 8 pt range. Hopeing halle would get a shot at. Well 8 days later, just over an hour ago i went in with bow in hand grabed the two cards, sat in blind an proceed to view only 4 pics of deer since they showed up on the 24 th

Really? Two weeks befor rifle they decide to erect and construction site. Obviously they are on the very shaloow end of the gene pool. Im just dumbfonded not mad but just dumbfounded..

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no deer, but 2 squirrels decided to try and make bacon under me. lol. then one climbed a tree next to me and came over for a visit. I tapped the branch a couple times and bye bye. 30 minutes later, same one up the tree and branch to see what i was. Stare down eye to eye on the branch at 2 feet. smile he barked once and then turned around and climbed back down. Old bugger. fun smile

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Out tonight in the big wind, didn't see anything. Out this morning and saw six does, had a nice 22 yard shot at at a mature doe but don't want to end my season yet!!!

Out last night and had a doe and two fawns pass by me at 15 yards, problem was that the doe spotted me and it took her 20 minutes to come by, she could see me but I didn't move, the wind was in my favor, she couldn't confirm with her nose what her eyes told her. Fun!!

Was out Thursday night, watched 8 does and fawns feed, no bucks!! Don't all the magazine articles say this is when the bucks should be out harassing the does?? Bucks have been scarce so far....

Alarm is set for 5:22 tomorrow morning, south wind again.

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Sat for the majority of the afternoon and saw the big Z E R O deer. Not even my buddy the chipmunk was around causing noise. Tried some rattling some but nothing moving. Checking out my camera, I had 91 pictures on it in less than 5 days. Got the card back home and everything is still nocturnal on it. Few small bucks coming through at first light, but the big boys are still after dark. Does are all by themselves, no boys sniffing at them, at least on the camera. Hoping the wind settles down a touch some and I will be out again tomorrow afternoon.

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Sat for the majority of the afternoon and saw the big Z E R O deer. Not even my buddy the chipmunk was around causing noise. Tried some rattling some but nothing moving. Checking out my camera, I had 91 pictures on it in less than 5 days. Got the card back home and everything is still nocturnal on it. Few small bucks coming through at first light, but the big boys are still after dark. Does are all by themselves, no boys sniffing at them, at least on the camera. Hoping the wind settles down a touch some and I will be out again tomorrow afternoon.

Yep, sounds about right. Early yet. Very little daytime movement on camera by any big mature bucks, but some.

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The does near me must be the early estrus type. I had two bucks dogging a doe Saturday morning around 9:30. One was unidentifiable except for his grunting and the other was a little guy who lost out and circled back my way. Last night I had a mature, big buck come by trailing a doe at around 6. I drew back and he stopped in my last shooting lane but he started moving again before I could get locked in and shoot.

It's not pleasant in this wind right now and no deer sightings.

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Just had a tiny six point walk by.

That makes 5 bucks for the day so far..... Nothing even close to big yet though....

Ended up seeing 2 more bucks yesterday, a doe, and a doe with a fawn. One was a small 8 with a messed up rack, he walked the doe's 20 minute old track grunting and rubbing trees as he went.

The last buck I seen was by far the biggest, 2.5 year old that was probably around 100" or so 8 point. He came strolling by at last light also grunting along the way. Looks to be a nice deer next year.

All the midday activity was from 1.5 year old bucks where I was at. I'm taking today off to sight in my rifles and go duck hunting this afternnon.

I have the whole week off and plan to again sit all day on Monday and Wednesday.

Good luck fellas, it's only going to get better from here!!!

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Yesterday evening, had a nice wide thick 8 pointer (guessing 130's) at 70 yards. When I went back to my truck the CO was there waiting for me. We talked for a while and he told me that while he was waiting for me to come out of the woods he saw a nice buck out in the corn stalks. Turns out it was a different buck but came out of the woods within 100 yards of my stand.

This morning on the way to where I hunt there were deer out moving all over. Got to my stand and saw nothing for the first 45 minutes. I am not a fan of rattling or grunting as I feel it is over done and scares more deer than it draws in. With all the deer I saw moving before shooting light I figured I should give it a shot. I barely start rattling and I see a deer sprinting through the brush. It is the nice buck I saw last evening. By the time I get my bow in my hand he is in the opening looking my direction, he is at 25 yards. After he stands and looks for 30 seconds or so without giving me an opportunity to draw, he turns and walks away quickly. I tried grunting at him but that just sped him up.

In this area the bucks are moving, but not really chasing does yet.

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neighbor boy shot a six this morning that was all alone. Sitting here on the couch I get a call from the neighbor and a huge buck just moved between our 2 houses. Enormous 10 point casually strolling through the yard in no particular hurry at 915 this morning. It is heating up!


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Saw one very large buck at 730 today strolling through the woods nose to the ground, to far for a shot and ignored my grunts. Has 2 coyotes come through shortly after. Sitting the truck now eating alittle lunch heading back out in a few sure hope the evening pickups!!

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Nothing yesterday or this morning. Checked the cam and had a tall spike with one side broke off at 3am. No deer besides this has came through in the last couple days. I'm in a nice little funnel area. I'll give er a go again this afternoon.

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First time up in the tree stand for me this year. Making it an all day sit. Had a doe and fawn come through with their tounges hanging out and 15 minutes later a 4 pointer grunted all the way around the base of my tree. then he followed the exact trail the doe and fawn went. I'm not in the best spot but I have a number of scrapes and a couple rubs close to my stand. It's just great to be out again.

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Just got set up for the afternoon sit. The plan was to take advantage of the wind noise and hang a new stand in the valley. I started walking back at 1 and there was another truck parked in the field. Since I didn't know where he was sitting and not wanting to mess up his hunt I dropped the lone wolf at the field edge and went to a different stand with a good wind. As I was walking in, there was a 6 pt pushing 2 does under my stand. I found cover and nocked an arrow but Mr Big never showed. After a while they made their way through the valley and over the ridge so I could get in the stand. Tonight should be a good night.

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Tonight was rough, wind was really swirling. On the file edge I could see the leaves blowing off the tree heading north, the same way I was facing, yet in the woods, I could feel the wind on my face and the leaves we're traveling south as they fell. Should have worked in my favor except the one deer that did come through was a little doe and she came in behind me. She did wind me and blew no less than 30 times in 10 minutes. I actually started counting when she wouldn't quit and I got all the way up to 15 as I was leaving. What a turd.

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Sat from noon to dark at a WMA near lakeville. It seemed lie a good evening and I was set up in an area with good sound. Unfortunately at about 2 small game hunters started stomping around and blasting their .410s. I had one guy walk to within 30 yards of my stand but when he saw me he adjusted his route. Needless to say I didn't see any deer tonight.

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I hunted yesterday and was shut out didn't see a thing til of course while pulling out on the field road there's Mr. Big on the other side of the main tar road. This seems to happen to me at least once a year. Tonight was much better had a 2 doe and a fawn come out across the corn field from me then 3 different doe came out from a different area. All 6 met up and meandered away to the west. Then right before sunset a spike and 2 doe came out in the field straight north of me. The buck pushed the 2 does around for probably 10 minutes then they split up and one of them was walking toward me and came within 75 yds then hit the trees and disappeared. The spike followed her to the edge of the field and I hit the rattle bag he stopped for a second then kept walking and I hit the rattle bag again and he stopped again to look my way but kept on after the doe. I still had about a good 20 minutes of shooting time left and thought I was hearing a buck grunting several times behind me but couldn't see him at all. At last light I was ready to go so I grabbed my bow and reached for my quiver and knocked the arrow off the rest and immediately saw a doe off to my right about 30 yds out never saw her at all. So I figured I'd give it a couple more minutes to see what happens because I could still see my 20 yd pin somewhat. Almost immediately I heard a buck snorting behind me to my left and he was love struck he must of snorted at least 20 times I couldn't see him at all and was ready fo Mr. Big to appear then I saw him and nope it was the fork that had been playing the movie star on my all of cameras for the past few months. Any way he grunted the whole time he made a scrape and tore up a couple innocent prickly ash trees. He ended up walking way towards the doe grunting the whole time. I bet that little forkhorn grunted a hundred times if not more.

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Saturday was Ok, saw 2 bucks 2 does. Yesterday was much better, 6 bucks, 2 does. They were really into the doe decoy, had to stand it back up 3 times. Only saw one nice buck, tending a doe and couldn't get him off her. First time I've seen that one during the day. Son shot a decent 8 last night. Several nice bucks registered yesterday in Polk Cty Wi.

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