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Thats wat its all about scoot, the first time I had my son in stand, it was dftly quiet an could hear a mouse fart, as the sun came up an strted to shine the world awake, nick decide to break that errie silence with his butt trumpet, RRRUUUUUUMMMMPT putt putt slitch spoosh. He look at me with a ear to ear grin for aproval an We laughed the rest of the day an never saw a deer. Man was that fun.

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boar, that's funny stuff! I love it!!!

It was a fun evening, but I sure was ticked off at my ridiculous mistake. Now that I'm a couple days away it's pretty funny stuff. I can still see the look on my kids faces- complete confusion. Understandably, they couldn't figure out what had just happened. It was pretty funny...

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Went out yesterday afternoon and saw nothing.

Went back out this afternoon to a different stand.

Bumped the "Big Boy" out of his bed on the way in.

Saw one other doe in the distance.

Lots of fresh tracks and they have been digging in the rye grass plot.

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Scoot smile and shrug it off,your kids were with and it was a great memory made.

P.S. on the miss I had almost the same thing happend about 13 years ago. I was wearing my work gloves that were crusty from pvc glue. As I drew and started to drop the pin down and curve my finger on the trigger my trigger finger didn't bend because how stiff the gloves were and sent one 4 inches over her back

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Awesome stories. You just have to laugh. Guess I can come clean on the tree I killed this fall after letting an arrow fly at a mature doe I had in my sights. Total concentration on the deer is all I can figure. Man was I mad. The loud bang as the arrow sunk into the tree made the doe freak! Shattered the arrow and left the broadhead deep in the bark. Doooh! BC

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Awesome stories. You just have to laugh. Guess I can come clean on the tree I killed this fall after letting an arrow fly at a mature doe I had in my sights. Total concentration on the deer is all I can figure. Man was I mad. The loud bang as the arrow sunk into the tree made the doe freak! Shattered the arrow and left the broadhead deep in the bark. Doooh! BC

Oh do I know that feeling!! My only issue is that I missed so badly I have to take a step ladder out to the woods to get the arrow because it's so high up. I had probably 10 sits after I did that where I had to look at that arrow and remember that shot... ugh.

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Heading out tonight for the first time in almost a month.. Not overly optimistic, but after watching a couple shows and reading a few things it got the blood flowing again like it was opener. Should be a beautful afternoon and clouds are suppose to roll in this evening, now if it will only pull a deer through crazy

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Sat near a small block of standing corn last night. Saw a large deer in the distance on the cut portion of the field and just as it disappeared back into the woods two does came running out at a fast pace. They ran 20 yds in front of me and past my partner further down the field edge and disappeared into the standing corn. On our way out there were numerous new tracks coming into the other side of the standing corn. The sightings were right at 4:30 before dark.

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End of legal shooting time was 5:05 yesterday. I didn't see a deer until 4:56 (I glanced at my watch just as I saw movement). Four deer came to 20 yards broadside. With no decent bucks on the trailcam I didn't have a reason to hold off any longer.


I put a good shot on her- I field dressed her with the gutless method so I'm not certain, but I'd guess I clipped the heart and got both lungs. She ran about 50 yards, stood for a couple seconds, then wobbled and dropped. I love watching 'em drop!

I've still got a ND tag, but I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to try fill it. Hopefully I'll sneak out another time or two, but we'll see...

Deer hunting was really tough for me this year. I got out plenty, but I never once laid eyes on a buck I wanted to shoot. I passed three ear wide 8 pointers and an ear wide 10 pointer, so I certainly can't complain. However, I wanted those bucks to grow and hoped for a better one. I sat in a lot of good spots, but that big buck never strolled by. Maybe I'll find him on a final ND sit, but if not, I've had a very, very fun season again. Man I love bowhunting!!!

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Almost closed the deal on a doe tonight. Bad planning on my part led to a "no shoot" decision. Didn't dress as warm as I needed to because I figured I could last an hour in my blind. Bad timing led me to getting in for 1:45. Completely frozen by the time the deer showed up. Gave me a nice broadside shot at 30 yards and I just couldn't control the shivering enough to feel comfortable making the shot. Don't regret not shooting but sure do wish I would have dressed warmer.

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12/7/12 - With the end of the season approaching and my daughter asking about deer sticks, I decided that it was time to give up on the trophy buck chase. I scouted some fields each night after work to see what pattern the does were on and was able to zero in one field that was being used almost every night.

12/11/12 - I stopped to meet the landowner and ask permission. He gave me the thumbs up, which makes 6 of 8 successes in that category, and explained the lay of his land. I was very impressed by the generousity of folks this year when it came to allowing me to enjoy their properties!

12/12/12 - I snuck in and hung a stand over an extended lunch break smile

12/14/12 - A buddy and I went out to hunt and check things out. I dropped him off on the North end of the field and then went to my stand to the South in a wooded area between the field and what I believed was the bedding area. I saw one doe that night but she stayed on another property as she made her way to feed. My buddy was able to harvest a button buck that night from the edge of the field. Success on the first outing - awesome!

12/15-12/22 - I had limited opportunity to hunt and the few times I did weren't ideal for deer movement in shooting light. I did see some deer but always too far out or too late.

12/22/12 - Saturday late AM I went in and hung a new stand on another route they were taking. Hanging a stand in sub-freezing temps with snow on the ground presented some challenges...the result was bruised legs, frozen hands, and lots of noise, but I got it hung. I stayed clear of the area over the holiday.

12/26/12 - I was able to hunt the afternoon. I decided that the NW wind was best for the stand that I hung on the 12th. Besides, it was about 8 degrees and I figured that I would probably struggle to hang tight so I didn't want to ruin my new stand location. I climbed in just before 3PM and sat in dead silence until 4:40 when I saw some deer moving from the bedding area. There were 4 total (2 younger does, a small buck, and a mature doe) all marching single file towards me on route to the field. I grabbed my bow and held it in front of me as they reached 150 yds and came into the open. From there it all went textbook. The mature doe was last in line and the other 3 marched right past me. I drew back as she went behind the last bit of cover and waited for her to offer the shot. She walked to 27yds nearly broadside before I let fly and "whack" - just like that it was over. She ended up about 110 yds from my stand.

2 Notes I took away:

1) It doesn't take long to get frostbite on bare skin in contact with a cold bow grip.

2) Don't trust NAP Spitfire to deploy in that situation. Only one of the 3 blades deployed. I don't know what the cause was as I didn't have moisture in there to freeze...maybe a bad broadhead? I'll certainly inspect my broadhead closer from now on.



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