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What is everybody seeing for rut action?

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Coming into work today there was a giant standing on the side of the road. Just stood there. I pulled up in the car, rolled the window down and stared for a good 30 seconds or so. I knew he was probably pushing 160 or better, but didn't wanna put a number to him other than GIANT! Got to work and was about to tell the boys about it, and they started asking me if I saw him. They passed him standing in the ditch, same spot, about 15 minutes before I came through. Must have been a hot doe in the area to keep him around that long. So with the 4 of us that saw him, guesstimating he was between 160-170. Impressive to say the least

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HUnted North Dakota from last Thursday through Monday in the rain, snow and winds from 15-30 plus mph the whole time.

Bucks were chasing very good. maybe the best I have seen in the 26 years I have hunted North Dakota. Many bucks chasing does, I shot a 9 going close to 200 pounds in weight. Had a 10 15 yards from me but I never heard it and turned my head and there it stood. Tried to draw back but I knew I would get busted.

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In Rochester there was a death match between my norway spruce and a buck that comes through the back yard periodically. Score bambi 1, spruce 0.

Atleast you still have branches, mine looks like a very large toothpick. I'm kind of liking the lack of action. This may be the first time I'll be able to see a little rut action in cheese land. 2 more days..

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On the way home from work this morning, I seen a real nice buck paying real good attention to a doe.....

As far as seeing any activity in the woods, not much.

Actually seen a few does that walked by a buck and no reaction at all, not sure if they were bred already, bigger buck around or ?

Seemed kind of funny to me.

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fawns around here have been kicked off for close to 3 weeks now.

Have seen the does come back in the evening to check on them up until a week ago.

couple days ago put out a buck decoy and buckP {from chuck's farm} placed around it, It turned a nice 8 around in his tracks. He was fixin to bust the decoy but I dropped my glove from the stand so he wouldn't. It landed in the leaves and made a soft enough sound just enough to put him back at ease and on the trail again.

The bucks have some pent up frustaration still, but the boys are running the woods. Still mainly near dusk but.... last night he was out an hour earlier around 4. This afternoon he was with a doe in the middle of the day.

What really worried me was daylight saving change. That morning going in an hour later I busted 6 to 8 deer on the way in.

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SE MN, camera action made me very happy Monday- 8:47am 140's 8pt same day solid 8pt 12:11pm,Tuesday Solid 130 8pt-with doe 10:07am, they have started to move during the day for me now, hopefully tomorrow morning will be an end to a long wait. Just in time to get one before the orange armies 3b season! smile

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got this from this morning at 345am.

Nice 10 but to young. Looks like a 2-1/2yo.

Small belly, small feet, hocks [tarsels} not dark.

Been working out on some trees so his neck and shoulders look

dispraportionate to his actual body structure. Dews are definantly not leaving imprints in his tracks.

He's following a doe trail. At that time of morning he should be heading back to bed which is no where near this camera location.

I'm sure if he was more mature his tarsels would be darkend by this point of the game.


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What really worried me was daylight saving change. That morning going in an hour later I busted 6 to 8 deer on the way in.

I think you were bound to bust those 6 to 8 deer regardless of daylight savings time. Relative to sunrise you were probably there the same time you would have been had the clocks not been set back.

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This afternoon around 4:30 on my way home from work there was a LARGE antlered deer standing with a doe on the SE corner of the HWY 110E and Dodd rd. intersection very close to the corner. It was during a red light so I saw him for about 20 seconds and he didn't move an inch and was standing pretty tough. The doe looked very weak and weary, and was possibly about ready to give it up to him! Crazy part was I didn't see anyone else even giving the scene a look even though the deer were within 15 yds of the Hwy. Darn city folks!

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Its been slow in my neck of the woods lots of night time pictures. I have two diferent does with twin fawns and as of last week they both had there fawns still. No chasing yet i have 7 different bucks on camera in the last 3 months all at 330am. I have only saw 3 deer on stand this year at my main hunting spot a fork buck and a doe( the spike and doe was during firarms my sister shot at the doe and missed) wish i could at least put something in the freezer.

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I think you were bound to bust those 6 to 8 deer regardless of daylight savings time. Relative to sunrise you were probably there the same time you would have been had the clocks not been set back.

after getting to my stand that morning and my watch was blinking 645

I still had hopes someone else would push me something back.

I won't be making another mistake like that again.

I knew not to pressure anyfurther so I sat on the ground instead of making more noise by clanking my stand trying to get set. It was pretty much a wash.

Deer will toleate noise pretty well but I'm sure they had enough from the git.

I've snort wheezed, rattled and grunted and havn't had anything pop out.

The decoy worked because the 8pt buck came through making a scrape.

I might need to move my stand but I'll prolly throw one extra stand on his trail soon. Problem is, is it's to close to their breedin area too.

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Not a buck to be found so far. Two does hanging around with two fawns but that is it for action on my end. How late could this go on with the fawns hanging around before the does come into estrus? Seems little late doesn't it or is this sometimes the norm?

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From my trail cams I am seeing most of the rutting activity taking place at night. Buck movement has been really high after dark this year, possibly due to the warmer weather but midday activity has been steady between 10 aND 2 with bucks seen cruising in the middle of the afternoon. Kind of a strange rut this year, I haven't seen nearly as many bucks during daylight but could be from a variety of factors from pressure to weather to stand burnout. I think this week is going to be awsome with more daytime movement and bucks out cruising for the last few does. I can hardly wait to get into the woods!


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