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Don't You Hate it When.....


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...you look behind you for the noise you thought you heard, then turn back to find a deer in your shooting lane looking right at you?

...you get all excited and grab your bow when you hear deer running down the hill towards you, only to finally see two squirrels chasing each other?

...you've been sitting quietly in your treestand for a while when you finally realize your bow is still on the end of your rope at the bottom of the tree?

...a train or airplane or gust of wind or whatever comes along just as you're certain you heard something?

...you feel the wind tickle the back of your neck?

Just a few things that happened to me before. Thought it might be fun to see what things bug you while hunting.

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...after sneaking into your stand an hour before light and just as its getting light enough to see a buck sneaking through the swamp right towords you. You raise your gun and the buck turns and stops broadside at 20 yards. You pull the trigger and hear a loud click. Buck also hears the click and is gone. YOU FORGOT TO PUT A BULLET IN THE CHAMBER.

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...you ready yourself for the deer you know are coming out of the woods behind your blind from the loud crunching of leaves, but then everything goes silent and a second later the half dozen or so does in the woods start blowing, sounding like alternating sets of fingers scraping down a chalkboard...

...you head back to the house from your Urban hunting spot after downing a doe and come back 15 minutes later to find the neighbor dog, a white german shepherd has already gutted it for you, though a little messier than you'd have liked him too...

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You are in the bow stand and a shooter buck comes out in the field and is walking towards you....bow in hand...release clipped on...ready to draw back...and someone drives past slow about 600yds out on the gravel road and spooks it back into the woods never to be seen again!

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You go to your cabin in NW Wisconsin rifle hunting for the week, and you arrive Friday night about 10. You wake up in the morning, and grab your hunting bag, and take your gun out of the case, and realize you grabbed your 12 ga bird gun instead of the 30-06

Or you are sitting in your blind, see a nice big doe, you shoot, and see your arrow fly side ways, then realize your arrow hit the screen of your window. Happened this season

Your sitting in stand, you see a decent shooter buck come walking in, you grab your bow, draw back, and you hear a grunting noise behind me, you turn your head and look, see a bigger buck, so you turn to it, it runs off, turn back to the first one, it runs off. Happened this season

Your sitting in stand on a nice chilly morning, a bundled up, you see 2 deer come in, a decent doe about 25 yards away, you take your shot, you see your arrow hit a tree 10 feet to your left. Grr

5 minutes later, the doe you shot at and cut your screen on your blind, comes walking in , you figure, you might as well try another arrow, yup, another tree, 10 feet to the left. So you wait until the deer leave, climb down and go sight in your bow, yup, you guessed it, dead on! Then I find out my string hit my coat sleeve. Grr Happened this season.

Or when you are up north deer hunting, and the Vikings and Packers play Monday night football, so you decide to go to the local establishment, and have a few until the game is over. Go back to the cabin, and have a few more, pass out. Wake up bright and early at noon, walk out to stand, fall a sleep, wake up about 430, to see a a large buck walking through your shooting lane, and just cuts into the woods, as you are grabbing your gun, 5 minutes later, you hear your neighbor shoot. Next morning the neighbor stops up at noon, and says, you should swing over and see the big one I shot last night, and he said, you should have been sitting in your stand, it came right from that trail. I told him I seen the deer, and I am not going over to look at it. Grr

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Dont you hate it when prime time is approaching, an your senses are on high alert, an you know that feeling, its gonna happen, you just know it is, its deathly quiet, snap! gose a twig, an you ever so slowly turn your head to see A FLIPPING DEER! come on get outa hear1, crudy thing!

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........you climb into your stand, get everything set and realize you left your release at the truck or worse yet, you get to your hunting spot only to realize you left your bow at home.

....you forget to set your phone to vibrate and it rings just as a deer is coming in, you answer the call and it is a distraught female pleading with you to take her back, hysterical on the other end of the line, you tell her your not "the guy", hang up only to have her immediately call back before you can get the phone to silent.


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Drawing back on a bonus doe when the release you have used for 20 years (and probably shot at least 20K arrows through) decides to let loose from the strap sending an arrow about 20 feet over the doe while the metal release strikes you between the eyes and nearly knocks you out of your stand!

Coming to full draw on a late season buck when the arrow pops off your rest and the broadhead tip gets stuck in your glove and you can't get it loose as the buck walks by.

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Its deathly quiet and you haven't seen a deer all morning so you pick up the rattle bag, antlers, etc... and hit them once only to see a huge buck staring at you 40 yards away.

Right at last light you hear something you know is not a squirrel come walking up behind you only to look down and see a skunk.

When you check the forecast and check the wind at the truck only to make it to your stand and have the wind switch to the worst possible direction an hour later.

When you get in your stand and its good and dark and just before legal shooting hours when everything is still grey, you can make out a nice buck but can't find him in your sites.

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....when you grunt in the biggest buck you have had in your sights,right in the last 5 minutes of shooting light and a drop of water fills the peep sight (the one you made sure was clear every few minutes while it was raining) you draw on him broadside at 12 yards, not see pin, realize what is going on, suck out water, find pin, and see you no longer have a shot

....you go on an out of state bow hunting trip and when you arrive an arrow with a broadhead has somehow slipped out of the quiver and cut the string while its in the case.

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"Or you are sitting in your blind, see a nice big doe, you shoot, and see your arrow fly side ways, then realize your arrow hit the screen of your window"

Were you using expandables? Never had a problem with fixed blades. BUT I did have something similar happen last year when my son, then 7 was with me. I forgot to remember the obvious that my arrow and rest are actually several inches lower than my sight and had the sight pin on the doe right in the corner of the blind window. Soooo, the arrow went through the blind wall on the way out and skimmed the doe's leg. Ughh. Difference between our first deer with him along and nada. But he sure had a lot of fun, telling everyone how I "shot AT a deer." Meaning, not making fun of me, but he was filled with enthusiasm and excited about it to just tell everyone we were hunting.

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You've already come to full draw on 2 different shooter bucks but couldn't close the deal and then your wife texts you and says, "it's time. I think my water broke" then you wait another 15 minutes let your bow down to the ground only to see another shooter buck 40 yards away coming in on the trail...Don't get your loved one pregnant in February...not worth it.

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Dad always brings the wrong gun for the bullets he takes along, pretty common so I just bring extra bullets I have taken from him over the years, from his caliber.

Hate it when you dont read the instructions that the climbing stand comes with a string to connect the two pieces together. just sitting there watching the woods in quite scenery. lifted my foot just a bit and Whoosh im sitting in my top piece with the gun feet dangling

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Your sitting in a stand up by Waskish and it is getting into prime time in the afternoon. You then hear something, your getting excited, you get ready, and this big wolf comes in, and lay's down 20 feet from your stand for a nap. Then you realize, it is almost dark, and you forgot your flashlight back at the cabin. So you decide to try to spook the wolf away, by making noise. Nothing spooked it, coughing, yelling hey. So you grab a twig from the tree, throw it at it, and it starts to growl, not knowing where the stick came from. So, I make a lot of noise, banging on the tree, it finally got up ant walked away. But now it was dark, and I had to find my way back through the thick woods, no flashlight, with a drowsy cranky large wolf in the area.

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you're bowhunting the edge of a woodlot and some pheasant hunters come thru 40 yards away, worse yet, they jump one and start banging away, you're hoping that the pheasant isn't flying toward you.

Or when your hunting public land and you can hear the .22 shells from squirrel hunters zing by you in the tree stand. Hmmm, I'm up a tree, squirrels are up a tree, The are at the bottom of the bluff and I am at the top, somethings not right here......

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I get a chuckle out of these - many I can relate to!

...you've been sitting quietly in your treestand for a while when you finally realize your bow is still on the end of your rope at the bottom of the tree?

This one happens to me at least once a season. This year, it just so happened to be opening day. After about a half hour in the stand, I went to do a practice draw to keep my muscles loose and no bow!

... When you're walking to your stand and nature calls and you reach for the tp in your pack and realize you're out. Dry, crackly oak leaves don't work very well.

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