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Views from the stand

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Stand fully equipped while watching the shooting lanes.


Left side shooting lane running to the SE from my gun stand.


Right side shooting lane running to the SW from my gun stand.


Better view of the SE lanes


Tools of the trade, plus some orange for the occasion.


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Last years bow buck stood right there in that opening.


He came along that brush pile & cross the fence by that black trunked Maple tree.


This is the other lane to the West where I could have shot a young 6 point a while before the 11 came through.


This is what the big guy looked like the Friday morning before gun season as I walked up to him. Results of a successful stand setup.


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Views from a couple stands of mine!! This is from a tree line i am set up in overlooking a first year clover patch that was recently cut followed by about 40 acres of millet and crp (native grass) on both sides!



This from a heavily wooded area that we cut somewhat of a runway through! Lookin south!


And back north!


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The gun stand in my one sequence is about 16' but it's at the top of a ridge that drops off quickly. The bottom of my shooting lanes are close to 30' lower. Don't get seen up there too often, once I think, that was because I was ignoring this doe to shoot at a different deer. It's very difficult to tell how big or small one deer is down in those lanes. They all look short.

The bow stand views in the other sequence is about 18'. I got spotted, I think by the same buck while at full draw, in the same tree the year before, so when I rehung the stand & I went up about 3'. Not sure if that made the difference or if my luck was just better...

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View to the north. There's an oak ridge that runs east to west about 50 yards away. Creates a nice funnel to a picked corn field.


View to the east. 40 yards to the woods edge and 50 yards to the pine plot. Does bed in the pines.


View to the South.


View to the West.


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Dark Cloud -

It kinda looks like your in someones back yard.

Yep, my dads 70 acre back yard. cool A few of our stands have mowed areas or food plots. Your looking at a mowed path/area in that pict...

I have some other picts i'll post after work and hunting this evening...

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Okay I finally got out hunting. This is one of my Twin Cities stands. The other is about 50 yards away but covers completely different trails. Each stand is setup for a different wind direction

View to the West, swamp (bedding area) beyond the pine trees:


View to the North, my other stand is about 50 yards away.


Shooting area, Most deer will either come from the North (left) or SW (right):


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Sorry to hear you've got it too. It's terrible stuff. The only good thing is that it provides cover well into the fall. I'm going to try and do some hinge cutting this winter to provide some better bedding cover and keep at it with the food plots. All a guy can do without burning the woods down.

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oh my! Hinge cut buckthorn! Please cut it, and treat the stump with 41% round up. Yes, my pics have some buckthorn in them, too. I wish I would have cut the big ones and treated them with round-up, but didn't know better at the time. Now in the Spring when the ground is soft, or maybe even during a wet stretch of summer I'll be pulling all the small buckthorn. The small ones pull easy enough.

Great pics everyone. Thanks for sharing.

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